| java.io.FilterOutputStream groovy.ui.SystemOutputInterceptor
SystemOutputInterceptor | class SystemOutputInterceptor extends FilterOutputStream (Code) | | Intercepts System.out. Implementation helper for Console.groovy.
Method Summary | |
public void | start() | public void | stop() Stops intercepting System.out, sending output to whereever it was
going when this interceptor was created. | public void | write(byte[] b, int off, int len) | public void | write(int b) |
SystemOutputInterceptor | public SystemOutputInterceptor(Closure callback)(Code) | | Constructor
Parameters: callback - accepts a string to be sent to std out and returns a Boolean.If the return value is true, output will be sent toSystem.out, otherwise it will not. |
start | public void start()(Code) | | Starts intercepting System.out
stop | public void stop()(Code) | | Stops intercepting System.out, sending output to whereever it was
going when this interceptor was created.
write | public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException(Code) | | Intercepts output - moret common case of byte[]
write | public void write(int b) throws IOException(Code) | | Intercepts output - single characters