Method Summary |
public void | add(int doc) Adds the specified document if it is not currently in the DocSet
(optional operation). |
public void | addUnique(int doc) Adds a document the caller knows is not currently in the DocSet
(optional operation). |
public DocSet | andNot(DocSet other) Returns the documents in this set that are not in the other set. |
public int | andNotSize(DocSet other) Returns the number of documents in this set that are not in the other set. |
public boolean | exists(int docid) Returns true if a document is in the DocSet. |
public OpenBitSet | getBits() Returns a BitSet view of the DocSet. |
public DocSet | intersection(DocSet other) Returns the intersection of this set with another set. |
public int | intersectionSize(DocSet other) Returns the number of documents of the intersection of this set with another set. |
public DocIterator | iterator() Returns an iterator that may be used to iterate over all of the documents in the set. |
public long | memSize() Returns the approximate amount of memory taken by this DocSet. |
public int | size() Returns the number of documents in the set. |
public DocSet | union(DocSet other) Returns the union of this set with another set. |
public int | unionSize(DocSet other) Returns the number of documents of the union of this set with another set. |