| java.lang.Object org.ontoware.rdf2go.util.VocabularyWriter
VocabularyWriter | public class VocabularyWriter (Code) | | reads an RDF/S file and creates an RDF2Go Vocabulary file from it.
VocabularyWriter -i <inputrdfsfile> -o <outputdir>
--package <packagename> -a <namespace> -n <nameofjavafile>
-namespacestrict <false|true>
-namespacestrict If true, only elements from within the namespace (-a)
are generated. Default false.
Example values:
--package org.semanticdesktop.aperture.outlook.vocabulary
-o src/outlook/org/semanticdesktop/aperture/outlook/vocabulary/
-i doc/ontology/data.rdfs
-a http://aperture.semanticdesktop.org/ontology/data#
author: sauermann author: $Id: VocabularyWriter.java,v 1.14 2007/02/20 09:13:33 leo_sauermann Exp $ |
namespacestrict | boolean namespacestrict(Code) | | |
VocabularyWriter | public VocabularyWriter()(Code) | | |
asLegalJavaID | protected String asLegalJavaID(String s, boolean cap)(Code) | | Convert s to a legal Java identifier; capitalise first char if cap is
true this method is copied from jena code.
generateElement | public void generateElement(URI type, boolean isProperty) throws Exception(Code) | | |
printCommentAndLabel | public void printCommentAndLabel(URI uri) throws Exception(Code) | | print comment and label of the uri to the passed stream
Parameters: uri - |