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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Search Engine » semweb4j » org.ontoware.rdf2go.util 
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001:        /*
003:         * Copyright (c) 2003 - 2007 Leo Sauermann and Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer Kuenstliche Intelligenz DFKI GmbH.
004:         * All rights reserved.
005:         * Copyright 2005-2007 by FZI (
006:         * Licensed under a BSD license (
007:         * <OWNER> = Max Völkel
008:         * <ORGANIZATION> = FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany
009:         * <YEAR> = 2007
010:         * 
011:         * Project information at
012:         */
014:        package org.ontoware.rdf2go.util;
016:        import;
017:        import;
018:        import;
019:        import;
020:        import java.text.DateFormat;
021:        import java.text.ParseException;
022:        import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
023:        import java.util.Date;
025:        import org.ontoware.aifbcommons.collection.ClosableIterator;
026:        import org.ontoware.rdf2go.RDF2Go;
027:        import org.ontoware.rdf2go.exception.ModelRuntimeException;
028:        import org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.Model;
029:        import org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.ModelSet;
030:        import org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.Statement;
031:        import org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.Syntax;
032:        import org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.node.Literal;
033:        import org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.node.Node;
034:        import org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.node.NodeOrVariable;
035:        import org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.node.Resource;
036:        import org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.node.ResourceOrVariable;
037:        import org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.node.URI;
038:        import org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.node.UriOrVariable;
039:        import org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.node.Variable;
040:        import org.ontoware.rdf2go.vocabulary.RDFS;
041:        import org.slf4j.Logger;
042:        import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
044:        /**
045:         * RDFTool, a helper utility to cope with RDF in general.
046:         * 
047:         * The accessor methods are also handled by the RDFReactor runtime.
048:         * 
049:         * <p>
050:         * This tool has been part of
051:         * </p>
052:         * 
053:         * @author Leo Sauermann (, 2003-2007
054:         * @author Max Völkel
055:         */
056:        public class RDFTool {
058:            @SuppressWarnings("unused")
059:            private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RDFTool.class);
061:            /**
062:             * datetime format.
063:             */
064:            private static DateFormat dateTimeFormat = null;
066:            /**
067:             * format to express dates in ISO 8601
068:             */
069:            private static DateFormat dateFormat = null;
071:            /**
072:             * @param m
073:             *            the model to copy
074:             * @return a copy of the model in a memory model
075:             */
076:            public static Model copyModel(Model m) {
077:                Model res = RDF2Go.getModelFactory().createModel();
078:      ;
079:                res.addAll(m.iterator());
080:                return res;
081:            }
083:            /**
084:             * format the given date in a good date format: ISO 8601, using only the
085:             * date and not the T seperator example: 2003-01-22 Timezone is ignored.
086:             * 
087:             * @param date
088:             * @return a formatted string.
089:             * @deprecated use {@link #date2String(Date)}
090:             */
091:            public static String dateTime2DateString(Date date) {
092:                return getDateTimeFormat().format(date);
093:            }
095:            /**
096:             * format the given date in a good dateTime format: ISO 8601, using the T
097:             * seperator and the - and : seperators accordingly. example:
098:             * 2003-01-22T17:00:00
099:             * 
100:             * @param date
101:             * @return a formatted string.
102:             */
103:            public static String dateTime2String(Date date) {
104:                return getDateTimeFormat().format(date);
105:            }
107:            /**
108:             * format the given date in a good date format: ISO 8601, using only the
109:             * date and not the T seperator example: 2003-01-22 Timezone is ignored.
110:             * 
111:             * @param date
112:             * @return a formatted string.
113:             */
114:            public static String date2String(Date date) {
115:                return getDateFormat().format(date);
116:            }
118:            /**
119:             * find the first statement that fits the passed triple pattern and return
120:             * it.
121:             * 
122:             * @param model
123:             *            the model to search on
124:             * @param subject
125:             *            subject
126:             * @param predicate
127:             *            predicate
128:             * @param object
129:             *            object
130:             * @return a statement (the first found) or null, if nothing matched
131:             * @throws RuntimeException
132:             *             if the model throws an exception
133:             */
134:            public static Statement findStatement(Model model,
135:                    ResourceOrVariable subject, UriOrVariable predicate,
136:                    NodeOrVariable object) {
137:                ClosableIterator<? extends Statement> i = model.findStatements(
138:                        subject, predicate, object);
139:                if (i.hasNext()) {
140:                    Statement s =;
141:                    i.close();
142:                    return s;
143:                }
144:                // else
145:                return null;
146:            }
148:            /**
149:             * format to express dates in ISO 8601. Timezone is ignored.
150:             * 
151:             * @return the DateFormat to format dates (without time) according to
152:             *         ISO8601.
153:             */
154:            public static DateFormat getDateFormat() {
155:                if (dateFormat == null) {
156:                    dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
157:                }
158:                return dateFormat;
159:            }
161:            /**
162:             * get a DateFormat to format dates according to ISO 8601. This ignored
163:             * timezones.
164:             * 
165:             * @return a dateformat.
166:             */
167:            public static DateFormat getDateTimeFormat() {
168:                if (dateTimeFormat == null) {
169:                    dateTimeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
170:                            "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss");
171:                }
172:                return dateTimeFormat;
173:            }
175:            /**
176:             * Get the Displaylabel of a Node. For resources, the "rdfs:label" property
177:             * is returned, if there is none, the url is shortened to a localname. If it
178:             * is a Literal, return the Lexical Form. If it is null, returns null
179:             * Results may vary.
180:             * 
181:             * @param o
182:             *            the node to check
183:             * @param source
184:             *            the model to ask
185:             * @return a string representation of the node or null.
186:             */
187:            public static String getGoodLabel(Node o, Model source) {
188:                if (o == null)
189:                    return null;
190:                if (o instanceof  Resource) {
191:                    // resource
192:                    Node rdfslabel = RDFTool.getSingleValue(source,
193:                            (Resource) o, RDFS.label);
194:                    if (rdfslabel != null) {
195:                        if (rdfslabel instanceof  Literal)
196:                            return ((Literal) rdfslabel).getValue();
197:                        // else
198:                        return rdfslabel.toString();
199:                    }
200:                    // else
201:                    return RDFTool.getShortName(o.toString());
202:                } else if (o instanceof  Literal)
203:                    return ((Literal) o).getValue();
204:                else
205:                    // else ? well, just string it
206:                    return o.toString();
207:            }
209:            /**
210:             * Get the label of a Node. If it is a resource, return the local name (the
211:             * last part of the URI). If it is a Literal, return the Lexical Form (the
212:             * value). If it is <code>null</code>, returns <code>null</code>.
213:             * 
214:             * @param o
215:             *            the node to check
216:             * @return a string representation of the node or <code>null</code>.
217:             */
218:            public static String getLabel(Node o) {
219:                if (o == null)
220:                    return null;
221:                if (o instanceof  Resource) {
222:                    // resource
223:                    return getShortName(o.toString());
224:                } else if (o instanceof  Literal)
225:                    // Literal
226:                    return ((Literal) o).getValue();
227:                // else ? well, just string it
228:                return o.toString();
229:            }
231:            /**
232:             * The passed uri identifies something on the web, probably a namespace. To
233:             * shorten this, parse the url for something like a localname. Returns the
234:             * last string after a '#' or a '/'.
235:             * 
236:             * @param uri
237:             *            a URI
238:             * @return a short name for it, for display.
239:             */
240:            public static String getShortName(String uri) {
241:                if (uri.indexOf('#') > 0)
242:                    uri = uri.substring(uri.lastIndexOf('#') + 1);
243:                else if (uri.indexOf('/') > 0)
244:                    uri = uri.substring(uri.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
245:                return uri;
246:            }
248:            /**
249:             * get the property pred of the resource res. If there is none, return null.
250:             * If there are mutliple, return any.
251:             * 
252:             * @param m
253:             *            the model to read from
254:             * @param res
255:             *            the resource
256:             * @param pred
257:             *            the predicate to read
258:             * @return the value or null
259:             */
260:            public static Node getSingleValue(Model m, Resource res, URI pred) {
261:                ClosableIterator<? extends Statement> i = m.findStatements(res,
262:                        pred, Variable.ANY);
263:                try {
264:                    if (i.hasNext()) {
265:                        return;
266:                    }
267:                    //else
268:                    return null;
269:                } finally {
270:                    i.close();
271:                }
272:            }
274:            public static Node getSingleValue(ModelSet m, Resource res, URI pred) {
275:                ClosableIterator<? extends Statement> i = m.findStatements(
276:                        Variable.ANY, res, pred, Variable.ANY);
277:                try {
278:                    if (i.hasNext()) {
279:                        return;
280:                    }
281:                    //else
282:                    return null;
283:                } finally {
284:                    i.close();
285:                }
286:            }
288:            /**
289:             * read the values of a predicate of a resource. If a value exists, return a
290:             * string representation of it. When multiple triples with this
291:             * subject/predicate exist, choose one at random.
292:             * 
293:             * @param m
294:             *            the model to read from
295:             * @param res
296:             *            the resource
297:             * @param pred
298:             *            the predicate to read
299:             * @return a string representation of the value, or null. Literals are
300:             *         returned using their Value (not toString()).
301:             */
302:            public static String getSingleValueString(Model m, Resource res,
303:                    URI pred) {
304:                Node n = getSingleValue(m, res, pred);
305:                if (n == null)
306:                    return null;
308:                if (n instanceof  Literal)
309:                    // Literal
310:                    return ((Literal) n).getValue();
311:                return n.toString();
312:            }
314:            /**
315:             * read the values of a predicate of a resource. If a value exists, return a
316:             * string representation of it. When multiple triples with this
317:             * subject/predicate exist, choose one at random.
318:             * 
319:             * @param modelset
320:             *            the model to read from
321:             * @param res
322:             *            the resource
323:             * @param pred
324:             *            the predicate to read
325:             * @return a string representation of the value, or null. Literals are
326:             *         returned using their Value (not toString()).
327:             */
328:            public static String getSingleValueString(ModelSet modelset,
329:                    Resource res, URI pred) {
330:                Node n = getSingleValue(modelset, res, pred);
331:                if (n == null)
332:                    return null;
334:                if (n instanceof  Literal)
335:                    // Literal
336:                    return ((Literal) n).getValue();
337:                return n.toString();
338:            }
340:            /**
341:             * guess the RDF syntax of a filename inspired by
342:             * com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.impl.FileGraph#guessLang with the addition of
343:             * toLowerCase
344:             * 
345:             * @param filenname
346:             *            the filename, we will look at the suffix after "."
347:             * @return the guessed RDF syntax, fallback is RDF/XML
348:             */
349:            public static Syntax guessSyntax(String filenname) {
350:                String suffix = filenname
351:                        .substring(filenname.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
352:                if (suffix != null) {
353:                    suffix = suffix.toLowerCase();
355:                    if (suffix.equals("n3"))
356:                        return Syntax.Turtle;
357:                    else if (suffix.equals("nt"))
358:                        return Syntax.Ntriples;
359:                    else if (suffix.equals("trig")) {
360:                        return Syntax.Trig;
361:                    } else if (suffix.equals("trix"))
362:                        return Syntax.Trix;
363:                }
364:                return Syntax.RdfXml;
365:            }
367:            /**
368:             * convert a model to a string RDF/XML for serialization
369:             * 
370:             * @param model
371:             *            the model to convert
372:             * @return
373:             */
374:            public static String modelToString(Model model) {
375:                return modelToString(model, Syntax.RdfXml);
376:            }
378:            public static String modelToString(ModelSet modelset) {
379:                return modelToString(modelset, Syntax.RdfXml);
380:            }
382:            /**
383:             * convert a model to a string for serialization
384:             * 
385:             * @param model
386:             *            the model to convert
387:             * @param syntax
388:             *            the syntax to use
389:             * @return a string of this model, according to the passed syntax
390:             */
391:            public static String modelToString(Model model, Syntax syntax) {
392:                StringWriter buffer = new StringWriter();
393:                try {
394:                    model.writeTo(buffer, syntax);
395:                } catch (Exception e) {
396:                    throw new ModelRuntimeException(e);
397:                }
398:                return buffer.toString();
399:            }
401:            /**
402:             * convert a modelset to a string for serialization
403:             * 
404:             * @param modelset
405:             *            the model to convert
406:             * @param syntax
407:             *            the syntax to use
408:             * @return a string of this model, according to the passed syntax
409:             */
410:            public static String modelToString(ModelSet modelset, Syntax syntax) {
411:                StringWriter buffer = new StringWriter();
412:                try {
413:                    modelset.writeTo(buffer, syntax);
414:                } catch (Exception e) {
415:                    throw new ModelRuntimeException(e);
416:                }
417:                return buffer.toString();
418:            }
420:            /**
421:             * set the property pred of the resource res. If it exists, change it. If it
422:             * not exists, create it. If the passed value is null, delete the statement
423:             * 
424:             * @param m
425:             *            the model to manipulate
426:             * @param res
427:             *            the rsource
428:             * @param pred
429:             *            the predicate to set
430:             * @param value
431:             *            a value or null
432:             */
433:            public static void setSingleValue(Model m, Resource res, URI pred,
434:                    Node value) {
435:                m.removeStatements(res, pred, Variable.ANY);
436:                if (value != null) {
437:                    m.addStatement(res, pred, value);
438:                }
439:            }
441:            /**
442:             * set the property pred of the resource res. If it exists, change it. If it
443:             * not exists, create it. If value is null, delete the triple.
444:             * 
445:             * @param m
446:             *            the model to manipulate
447:             * @param res
448:             *            the rsource
449:             * @param pred
450:             *            the predicate to set
451:             * @param value
452:             *            a string or null
453:             */
454:            public static void setSingleValue(Model m, Resource res, URI pred,
455:                    String value) {
456:                m.removeStatements(res, pred, Variable.ANY);
457:                if (value != null) {
458:                    m.addStatement(res, pred, value);
459:                }
460:            }
462:            /**
463:             * compute the sha1sum of a string (useful for handling FOAF data).
464:             * 
465:             * @param data
466:             *            the string to parse
467:             * @return the sha1sum as string.
468:             */
469:            public static String sha1sum(String data) {
470:                MessageDigest md = null;
471:                try {
472:                    md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA");
473:                } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
474:                    throw new RuntimeException(e);
475:                }
477:                byte[] digest = md.digest(data.getBytes());
479:                StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer();
480:                for (int i = 0; i < digest.length; i++) {
481:                    int digByte = digest[i] & 0xFF;
482:                    if (digByte < 0x10)
483:                        res.append('0');
484:                    res.append(Integer.toHexString(digByte));
485:                }
487:                return res.toString();
488:            }
490:            /**
491:             * try to get a date out of a string. If this works, return it, otherwise
492:             * return null. Btw: the namespace of dateTime is
493:             * Timezone is ignored.
494:             * 
495:             * @param isodate
496:             *            the XSD date as string.
497:             * @return a parsed date or null, if this breaks
498:             * @throws ParseException 
499:             */
500:            public static Date string2Date(String isodate)
501:                    throws ParseException {
502:                return getDateFormat().parse(isodate);
503:            }
505:            /**
506:             * format the given date in a good date format: ISO 8601, using only the
507:             * date and not the T seperator example: 2003-01-22 This ignores timezones.
508:             * 
509:             * @param date
510:             *            the date-string to parse
511:             * @return a formatted string.
512:             */
513:            public static Date string2DateTime(String date)
514:                    throws ParseException {
515:                return getDateTimeFormat().parse(date);
516:            }
518:            /**
519:             * convenience function to create a memModel from an RDF/XML-ABBREV stream
520:             * 
521:             * @param rdfxml
522:             *            the serialized form of the model
523:             * @return a Model
524:             */
525:            public static Model stringToModel(String rdfxml) {
526:                return stringToModel(rdfxml, Syntax.RdfXml);
527:            }
529:            /**
530:             * convenience function to create a memModel from a string
531:             * 
532:             * @param string
533:             *            the string with the serialized model
534:             * @param syntax
535:             *            the syntax to use
536:             * @return the model that was serialised.
537:             */
538:            public static Model stringToModel(String string, Syntax syntax) {
539:                Model m = RDF2Go.getModelFactory().createModel();
540:      ;
541:                StringReader s = new StringReader(string);
542:                try {
543:                    m.readFrom(s, syntax);
544:                    return m;
545:                } catch (Exception e) {
546:                    throw new ModelRuntimeException(e);
547:                } finally {
548:                    s.close();
549:                }
550:            }
551:        } | Contact Us
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