| java.lang.Object pnuts.xml.DigestAction pnuts.xml.action.ListAction
ListAction | public class ListAction extends DigestAction (Code) | | This action creates a List object and adds it to the object on the stack top, in a way that
depends on the type of the object.
- If a List object is on the stack top, the created object is added to the List object.
- If a Map object is on the stack top, a map entry of {keyword => the created object}
is added to the Map object.
- Otherwise, this action assigns the created object to the Bean
property whose name is the keyword. In this case, the Bean property must be of java.util.List type.
Some elements may be added to the created List object, according to the following rules.
- If the content of the element is not empty, the content is added to the List object.
- If the element has one or more child-elements, the values produced by those elements are added to the List object.
- If the element has one or more attributes, a Map object of {attribute's name => the value} is created and added to the List object.