This is a sample converter that can handle
Map and save dynamic properties into the index.
Saves dynamic properties, with the map keys as the properties names and map values as the property
values. Uses the Object toString to convert the key and values objects to strings.
If the converter will support unmarshalling, than assumes that the key and the value are of type
String . Saves the keys as comma delimited string under an internal property, and the
values the same under a different property.
Note, that using this converter might affect the Class mapping that uses the Map as a property.
If another meta-data is mapped to a name that might be one of the dynamic property names, it must
be set to have the intenal id always generated. It also applies to a class that has this class as
component mapping.
This Converter is provided as a baseline for different maps converters that might hold different
object types than Strings.
author: kimchy |