Piscator is a small SQL/XML search engine.
Once an XML feed is loaded, it can be queried using plain SQL.
It can be usefull in portal sites that require querying capabilities that exceed full text searching.
The setup is almost identical to the DB2 side tables approach: an xml file is plit in separate
documents. These documents are stored in a document table composed of only two columns (doc_id, xml).
To make the xml SQL-queryable, the search fields of interest are extracted from each document and
stored in side tables.
All of this is configurable through a config file which is very similar to a DB2 DAD file.
To test it you can run the SearchEngine stand-alone:
java -classpath piscator.jar;../lib/hsqldb.jar;../lib/junit.jar;../lib/spring.jar;../lib/commons-logging.jar piscator.SearchEngine -d ../xml/test-documents.xml -c ../xml/test-config.xml