| java.lang.Object pnuts.xml.DigestAction pnuts.xml.action.CallAction
All known Subclasses: pnuts.xml.action.AddMapAction,
CallAction | abstract public class CallAction extends DigestAction (Code) | | This action does some computation using values popped out of the stack.
A subclass defines a concrete implementation.
CallAction | protected CallAction()(Code) | | Constructor
CallAction | public CallAction(int nargs)(Code) | | Constructor
Parameters: nargs - the number of parameters. |
CallAction | public CallAction(String[] parameterNames)(Code) | | Constructor
Parameters: parameterNames - the names of the parameters.This parameter defines both the number of parameter and the order of the parameters. |
call | abstract protected void call(Object[] args)(Code) | | Subclass should override this method.
Parameters: args - the arguments. |
callWithFixedNumberOfParameters | protected void callWithFixedNumberOfParameters(int nargs)(Code) | | Calls call(Object[]) method with the fixed number of arguments.
Arguments are poped from the stack and the result is pushed onto the stack.
Parameters: nargs - the number of arguments |
callWithNamedParameters | protected void callWithNamedParameters(String[] parameterNames)(Code) | | Calls call(Object[]) method with the specified parameter names.
Arguments are poped from the stack and the result is pushed onto the stack.
Parameters: parameterNames - the parameter names |
getParameterNames | public String[] getParameterNames()(Code) | | Gets the parameter names
setParameterNames | public void setParameterNames(String[] parameterNames)(Code) | | Sets the parameter names
Parameters: parameterNames - the parameter names |