Method Summary |
void | assignSyntheticParametersToSyntheticFields(Java.ConstructorDeclarator cd) Copies the values of the synthetic parameters of this constructor ("this$..." and
"val$...") to the synthetic fields of the object ("this$..." and "val$..."). |
public void | compile2(Java.PackageMemberTypeDeclaration pmtd) |
public void | compile2(Java.ClassDeclaration cd) |
public void | compile2(Java.AnonymousClassDeclaration acd) |
public void | compile2(Java.LocalClassDeclaration lcd) |
public void | compile2(Java.InnerClassDeclaration icd) |
public void | compile2(Java.MemberClassDeclaration mcd) |
public void | compile2(Java.InterfaceDeclaration id) |
public ClassFile[] | compileUnit(EnumeratorSet debuggingInformation) Generates an array of
ClassFile objects which represent the classes and
interfaces defined in the compilation unit. |
public IClass | findClass(String className) Find one class or interface by name.
Parameters: className - Fully qualified class name, e.g. |
public IClass.IMethod | findIMethod(Java.MethodInvocation mi) Find named methods of "targetType", examine the argument types and choose the
most specific method. |
public IClass.IMethod | findIMethod(Java.SuperclassMethodInvocation scmi) |
public IClass.IInvocable | findMostSpecificIInvocable(Locatable l, IInvocable[] iInvocables, IClass[] argumentTypes, boolean boxingPermitted) Determine the applicable invocables and choose the most specific invocable. |
public boolean | generatesCode2(Java.BlockStatement bs) |
public boolean | generatesCode2(Java.EmptyStatement es) |
public boolean | generatesCode2(Java.LocalClassDeclarationStatement lcds) |
public boolean | generatesCode2(Java.Initializer i) |
public boolean | generatesCode2(Java.Block b) |
public boolean | generatesCode2(Java.FieldDeclaration fd) |
final public Object | getConstantValue(Java.Rvalue rv) Attempts to evaluate as a constant expression. |
IClass.IField[] | getIFields(Java.FieldDeclaration fd) |
public void | getIMethods(IClass type, String methodName, List v) Add all methods with the given methodName that are declared
by the type , its superclasses and all their superinterfaces
to the result list v . |
public Java.LocalVariable | getLocalVariable(Java.LocalVariableDeclarationStatement lvds, Java.VariableDeclarator vd) |
public Java.LocalVariable | getLocalVariable(Java.FunctionDeclarator.FormalParameter fp) |
Java.ArrayInitializerOrRvalue | getNonConstantFinalInitializer(Java.FieldDeclaration fd, Java.VariableDeclarator vd) Determine the non-constant-final initializer of the given
Java.VariableDeclarator . |
static Java.TypeDeclaration | getOuterClass(Java.TypeDeclaration atd) |
public String[] | getSingleTypeImport(String name) |
public CodeContext.Offset | getWhereToBreak(Java.BreakableStatement bs) |
static int | ilfd(IClass t) |
static int | ilfd(IClass t, int opcodeInt, int opcodeLong, int opcodeFloat, int opcodeDouble) |
static int | ilfdabcs(IClass t) |
public IClass | importTypeOnDemand(String simpleTypeName, Location location) 6.5.2.BL1.B1.B5, 6.5.2.BL1.B1.B6 Type-import-on-demand. Type-import-on-demand declaration. |
void | initializeInstanceVariablesAndInvokeInstanceInitializers(Java.ConstructorDeclarator cd) Compiles the instance variable initializers and the instance initializers in their
lexical order. |
Java.LocalVariable | isIntLV(Java.Crement c) Checks whether the operand is an integer-like local variable. |
public void | leave2(Java.BlockStatement bs, IClass optionalStackValueType) |
public void | leave2(Java.SynchronizedStatement ss, IClass optionalStackValueType) |
public void | leave2(Java.TryStatement ts, IClass optionalStackValueType) |
public void | setCompileErrorHandler(ErrorHandler optionalCompileErrorHandler) By default,
CompileException s are thrown on compile errors, but an application
my install its own (thread-local)
ErrorHandler .
Be aware that a single problem during compilation often causes a bunch of compile errors,
so a good
ErrorHandler counts errors and throws a
CompileException when
a limit is reached.
If the given
ErrorHandler does not throw
CompileException s, then
UnitCompiler.compileUnit(EnumeratorSet) will throw one when the compilation of the unit
is finished, and errors had occurred. |
public void | setWarningHandler(WarningHandler optionalWarningHandler) By default, warnings are discarded, but an application my install a custom
WarningHandler . |
IClass.IConstructor | toIConstructor(Java.ConstructorDeclarator cd) |
public IClass.IMethod | toIMethod(Java.MethodDeclarator md) |
final public Java.Lvalue | toLvalueOrCE(Java.Atom a) |