LDAP Driver for Scriptella.
This driver allows to execute LDIF scripts and search filter queries.
Details of LDIF syntax are described in RFC 2849,
LDAP Search Filters are described in RFC 2254
This driver supports ${} syntax for variables substitution
General information
Driver class: | scriptella.driver.ldap.Driver |
URL: | ldap://host:port/dn?attributes?scope?filter?extensions
according to RFC 2255 |
Runtime dependencies: | None |
Driver Specific Properties
Name |
Description |
Required |
search.scope |
Search scope for queries. The value must be one of the: object, onelevel, subtree |
No, the default value is object . |
search.basedn |
base dn for search. |
No, the default value is "" . Specifiying may be required for searches using
connections to the root directory context. |
search.timelimit |
Time limit for queries. |
No, the default value is 0 (wait indefinitely). |
search.countlimit |
Maximum number of entries to be returned by queries. |
No, the default value is 0 (all entries will be returned). |
file.maxlength |
Maximum size in KBs of the external files referenced from LDIFs. |
No, the default value is 10000 (10MB) . |
readonly |
If true, LDIF update statements are logged but not executed. May be helpful for debugging. |
No, the default value is false . |
This driver is JNDI-based and uses com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory LDAP provider. You may specify
additional JNDI settings as connection properties.
For a complete list of JNDI properties see
LDAP Naming Service Provider for the JNDI
<connection driver="ldap" url="ldap://localhost:389/dc=scriptella" user="cn=root,dc=scriptella" password="secret" >
#LDIF add entry
#Avoid leading whitespaces because LDIF is a whitespace sensitive format.
dn: ou=people,dc=scriptella
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: people
Register an LDAP connection with subtree scope search mode
and perform a search for entries satisfying specified search filter,
$ is used for variables/expressions subsitution.
The script element is used to add ou=people,dc=scriptella entry.