Method Summary |
IClass[] | findMemberType(String optionalName) If optionalName is null , find all
IClass es visible in the
scope of the current class.
If optionalName is not null , find the member
IClass es
that has the given name. |
abstract public Access | getAccess() |
public IClass | getArrayIClass(int n, IClass objectType) Get an
IClass that represents an n-dimensional array of this type. |
public IClass | getArrayIClass(IClass objectType) Get an
IClass that represents an array of this type. |
final public IClass | getComponentType() Returns the component type of the array.
Returns "null" for classes, interfaces, primitive types and "void". |
abstract protected IClass | getComponentType2() |
final public IClass[] | getDeclaredIClasses() Returns the classes and interfaces declared as members of the class
(but not inherited classes and interfaces).
Returns an empty array for an array, primitive type or "void". |
abstract protected IClass[] | getDeclaredIClasses2() |
final public IConstructor[] | getDeclaredIConstructors() Returns all the constructors declared by the class represented by the
type. |
abstract protected IConstructor[] | getDeclaredIConstructors2() |
final public IField[] | getDeclaredIFields() Returns the fields of a class or interface (but not inherited
Returns an empty array for an array, primitive type or "void". |
abstract protected IField[] | getDeclaredIFields2() |
final public IMethod[] | getDeclaredIMethods() Returns the methods of the class or interface (but not inherited
Returns an empty array for an array, primitive type or "void". |
final public IMethod[] | getDeclaredIMethods(String methodName) Returns all methods with the given name declared in the class or
interface (but not inherited methods).
Returns an empty array if no methods with that name are declared. |
abstract protected IMethod[] | getDeclaredIMethods2() |
final public IClass | getDeclaringIClass() If this class is a member class, return the declaring class, otherwise return
null . |
abstract protected IClass | getDeclaringIClass2() |
final public String | getDescriptor() Returns the field descriptor for the type as defined by JVMS 4.3.2. |
abstract protected String | getDescriptor2() |
public static String[] | getDescriptors(IClass[] iClasses) Convenience method that determines the field descriptors of an array of
IClass es. |
final public IMethod[] | getIMethods() Returns all methods declared in the class or interface, its superclasses and its
For overridden methods, only the last non-abstract implementation is returned. |
final public IClass[] | getInterfaces() Returns the interfaces implemented by the class.
Returns the superinterfaces of the interface.
Returns "Cloneable" and "Serializable" for arrays.
Returns an empty array for primitive types and "void". |
abstract protected IClass[] | getInterfaces2() |
final public IClass | getOuterIClass() |
abstract protected IClass | getOuterIClass2() |
final public IClass | getSuperclass() Returns the superclass of the class.
Returns "null" for class "Object", interfaces, arrays, primitive types
and "void". |
abstract protected IClass | getSuperclass2() |
public IField[] | getSyntheticIFields() Returns the synthetic fields of an anonymous or local class, in
the order in which they are passed to all constructors. |
final public boolean | hasIMethod(String methodName, IClass[] parameterTypes) |
public boolean | implementsInterface(IClass that) If this represents a class: Return true if this class
directly or indirectly implements that interface. |
abstract public boolean | isAbstract() |
abstract public boolean | isArray() Returns "true" if this type represents an array. |
public boolean | isAssignableFrom(IClass that) Determine if "this" is assignable from "that". |
abstract public boolean | isFinal() |
abstract public boolean | isInterface() Returns "true" if this type represents an interface. |
abstract public boolean | isPrimitive() Returns "true" if this type represents a primitive type or "void". |
abstract public boolean | isPrimitiveNumeric() Returns "true" if this type represents "byte", "short", "int", "long",
"char", "float" or "double". |
public boolean | isSubclassOf(IClass that) Returns true if this class is an immediate or non-immediate
subclass of that class. |
public String | toString() Returns a string representation for this object. |