weka.classifiers.trees.adtree |
Java Source File Name | Type | Comment |
PredictionNode.java | Class | Class representing a prediction node in an alternating tree. |
ReferenceInstances.java | Class | Simple class that extends the Instances class making it possible to create
subsets of instances that reference their source set. |
Splitter.java | Class | Abstract class representing a splitter node in an alternating tree. |
TwoWayNominalSplit.java | Class | Class representing a two-way split on a nominal attribute, of the form:
either 'is some_value' or 'is not some_value'. |
TwoWayNumericSplit.java | Class | Class representing a two-way split on a numeric attribute, of the form:
either 'is < some_value' or 'is >= some_value'. |