001: package it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.util.parser;
003: /*
004: * MG4J: Managing Gigabytes for Java
005: *
006: * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Sebastiano Vigna
007: *
008: * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
009: * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
010: * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
011: * any later version.
012: *
013: * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
014: * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
015: * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
016: * for more details.
017: *
018: * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
019: * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
020: * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
021: *
022: */
024: import it.unimi.dsi.lang.MutableString;
026: /** An SGML attribute.
027: *
028: * @deprecated Moved to <code>dsiutils</code>.
029: */
030: @Deprecated
031: public final class Attribute {
033: /** The name of this attribute. */
034: public final CharSequence name;
036: /** Creates a new attribute with given name.
037: *
038: * @param name the name of the new attribute.
039: */
040: public Attribute(final CharSequence name) {
041: this .name = new MutableString(name);
042: }
044: /** Returns the name of this attribute.
045: * @return the name of this attribute.
046: */
048: public String toString() {
049: return name.toString();
050: }
052: public static final Attribute ABBR = HTMLFactory
053: .newAttribute("abbr");
054: public static final Attribute ACCEPT_CHARSET = HTMLFactory
055: .newAttribute("accept-charset");
056: public static final Attribute ACCEPT = HTMLFactory
057: .newAttribute("accept");
058: public static final Attribute ACCESSKEY = HTMLFactory
059: .newAttribute("accesskey");
060: public static final Attribute ACTION = HTMLFactory
061: .newAttribute("action");
062: public static final Attribute ALIGN = HTMLFactory
063: .newAttribute("align");
064: public static final Attribute ALINK = HTMLFactory
065: .newAttribute("alink");
066: public static final Attribute ALT = HTMLFactory.newAttribute("alt");
067: public static final Attribute ARCHIVE = HTMLFactory
068: .newAttribute("archive");
069: public static final Attribute AXIS = HTMLFactory
070: .newAttribute("axis");
071: public static final Attribute BACKGROUND = HTMLFactory
072: .newAttribute("background");
073: public static final Attribute BGCOLOR = HTMLFactory
074: .newAttribute("bgcolor");
075: public static final Attribute BORDER = HTMLFactory
076: .newAttribute("border");
077: public static final Attribute CELLPADING = HTMLFactory
078: .newAttribute("cellpading");
079: public static final Attribute CHAR = HTMLFactory
080: .newAttribute("char");
081: public static final Attribute CHAROFF = HTMLFactory
082: .newAttribute("charoff");
083: public static final Attribute CHARSET = HTMLFactory
084: .newAttribute("charset");
085: public static final Attribute CHECKED = HTMLFactory
086: .newAttribute("checked");
087: public static final Attribute CITE = HTMLFactory
088: .newAttribute("cite");
089: public static final Attribute CLASS = HTMLFactory
090: .newAttribute("class");
091: public static final Attribute CLASSID = HTMLFactory
092: .newAttribute("classid");
093: public static final Attribute CLEAR = HTMLFactory
094: .newAttribute("clear");
095: public static final Attribute CODE = HTMLFactory
096: .newAttribute("code");
097: public static final Attribute CODEBASE = HTMLFactory
098: .newAttribute("codebase");
099: public static final Attribute CODETYPE = HTMLFactory
100: .newAttribute("codetype");
101: public static final Attribute COLOR = HTMLFactory
102: .newAttribute("color");
103: public static final Attribute COLS = HTMLFactory
104: .newAttribute("cols");
105: public static final Attribute COLSPAN = HTMLFactory
106: .newAttribute("colspan");
107: public static final Attribute COMPACT = HTMLFactory
108: .newAttribute("compact");
109: public static final Attribute CONTENT = HTMLFactory
110: .newAttribute("content");
111: public static final Attribute COORDS = HTMLFactory
112: .newAttribute("coords");
113: public static final Attribute DATA = HTMLFactory
114: .newAttribute("data");
115: public static final Attribute DATETIME = HTMLFactory
116: .newAttribute("datetime");
117: public static final Attribute DECLARE = HTMLFactory
118: .newAttribute("declare");
119: public static final Attribute DEFER = HTMLFactory
120: .newAttribute("defer");
121: public static final Attribute DIR = HTMLFactory.newAttribute("dir");
122: public static final Attribute DISABLED = HTMLFactory
123: .newAttribute("disable");
124: public static final Attribute ENCTYPE = HTMLFactory
125: .newAttribute("enctype");
126: public static final Attribute FACE = HTMLFactory
127: .newAttribute("face");
128: public static final Attribute FOR = HTMLFactory.newAttribute("for");
129: public static final Attribute FRAME = HTMLFactory
130: .newAttribute("frame");
131: public static final Attribute FRAMEBORDER = HTMLFactory
132: .newAttribute("frameborder");
133: public static final Attribute HEADERS = HTMLFactory
134: .newAttribute("headers");
135: public static final Attribute HEIGHT = HTMLFactory
136: .newAttribute("height");
137: public static final Attribute HREF = HTMLFactory
138: .newAttribute("href");
139: public static final Attribute HREFLANG = HTMLFactory
140: .newAttribute("hreflang");
141: public static final Attribute HSPACE = HTMLFactory
142: .newAttribute("hspace");
143: public static final Attribute HTTP_EQUIV = HTMLFactory
144: .newAttribute("http-equiv");
145: public static final Attribute ID = HTMLFactory.newAttribute("id");
146: public static final Attribute ISMAP = HTMLFactory
147: .newAttribute("ismap");
148: public static final Attribute LABEL = HTMLFactory
149: .newAttribute("label");
150: public static final Attribute LANG = HTMLFactory
151: .newAttribute("lang");
152: public static final Attribute LANGUAGE = HTMLFactory
153: .newAttribute("language");
154: public static final Attribute LINK = HTMLFactory
155: .newAttribute("link");
156: public static final Attribute LONGDESC = HTMLFactory
157: .newAttribute("longdesc");
158: public static final Attribute MARGINHEIGHT = HTMLFactory
159: .newAttribute("marginheight");
160: public static final Attribute MARGINWIDTH = HTMLFactory
161: .newAttribute("marginwidth");
162: public static final Attribute MARGINLENGTH = HTMLFactory
163: .newAttribute("marginlength");
164: public static final Attribute MEDIA = HTMLFactory
165: .newAttribute("media");
166: public static final Attribute METHOD = HTMLFactory
167: .newAttribute("method");
168: public static final Attribute MULTIPLE = HTMLFactory
169: .newAttribute("multiple");
170: public static final Attribute NAME = HTMLFactory
171: .newAttribute("name");
172: public static final Attribute NOHREF = HTMLFactory
173: .newAttribute("nohref");
174: public static final Attribute NORESIZE = HTMLFactory
175: .newAttribute("noresize");
176: public static final Attribute NOSHADE = HTMLFactory
177: .newAttribute("noshade");
178: public static final Attribute NOWRAP = HTMLFactory
179: .newAttribute("nowrap");
180: public static final Attribute OBJECT = HTMLFactory
181: .newAttribute("object");
182: public static final Attribute ONBLUR = HTMLFactory
183: .newAttribute("onblur");
184: public static final Attribute ONCHANGE = HTMLFactory
185: .newAttribute("onchange");
186: public static final Attribute ONCLICK = HTMLFactory
187: .newAttribute("onclick");
188: public static final Attribute ONDBLCLICK = HTMLFactory
189: .newAttribute("ondblclick");
190: public static final Attribute ONFOCUS = HTMLFactory
191: .newAttribute("onfocus");
192: public static final Attribute ONKEYDOWN = HTMLFactory
193: .newAttribute("onkeydown");
194: public static final Attribute ONKEYPRESS = HTMLFactory
195: .newAttribute("onkeypress");
196: public static final Attribute ONKEYUP = HTMLFactory
197: .newAttribute("onkeyup");
198: public static final Attribute ONLOAD = HTMLFactory
199: .newAttribute("onload");
200: public static final Attribute ONMOUSEDOWN = HTMLFactory
201: .newAttribute("onmousedown");
202: public static final Attribute ONMOUSEMOVE = HTMLFactory
203: .newAttribute("onmousemove");
204: public static final Attribute ONMOUSEOUT = HTMLFactory
205: .newAttribute("onmouseout");
206: public static final Attribute ONMOUSEOVER = HTMLFactory
207: .newAttribute("onmouseover");
208: public static final Attribute ONMOUSEUP = HTMLFactory
209: .newAttribute("ommouseup");
210: public static final Attribute ONRESET = HTMLFactory
211: .newAttribute("onreset");
212: public static final Attribute ONSELECT = HTMLFactory
213: .newAttribute("onselest");
214: public static final Attribute ONSUBMIT = HTMLFactory
215: .newAttribute("onsubmit");
216: public static final Attribute ONUNLOAD = HTMLFactory
217: .newAttribute("onunload");
218: public static final Attribute PROFILE = HTMLFactory
219: .newAttribute("profile");
220: public static final Attribute PROMPT = HTMLFactory
221: .newAttribute("prompt");
222: public static final Attribute READONLY = HTMLFactory
223: .newAttribute("readonly");
224: public static final Attribute REL = HTMLFactory.newAttribute("rel");
225: public static final Attribute REV = HTMLFactory.newAttribute("rev");
226: public static final Attribute ROWS = HTMLFactory
227: .newAttribute("rows");
228: public static final Attribute ROWSPAN = HTMLFactory
229: .newAttribute("rowspan");
230: public static final Attribute RULES = HTMLFactory
231: .newAttribute("rules");
232: public static final Attribute SCHEME = HTMLFactory
233: .newAttribute("scheme");
234: public static final Attribute SCOPE = HTMLFactory
235: .newAttribute("scope");
236: public static final Attribute SCROLLING = HTMLFactory
237: .newAttribute("scrolling");
238: public static final Attribute SELECTED = HTMLFactory
239: .newAttribute("selected");
240: public static final Attribute SHAPE = HTMLFactory
241: .newAttribute("shape");
242: public static final Attribute SIZE = HTMLFactory
243: .newAttribute("size");
244: public static final Attribute SPAN = HTMLFactory
245: .newAttribute("span");
246: public static final Attribute SRC = HTMLFactory.newAttribute("src");
247: public static final Attribute STANDBY = HTMLFactory
248: .newAttribute("stanby");
249: public static final Attribute START = HTMLFactory
250: .newAttribute("start");
251: public static final Attribute STYLE = HTMLFactory
252: .newAttribute("style");
253: public static final Attribute SUMMARY = HTMLFactory
254: .newAttribute("summary");
255: public static final Attribute TABINDEX = HTMLFactory
256: .newAttribute("tabindex");
257: public static final Attribute TARGET = HTMLFactory
258: .newAttribute("target");
259: public static final Attribute TEXT = HTMLFactory
260: .newAttribute("text");
261: public static final Attribute TITLE = HTMLFactory
262: .newAttribute("title");
263: public static final Attribute TYPE = HTMLFactory
264: .newAttribute("type");
265: public static final Attribute USEMAP = HTMLFactory
266: .newAttribute("usemap");
267: public static final Attribute VALIGN = HTMLFactory
268: .newAttribute("valign");
269: public static final Attribute VALUE = HTMLFactory
270: .newAttribute("value");
271: public static final Attribute VALUETYPE = HTMLFactory
272: .newAttribute("valuetype");
273: public static final Attribute VERSION = HTMLFactory
274: .newAttribute("version");
275: public static final Attribute VLINK = HTMLFactory
276: .newAttribute("vlink");
277: public static final Attribute VSPACE = HTMLFactory
278: .newAttribute("vspace");
279: public static final Attribute WIDTH = HTMLFactory
280: .newAttribute("width");
281: public static final Attribute UNKNOWN = HTMLFactory
282: .newAttribute("unknown");
283: }