weka.core |
Java Source File Name | Type | Comment |
AdditionalMeasureProducer.java | Interface | Interface to something that can produce measures other than those
calculated by evaluation modules. |
AlgVector.java | Class | Class for performing operations on an algebraic vector
of floating-point values. |
AllJavadoc.java | Class | Applies all known Javadoc-derived classes to a source file. |
Attribute.java | Class | Class for handling an attribute. |
AttributeExpression.java | Class | A general purpose class for parsing mathematical expressions
involving attribute values. |
AttributeLocator.java | Class | This class locates and records the indices of a certain type of attributes,
recursively in case of Relational attributes. |
AttributeStats.java | Class | A Utility class that contains summary information on an
the values that appear in a dataset for a particular attribute. |
BinarySparseInstance.java | Class | Class for storing a binary-data-only instance as a sparse vector. |
Capabilities.java | Class | A class that describes the capabilites (e.g., handling certain types of
attributes, missing values, types of classes, etc.) of a specific
classifier. |
CapabilitiesHandler.java | Interface | Classes implementing this interface return their capabilities in regards
to datasets. |
Check.java | Class | Abstract general class for testing in Weka. |
CheckGOE.java | Class | Simple command line checking of classes that are editable in the GOE.
CheckGOE -W classname -- test options
Valid options are:
Turn on debugging output.
Silent mode - prints nothing to stdout.
-ignored <comma-separated list of properties>
Skipped properties. |
CheckOptionHandler.java | Class | Simple command line checking of classes that implement OptionHandler.
CheckOptionHandler -W optionHandlerClassName -- test options
Valid options are:
Turn on debugging output.
Silent mode - prints nothing to stdout.
Full name of the OptionHandler analysed. |
CheckScheme.java | Class | Abstract general class for testing schemes in Weka. |
ClassDiscovery.java | Class | This class is used for discovering classes that implement a certain
interface or a derived from a certain class. |
ContingencyTables.java | Class | Class implementing some statistical routines for contingency tables. |
Copyable.java | Interface | Interface implemented by classes that can produce "shallow" copies
of their objects. |
Copyright.java | Class | A class for providing centralized Copyright information. |
Debug.java | Class | A helper class for debug output, logging, clocking, etc. |
DistanceFunction.java | Interface | Interface for any class that can compute and return distances between two
author: Ashraf M. |
Drawable.java | Interface | Interface to something that can be drawn as a graph.
author: Ashraf M. |
EuclideanDistance.java | Class |
Implementing Euclidean distance (or similarity) function.
One object defines not one distance but the data model in which the distances between objects of that data model can be computed.
Attention: For efficiency reasons the use of consistency checks (like are the data models of the two instances exactly the same), is low.
Valid options are:
Turns off the normalization of attribute
values in distance calculation.
author: Gabi Schmidberger (gabi@cs.waikato.ac.nz) author: Ashraf M. |
FastVector.java | Class | Implements a fast vector class without synchronized
methods. |
FindWithCapabilities.java | Class | Locates all classes with certain capabilities. |
GlobalInfoJavadoc.java | Class | Generates Javadoc comments from the class's globalInfo method. |
Instance.java | Class | Class for handling an instance. |
InstanceComparator.java | Class | A comparator for the Instance class. |
Instances.java | Class | Class for handling an ordered set of weighted instances. |
Javadoc.java | Class | Abstract superclass for classes that generate Javadoc comments and replace
the content between certain comment tags. |
ListOptions.java | Class | |
Matchable.java | Interface | Interface to something that can be matched with tree matching
algorithms. |
MathematicalExpression.java | Class | |
Matrix.java | Class | Class for performing operations on a matrix of floating-point values. |
Memory.java | Class | A little helper class for Memory management. |
MultiInstanceCapabilitiesHandler.java | Interface | Multi-Instance classifiers can specify an additional Capabilities object
for the data in the relational attribute, since the format of multi-instance
data is fixed to "bag/NOMINAL,data/RELATIONAL,class". |
NoSupportForMissingValuesException.java | Class | Exception that is raised by an object that is unable to process
data with missing values. |
Optimization.java | Class | Implementation of Active-sets method with BFGS update to solve optimization
problem with only bounds constraints in multi-dimensions. |
Option.java | Class | Class to store information about an option. |
OptionHandler.java | Interface | Interface to something that understands options. |
OptionHandlerJavadoc.java | Class | Generates Javadoc comments from the OptionHandler's options. |
PropertyPath.java | Class | A helper class for accessing properties in nested objects, e.g., accessing
the "getRidge" method of a LinearRegression classifier part of
MultipleClassifierCombiner, e.g., Vote. |
ProtectedProperties.java | Class | Simple class that extends the Properties class so that the properties are
unable to be modified. |
Queue.java | Class | Class representing a FIFO queue. |
Randomizable.java | Interface | Interface to something that has random behaviour that is able to be
seeded with an integer. |
RandomVariates.java | Class | Class implementing some simple random variates generator. |
Range.java | Class | Class representing a range of cardinal numbers. |
RelationalLocator.java | Class | |
SelectedTag.java | Class | Represents a selected value from a finite set of values, where each
value is a Tag (i.e. |
SerializationHelper.java | Class | A helper class for determining serialVersionUIDs and checking whether
classes contain one and/or need one. |
SerializedObject.java | Class | Class for storing an object in serialized form in memory. |
SingleIndex.java | Class | Class representing a single cardinal number. |
SparseInstance.java | Class | Class for storing an instance as a sparse vector. |
SpecialFunctions.java | Class | Class implementing some mathematical functions. |
Statistics.java | Class | Class implementing some distributions, tests, etc. |
Stopwords.java | Class | Class that can test whether a given string is a stop word.
Lowercases all words before the test. |
StringLocator.java | Class | This class locates and records the indices of String attributes,
recursively in case of Relational attributes. |
Summarizable.java | Interface | Interface to something that provides a short textual summary (as opposed
to toString() which is usually a fairly complete description) of itself. |
SystemInfo.java | Class | This class prints some information about the system setup, like Java
version, JVM settings etc. |
Tag.java | Class | A Tag simply associates a numeric ID with a String description. |
TechnicalInformation.java | Class | Used for paper references in the Javadoc and for BibTex generation. |
TechnicalInformationHandler.java | Interface | For classes that are based on some kind of publications. |
TechnicalInformationHandlerJavadoc.java | Class | Generates Javadoc comments from the TechnicalInformationHandler's data.
Update the BibTex references and the plaintext techincal information. |
Tee.java | Class | This class pipelines print/println's to several PrintStreams. |
TestInstances.java | Class | Generates artificial datasets for testing. |
Trie.java | Class | A class representing a Trie data structure for strings. |
UnassignedClassException.java | Class | Exception that is raised when trying to use some data that has no
class assigned to it, but a class is needed to perform the operation. |
UnassignedDatasetException.java | Class | Exception that is raised when trying to use something that has no
reference to a dataset, when one is required. |
Undoable.java | Interface | Interface implemented by classes that support undo. |
UnsupportedAttributeTypeException.java | Class | Exception that is raised by an object that is unable to process some of the
attribute types it has been passed. |
UnsupportedClassTypeException.java | Class | Exception that is raised by an object that is unable to process the
class type of the data it has been passed. |
Utils.java | Class | Class implementing some simple utility methods. |
Version.java | Class | This class contains the version number of the current WEKA release and some
methods for comparing another version string. |
WeightedInstancesHandler.java | Interface | Interface to something that makes use of the information provided
by instance weights. |
WekaException.java | Class | Class for Weka-specific exceptions. |