| org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.Sparqlable
Sparqlable | public interface Sparqlable (Code) | | Interface for SPARQL and other query languages.
author: voelkel |
sparqlDescribe | ClosableIterable<Statement> sparqlDescribe(String query) throws ModelRuntimeException(Code) | | Iterator must be auto-close, i.e. when last element is fetched, the
implementation must call close(). This means a regular user can call this
method without calling close(), if all elements are consumed.
Parameters: query - a ClosableIterable over all statements returned by this query throws: ModelRuntimeException - if the execution throws an exception throws: MalformedQueryException - if the query is not a valid SPARQL DESCRIBE query |
sparqlSelect | QueryResultTable sparqlSelect(String queryString) throws MalformedQueryException, ModelRuntimeException(Code) | | returns results for SPARQL Select queries, as supported by underlying
implementation. For some implementations (Sesame) it is urgently
necessary to iterate over all statements of the returned iterator in
order to close resources properly.
Iterator must be auto-close, i.e. when last element is fetched, the
implementation must call close().
Parameters: queryString - The SPARQL select query string a QueryResultTable throws: ModelRuntimeException - if an error happens when executing the query throws: MalformedQueryException - if the query is not a valid SPARQL SELECT query |