001: /**
002: * generated by http://RDFReactor.semweb4j.org ($Id: CodeGenerator.java 785 2007-05-31 15:47:01Z voelkel $) on 01.06.07 18:30
003: */package org.rdfs.sioc;
005: import org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.Model;
006: import org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.node.BlankNode;
007: import org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.node.URI;
008: import org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.node.impl.URIImpl;
009: import org.ontoware.rdf2go.exception.ModelRuntimeException;
011: import org.ontoware.rdfreactor.runtime.RDFDataException;
013: /**
014: * This class was generated by <a href="http://RDFReactor.semweb4j.org">RDFReactor</a> on 01.06.07 18:30
015: * This class manages access to these properties:
016: * <ul>
017: * <li> Administrator </li>
018: * <li> Hostof </li>
019: * </ul>
020: * Schema Comment: A web-accessible data Space. It can be the location of an online community or set of communities, with Users and Usergroups creating Items in a set of Containers.
021: */
022: public class Site extends Space {
024: /** http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#Site */
025: public static final URI RDFS_CLASS = new URIImpl(
026: "http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#Site", false);
028: /** http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#has_administrator */
029: public static final URI ADMINISTRATOR = new URIImpl(
030: "http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#has_administrator", false);
032: /** http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#host_of */
033: public static final URI HOSTOF = new URIImpl(
034: "http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#host_of", false);
036: /** all property-URIs with this class as domain */
037: public static final URI[] MANAGED_URIS = {
038: new URIImpl("http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#has_administrator",
039: false),
040: new URIImpl("http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#host_of", false) };
042: // protected constructors needed for inheritance
044: /**
045: * Returns a Java wrapper over an RDF object, identified by URI.
046: * Creating two wrappers for the same instanceURI is legal.
047: * @param model RDF2GO Model implementation, see http://rdf2go.semweb4j.org
048: * @param classURI URI of RDFS class
049: * @param instanceIdentifier Resource that identifies this instance
050: * @param write if true, the statement (this, rdf:type, TYPE) is written to the model
051: */
052: protected Site(Model model, URI classURI,
053: org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.node.Resource instanceIdentifier,
054: boolean write) {
055: super (model, classURI, instanceIdentifier, write);
056: }
058: // public constructors
060: /**
061: * Returns a Java wrapper over an RDF object, identified by URI.
062: * Creating two wrappers for the same instanceURI is legal.
063: * @param model RDF2GO Model implementation, see http://rdf2go.ontoware.org
064: * @param instanceIdentifier an RDF2Go Resource identifying this instance
065: * @param write if true, the statement (this, rdf:type, TYPE) is written to the model
066: */
067: public Site(Model model,
068: org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.node.Resource instanceIdentifier,
069: boolean write) {
070: super (model, RDFS_CLASS, instanceIdentifier, write);
071: }
073: /**
074: * Returns a Java wrapper over an RDF object, identified by URI.
075: * Creating two wrappers for the same instanceURI is legal.
076: * The statement (this, rdf:type, TYPE) is written to the model
077: * @param model RDF2GO Model implementation, see http://rdf2go.ontoware.org
078: * @param uri URI of this instance
079: */
080: public Site(Model model, URI uri) {
081: this (model, uri, true);
082: }
084: /**
085: * Returns a Java wrapper over an RDF object, identified by URI.
086: * Creating two wrappers for the same instanceURI is legal.
087: * The statement (this, rdf:type, TYPE) is written to the model
088: * @param model RDF2GO Model implementation, see http://rdf2go.ontoware.org
089: * @param uriString A URI of this instance, represented as a String
090: * @throws ModelRuntimeException if URI syntax is wrong
091: */
092: public Site(Model model, String uriString)
093: throws ModelRuntimeException {
094: this (model, new URIImpl(uriString), true);
095: }
097: /**
098: * Returns a Java wrapper over an RDF object, identified by a blank node.
099: * Creating two wrappers for the same blank node is legal.
100: * The statement (this, rdf:type, TYPE) is written to the model
101: * @param model RDF2GO Model implementation, see http://rdf2go.ontoware.org
102: * @param bnode BlankNode of this instance
103: */
104: public Site(Model model, BlankNode bnode) {
105: this (model, bnode, true);
106: }
108: /**
109: * Returns a Java wrapper over an RDF object, identified by
110: * a randomly generated URI.
111: * Creating two wrappers results in different URIs.
112: * The statement (this, rdf:type, TYPE) is written to the model
113: * @param model RDF2GO Model implementation, see http://rdf2go.ontoware.org
114: */
115: public Site(Model model) {
116: this (model, model.newRandomUniqueURI(), true);
117: }
119: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
120: // getters, setters, ...
122: /**
123: * @param model RDF2Go model
124: * @param uri instance identifier
125: * @return an instance of Site or null if none existst
126: * @throws Exception if Model causes problems
127: */
128: public static Site getInstance(Model model, URI uri)
129: throws Exception {
130: return (Site) getInstance(model, uri, Site.class);
131: }
133: /**
134: * @param model
135: * @param uri
136: * @return true if uri is an instance of this class in the model
137: */
138: public static boolean hasInstance(Model model, URI uri) {
139: return hasInstance(model, uri, RDFS_CLASS);
140: }
142: /**
143: * @return all instances of this class
144: */
145: public Site[] getAllInstances() {
146: return (Site[]) getAllInstances(super .model, Site.class);
147: }
149: /**
150: * @return all instances of this class in the given Model
151: * @param model an RDF2Go model
152: */
153: public static Site[] getAllInstances(Model model) {
154: return (Site[]) getAllInstances(model, Site.class);
155: }
157: /**
158: * @return all A's that have a relation 'Administratorof' to this Site instance
159: */
160: public User[] getAllSiocAdministratorof_Inverse() {
161: return (User[]) getAll_Inverse(User.ADMINISTRATOROF, this
162: .getResource(), User.class);
163: }
165: /**
166: * add 'Administratorof'-Inverse
167: * @param value
168: */
169: public void addSiocAdministratorof_Inverse(User value) {
170: value.add(User.ADMINISTRATOROF, this );
171: }
173: /**
174: * @return all A's that have a relation 'Host' to this Site instance
175: */
176: public Forum[] getAllSiocHost_Inverse() {
177: return (Forum[]) getAll_Inverse(Forum.HOST, this .getResource(),
178: Forum.class);
179: }
181: /**
182: * add 'Host'-Inverse
183: * @param value
184: */
185: public void addSiocHost_Inverse(Forum value) {
186: value.add(Forum.HOST, this );
187: }
189: /**
190: * Schema Comment: A User who is an administrator of this Site.
191: * @return the only value. null if none is found
192: * @throws RDFDataException, if the property has multiple values
193: */
194: public User getSiocAdministrator() {
195: return (User) get(ADMINISTRATOR, User.class);
196: }
198: /**
199: * removes all values and sets this one
200: * @param value the value to be set
201: * Schema Comment: A User who is an administrator of this Site.
202: */
203: public void setSiocAdministrator(User value) {
204: set(ADMINISTRATOR, value);
205: }
207: /**
208: * removes a value
209: * @param value the value to be removed
210: * Schema Comment: A User who is an administrator of this Site.
211: */
212: public void removeSiocAdministrator(User value) {
213: remove(ADMINISTRATOR, value);
214: }
216: /**
217: * @param value
218: * @return true if the model contains a statement (this, ADMINISTRATOR, value)
219: */
220: public boolean hasSiocAdministrator(User value) {
221: return hasValue(ADMINISTRATOR, value);
222: }
224: /**
225: * @return true if the model contains a statement (this, ADMINISTRATOR, *)
226: */
227: public boolean hasSiocAdministrator() {
228: return hasValue(ADMINISTRATOR);
229: }
231: /**
232: * adds a value
233: * @param value the value to be added
234: * Schema Comment: A User who is an administrator of this Site.
235: */
236: public void addSiocAdministrator(User value) {
237: add(ADMINISTRATOR, value);
238: }
240: /**
241: * @return all values
242: * Schema Comment: A User who is an administrator of this Site.
243: */
244: public User[] getAllSiocAdministrator() {
245: return (User[]) getAll(ADMINISTRATOR, User.class);
246: }
248: /**
249: * Schema Comment: A Forum that is hosted on this Site.
250: * @return the only value. null if none is found
251: * @throws RDFDataException, if the property has multiple values
252: */
253: public Forum getSiocHostof() {
254: return (Forum) get(HOSTOF, Forum.class);
255: }
257: /**
258: * removes all values and sets this one
259: * @param value the value to be set
260: * Schema Comment: A Forum that is hosted on this Site.
261: */
262: public void setSiocHostof(Forum value) {
263: set(HOSTOF, value);
264: }
266: /**
267: * removes a value
268: * @param value the value to be removed
269: * Schema Comment: A Forum that is hosted on this Site.
270: */
271: public void removeSiocHostof(Forum value) {
272: remove(HOSTOF, value);
273: }
275: /**
276: * @param value
277: * @return true if the model contains a statement (this, HOSTOF, value)
278: */
279: public boolean hasSiocHostof(Forum value) {
280: return hasValue(HOSTOF, value);
281: }
283: /**
284: * @return true if the model contains a statement (this, HOSTOF, *)
285: */
286: public boolean hasSiocHostof() {
287: return hasValue(HOSTOF);
288: }
290: /**
291: * adds a value
292: * @param value the value to be added
293: * Schema Comment: A Forum that is hosted on this Site.
294: */
295: public void addSiocHostof(Forum value) {
296: add(HOSTOF, value);
297: }
299: /**
300: * @return all values
301: * Schema Comment: A Forum that is hosted on this Site.
302: */
303: public Forum[] getAllSiocHostof() {
304: return (Forum[]) getAll(HOSTOF, Forum.class);
305: }
307: }