| org.rdfs.sioc.Thing
All known Subclasses: org.rdfs.sioc.Agent, org.rdfs.sioc.Community, org.rdfs.sioc.OnlineAccount, org.rdfs.sioc.Container, org.rdfs.sioc.Space, org.rdfs.sioc.Role, org.rdfs.sioc.Document, org.rdfs.sioc.Usergroup,
Thing | public class Thing extends org.ontoware.rdfreactor.schema.rdfschema.Class (Code) | | This class was generated by RDFReactor on 01.06.07 18:30
This class manages access to these properties:
- Linksto
- Link
- Space
- Id
- Subject
- Name
- Feed
- Topic
- Numviews
Schema Comment: This class acts as a catch-all for all properties, for which no domain has specified.
Constructor Summary | |
protected | Thing(Model model, URI classURI, org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.node.Resource instanceIdentifier, boolean write) Returns a Java wrapper over an RDF object, identified by URI. | public | Thing(Model model, org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.node.Resource instanceIdentifier, boolean write) Returns a Java wrapper over an RDF object, identified by URI. | public | Thing(Model model, URI uri) Returns a Java wrapper over an RDF object, identified by URI. | public | Thing(Model model, String uriString) Returns a Java wrapper over an RDF object, identified by URI. | public | Thing(Model model, BlankNode bnode) Returns a Java wrapper over an RDF object, identified by a blank node. | public | Thing(Model model) Returns a Java wrapper over an RDF object, identified by
a randomly generated URI. |
Method Summary | |
public void | addSiocAttachment_Inverse(Post value) | public void | addSiocAvatar_Inverse(User value) | public void | addSiocEmail_Inverse(User value) | public void | addSiocFeed(Thing value) | public void | addSiocFeed_Inverse(Thing value) | public void | addSiocId(java.lang.String value) adds a value
Parameters: value - the value to be addedSchema Comment: An identifier of a SIOC concept instance. | public void | addSiocLink(Thing value) | public void | addSiocLink_Inverse(Thing value) | public void | addSiocLinksto(Thing value) | public void | addSiocLinksto_Inverse(Thing value) | public void | addSiocName(java.lang.String value) adds a value
Parameters: value - the value to be addedSchema Comment: The name of a SIOC instance, e.g. | public void | addSiocNumviews(java.lang.Integer value) adds a value
Parameters: value - the value to be addedSchema Comment: The number of times this Item, Thread, User profile, etc. | public void | addSiocSpace(Space value) | public void | addSiocSpaceof_Inverse(Space value) | public void | addSiocSubject(Thing value) | public void | addSiocSubject_Inverse(Thing value) | public void | addSiocTopic(Thing value) | public void | addSiocTopic_Inverse(Thing value) | public Thing[] | getAllInstances() | public static Thing[] | getAllInstances(Model model) | public Post[] | getAllSiocAttachment_Inverse() | public User[] | getAllSiocAvatar_Inverse() | public User[] | getAllSiocEmail_Inverse() | public Thing[] | getAllSiocFeed() | public Thing[] | getAllSiocFeed_Inverse() | public java.lang.String[] | getAllSiocId() all valuesSchema Comment: An identifier of a SIOC concept instance. | public Thing[] | getAllSiocLink() | public Thing[] | getAllSiocLink_Inverse() | public Thing[] | getAllSiocLinksto() | public Thing[] | getAllSiocLinksto_Inverse() | public java.lang.String[] | getAllSiocName() all valuesSchema Comment: The name of a SIOC instance, e.g. | public java.lang.Integer[] | getAllSiocNumviews() all valuesSchema Comment: The number of times this Item, Thread, User profile, etc. | public Space[] | getAllSiocSpace() | public Space[] | getAllSiocSpaceof_Inverse() | public Thing[] | getAllSiocSubject() | public Thing[] | getAllSiocSubject_Inverse() | public Thing[] | getAllSiocTopic() | public Thing[] | getAllSiocTopic_Inverse() | public static Thing | getInstance(Model model, URI uri) | public Thing | getSiocFeed() Schema Comment: A feed (e.g., RSS, Atom, etc.) pertaining to this resource (e.g., for a Forum, Site, User, etc.).
the only value. | public java.lang.String | getSiocId() Schema Comment: An identifier of a SIOC concept instance. | public Thing | getSiocLink() Schema Comment: A URI of a document which contains this SIOC object.
the only value. | public Thing | getSiocLinksto() Schema Comment: Links extracted from hyperlinks within a SIOC concept, e.g., Post or Site.
the only value. | public java.lang.String | getSiocName() Schema Comment: The name of a SIOC instance, e.g. | public java.lang.Integer | getSiocNumviews() Schema Comment: The number of times this Item, Thread, User profile, etc. | public Space | getSiocSpace() Schema Comment: A data Space which this resource is a part of.
the only value. | public Thing | getSiocSubject() the only value. | public Thing | getSiocTopic() Schema Comment: A topic of interest, linking to the appropriate URI, e.g., in the Open Directory Project or of a SKOS category.
the only value. | public static boolean | hasInstance(Model model, URI uri) | public boolean | hasSiocFeed(Thing value) | public boolean | hasSiocFeed() | public boolean | hasSiocId(java.lang.String value) | public boolean | hasSiocId() | public boolean | hasSiocLink(Thing value) | public boolean | hasSiocLink() | public boolean | hasSiocLinksto(Thing value) | public boolean | hasSiocLinksto() | public boolean | hasSiocName(java.lang.String value) | public boolean | hasSiocName() | public boolean | hasSiocNumviews(java.lang.Integer value) | public boolean | hasSiocNumviews() | public boolean | hasSiocSpace(Space value) | public boolean | hasSiocSpace() | public boolean | hasSiocSubject(Thing value) | public boolean | hasSiocSubject() | public boolean | hasSiocTopic(Thing value) | public boolean | hasSiocTopic() | public void | removeSiocFeed(Thing value) | public void | removeSiocId(java.lang.String value) removes a value
Parameters: value - the value to be removedSchema Comment: An identifier of a SIOC concept instance. | public void | removeSiocLink(Thing value) | public void | removeSiocLinksto(Thing value) | public void | removeSiocName(java.lang.String value) removes a value
Parameters: value - the value to be removedSchema Comment: The name of a SIOC instance, e.g. | public void | removeSiocNumviews(java.lang.Integer value) removes a value
Parameters: value - the value to be removedSchema Comment: The number of times this Item, Thread, User profile, etc. | public void | removeSiocSpace(Space value) | public void | removeSiocSubject(Thing value) | public void | removeSiocTopic(Thing value) | public void | setSiocFeed(Thing value) | public void | setSiocId(java.lang.String value) removes all values and sets this one
Parameters: value - the value to be setSchema Comment: An identifier of a SIOC concept instance. | public void | setSiocLink(Thing value) | public void | setSiocLinksto(Thing value) | public void | setSiocName(java.lang.String value) removes all values and sets this one
Parameters: value - the value to be setSchema Comment: The name of a SIOC instance, e.g. | public void | setSiocNumviews(java.lang.Integer value) removes all values and sets this one
Parameters: value - the value to be setSchema Comment: The number of times this Item, Thread, User profile, etc. | public void | setSiocSpace(Space value) | public void | setSiocSubject(Thing value) | public void | setSiocTopic(Thing value) |
FEED | final public static URI FEED(Code) | | http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#feed
ID | final public static URI ID(Code) | | http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#id
LINK | final public static URI LINK(Code) | | http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#link
LINKSTO | final public static URI LINKSTO(Code) | | http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#links_to
MANAGED_URIS | final public static URI[] MANAGED_URIS(Code) | | all property-URIs with this class as domain
NAME | final public static URI NAME(Code) | | http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#name
NUMVIEWS | final public static URI NUMVIEWS(Code) | | http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#num_views
RDFS_CLASS | final public static URI RDFS_CLASS(Code) | | http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Class
SPACE | final public static URI SPACE(Code) | | http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#has_space
SUBJECT | final public static URI SUBJECT(Code) | | http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/subject
TOPIC | final public static URI TOPIC(Code) | | http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#topic
Thing | protected Thing(Model model, URI classURI, org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.node.Resource instanceIdentifier, boolean write)(Code) | | Returns a Java wrapper over an RDF object, identified by URI.
Creating two wrappers for the same instanceURI is legal.
Parameters: model - RDF2GO Model implementation, see http://rdf2go.semweb4j.org Parameters: classURI - URI of RDFS class Parameters: instanceIdentifier - Resource that identifies this instance Parameters: write - if true, the statement (this, rdf:type, TYPE) is written to the model |
Thing | public Thing(Model model, org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.node.Resource instanceIdentifier, boolean write)(Code) | | Returns a Java wrapper over an RDF object, identified by URI.
Creating two wrappers for the same instanceURI is legal.
Parameters: model - RDF2GO Model implementation, see http://rdf2go.ontoware.org Parameters: instanceIdentifier - an RDF2Go Resource identifying this instance Parameters: write - if true, the statement (this, rdf:type, TYPE) is written to the model |
Thing | public Thing(Model model, URI uri)(Code) | | Returns a Java wrapper over an RDF object, identified by URI.
Creating two wrappers for the same instanceURI is legal.
The statement (this, rdf:type, TYPE) is written to the model
Parameters: model - RDF2GO Model implementation, see http://rdf2go.ontoware.org Parameters: uri - URI of this instance |
Thing | public Thing(Model model, String uriString) throws ModelRuntimeException(Code) | | Returns a Java wrapper over an RDF object, identified by URI.
Creating two wrappers for the same instanceURI is legal.
The statement (this, rdf:type, TYPE) is written to the model
Parameters: model - RDF2GO Model implementation, see http://rdf2go.ontoware.org Parameters: uriString - A URI of this instance, represented as a String throws: ModelRuntimeException - if URI syntax is wrong |
Thing | public Thing(Model model, BlankNode bnode)(Code) | | Returns a Java wrapper over an RDF object, identified by a blank node.
Creating two wrappers for the same blank node is legal.
The statement (this, rdf:type, TYPE) is written to the model
Parameters: model - RDF2GO Model implementation, see http://rdf2go.ontoware.org Parameters: bnode - BlankNode of this instance |
Thing | public Thing(Model model)(Code) | | Returns a Java wrapper over an RDF object, identified by
a randomly generated URI.
Creating two wrappers results in different URIs.
The statement (this, rdf:type, TYPE) is written to the model
Parameters: model - RDF2GO Model implementation, see http://rdf2go.ontoware.org |
addSiocAttachment_Inverse | public void addSiocAttachment_Inverse(Post value)(Code) | | add 'Attachment'-Inverse
Parameters: value - |
addSiocAvatar_Inverse | public void addSiocAvatar_Inverse(User value)(Code) | | add 'Avatar'-Inverse
Parameters: value - |
addSiocEmail_Inverse | public void addSiocEmail_Inverse(User value)(Code) | | add 'Email'-Inverse
Parameters: value - |
addSiocFeed | public void addSiocFeed(Thing value)(Code) | | adds a value
Parameters: value - the value to be addedSchema Comment: A feed (e.g., RSS, Atom, etc.) pertaining to this resource (e.g., for a Forum, Site, User, etc.). |
addSiocFeed_Inverse | public void addSiocFeed_Inverse(Thing value)(Code) | | add 'Feed'-Inverse
Parameters: value - |
addSiocId | public void addSiocId(java.lang.String value)(Code) | | adds a value
Parameters: value - the value to be addedSchema Comment: An identifier of a SIOC concept instance. For example, a user ID. Must be unique for instances of each type of SIOC concept within the same site. |
addSiocLink | public void addSiocLink(Thing value)(Code) | | adds a value
Parameters: value - the value to be addedSchema Comment: A URI of a document which contains this SIOC object. |
addSiocLink_Inverse | public void addSiocLink_Inverse(Thing value)(Code) | | add 'Link'-Inverse
Parameters: value - |
addSiocLinksto | public void addSiocLinksto(Thing value)(Code) | | adds a value
Parameters: value - the value to be addedSchema Comment: Links extracted from hyperlinks within a SIOC concept, e.g., Post or Site. |
addSiocLinksto_Inverse | public void addSiocLinksto_Inverse(Thing value)(Code) | | add 'Linksto'-Inverse
Parameters: value - |
addSiocName | public void addSiocName(java.lang.String value)(Code) | | adds a value
Parameters: value - the value to be addedSchema Comment: The name of a SIOC instance, e.g. a username for a User, group name for a Usergroup, etc. |
addSiocNumviews | public void addSiocNumviews(java.lang.Integer value)(Code) | | adds a value
Parameters: value - the value to be addedSchema Comment: The number of times this Item, Thread, User profile, etc. has been viewed. |
addSiocSpace | public void addSiocSpace(Space value)(Code) | | adds a value
Parameters: value - the value to be addedSchema Comment: A data Space which this resource is a part of. |
addSiocSpaceof_Inverse | public void addSiocSpaceof_Inverse(Space value)(Code) | | add 'Spaceof'-Inverse
Parameters: value - |
addSiocSubject | public void addSiocSubject(Thing value)(Code) | | adds a value
Parameters: value - the value to be added |
addSiocSubject_Inverse | public void addSiocSubject_Inverse(Thing value)(Code) | | add 'Subject'-Inverse
Parameters: value - |
addSiocTopic | public void addSiocTopic(Thing value)(Code) | | adds a value
Parameters: value - the value to be addedSchema Comment: A topic of interest, linking to the appropriate URI, e.g., in the Open Directory Project or of a SKOS category. |
addSiocTopic_Inverse | public void addSiocTopic_Inverse(Thing value)(Code) | | add 'Topic'-Inverse
Parameters: value - |
getAllInstances | public Thing[] getAllInstances()(Code) | | all instances of this class |
getAllInstances | public static Thing[] getAllInstances(Model model)(Code) | | all instances of this class in the given Model Parameters: model - an RDF2Go model |
getAllSiocAttachment_Inverse | public Post[] getAllSiocAttachment_Inverse()(Code) | | all A's that have a relation 'Attachment' to this Thing instance |
getAllSiocAvatar_Inverse | public User[] getAllSiocAvatar_Inverse()(Code) | | all A's that have a relation 'Avatar' to this Thing instance |
getAllSiocEmail_Inverse | public User[] getAllSiocEmail_Inverse()(Code) | | all A's that have a relation 'Email' to this Thing instance |
getAllSiocFeed | public Thing[] getAllSiocFeed()(Code) | | all valuesSchema Comment: A feed (e.g., RSS, Atom, etc.) pertaining to this resource (e.g., for a Forum, Site, User, etc.). |
getAllSiocFeed_Inverse | public Thing[] getAllSiocFeed_Inverse()(Code) | | all A's that have a relation 'Feed' to this Thing instance |
getAllSiocId | public java.lang.String[] getAllSiocId()(Code) | | all valuesSchema Comment: An identifier of a SIOC concept instance. For example, a user ID. Must be unique for instances of each type of SIOC concept within the same site. |
getAllSiocLink | public Thing[] getAllSiocLink()(Code) | | all valuesSchema Comment: A URI of a document which contains this SIOC object. |
getAllSiocLink_Inverse | public Thing[] getAllSiocLink_Inverse()(Code) | | all A's that have a relation 'Link' to this Thing instance |
getAllSiocLinksto | public Thing[] getAllSiocLinksto()(Code) | | all valuesSchema Comment: Links extracted from hyperlinks within a SIOC concept, e.g., Post or Site. |
getAllSiocLinksto_Inverse | public Thing[] getAllSiocLinksto_Inverse()(Code) | | all A's that have a relation 'Linksto' to this Thing instance |
getAllSiocName | public java.lang.String[] getAllSiocName()(Code) | | all valuesSchema Comment: The name of a SIOC instance, e.g. a username for a User, group name for a Usergroup, etc. |
getAllSiocNumviews | public java.lang.Integer[] getAllSiocNumviews()(Code) | | all valuesSchema Comment: The number of times this Item, Thread, User profile, etc. has been viewed. |
getAllSiocSpace | public Space[] getAllSiocSpace()(Code) | | all valuesSchema Comment: A data Space which this resource is a part of. |
getAllSiocSpaceof_Inverse | public Space[] getAllSiocSpaceof_Inverse()(Code) | | all A's that have a relation 'Spaceof' to this Thing instance |
getAllSiocSubject | public Thing[] getAllSiocSubject()(Code) | | all values |
getAllSiocSubject_Inverse | public Thing[] getAllSiocSubject_Inverse()(Code) | | all A's that have a relation 'Subject' to this Thing instance |
getAllSiocTopic | public Thing[] getAllSiocTopic()(Code) | | all valuesSchema Comment: A topic of interest, linking to the appropriate URI, e.g., in the Open Directory Project or of a SKOS category. |
getAllSiocTopic_Inverse | public Thing[] getAllSiocTopic_Inverse()(Code) | | all A's that have a relation 'Topic' to this Thing instance |
getInstance | public static Thing getInstance(Model model, URI uri) throws Exception(Code) | | Parameters: model - RDF2Go model Parameters: uri - instance identifier an instance of Thing or null if none existst throws: Exception - if Model causes problems |
getSiocFeed | public Thing getSiocFeed()(Code) | | Schema Comment: A feed (e.g., RSS, Atom, etc.) pertaining to this resource (e.g., for a Forum, Site, User, etc.).
the only value. null if none is found throws: RDFDataException - , if the property has multiple values |
getSiocId | public java.lang.String getSiocId()(Code) | | Schema Comment: An identifier of a SIOC concept instance. For example, a user ID. Must be unique for instances of each type of SIOC concept within the same site.
the only value. null if none is found throws: RDFDataException - , if the property has multiple values |
getSiocLink | public Thing getSiocLink()(Code) | | Schema Comment: A URI of a document which contains this SIOC object.
the only value. null if none is found throws: RDFDataException - , if the property has multiple values |
getSiocLinksto | public Thing getSiocLinksto()(Code) | | Schema Comment: Links extracted from hyperlinks within a SIOC concept, e.g., Post or Site.
the only value. null if none is found throws: RDFDataException - , if the property has multiple values |
getSiocName | public java.lang.String getSiocName()(Code) | | Schema Comment: The name of a SIOC instance, e.g. a username for a User, group name for a Usergroup, etc.
the only value. null if none is found throws: RDFDataException - , if the property has multiple values |
getSiocNumviews | public java.lang.Integer getSiocNumviews()(Code) | | Schema Comment: The number of times this Item, Thread, User profile, etc. has been viewed.
the only value. null if none is found throws: RDFDataException - , if the property has multiple values |
getSiocSpace | public Space getSiocSpace()(Code) | | Schema Comment: A data Space which this resource is a part of.
the only value. null if none is found throws: RDFDataException - , if the property has multiple values |
getSiocSubject | public Thing getSiocSubject()(Code) | | the only value. null if none is found throws: RDFDataException - , if the property has multiple values |
getSiocTopic | public Thing getSiocTopic()(Code) | | Schema Comment: A topic of interest, linking to the appropriate URI, e.g., in the Open Directory Project or of a SKOS category.
the only value. null if none is found throws: RDFDataException - , if the property has multiple values |
hasInstance | public static boolean hasInstance(Model model, URI uri)(Code) | | Parameters: model - Parameters: uri - true if uri is an instance of this class in the model |
hasSiocFeed | public boolean hasSiocFeed(Thing value)(Code) | | Parameters: value - true if the model contains a statement (this, FEED, value) |
hasSiocFeed | public boolean hasSiocFeed()(Code) | | true if the model contains a statement (this, FEED, *) |
hasSiocId | public boolean hasSiocId(java.lang.String value)(Code) | | Parameters: value - true if the model contains a statement (this, ID, value) |
hasSiocId | public boolean hasSiocId()(Code) | | true if the model contains a statement (this, ID, *) |
hasSiocLink | public boolean hasSiocLink(Thing value)(Code) | | Parameters: value - true if the model contains a statement (this, LINK, value) |
hasSiocLink | public boolean hasSiocLink()(Code) | | true if the model contains a statement (this, LINK, *) |
hasSiocLinksto | public boolean hasSiocLinksto(Thing value)(Code) | | Parameters: value - true if the model contains a statement (this, LINKSTO, value) |
hasSiocLinksto | public boolean hasSiocLinksto()(Code) | | true if the model contains a statement (this, LINKSTO, *) |
hasSiocName | public boolean hasSiocName(java.lang.String value)(Code) | | Parameters: value - true if the model contains a statement (this, NAME, value) |
hasSiocName | public boolean hasSiocName()(Code) | | true if the model contains a statement (this, NAME, *) |
hasSiocNumviews | public boolean hasSiocNumviews(java.lang.Integer value)(Code) | | Parameters: value - true if the model contains a statement (this, NUMVIEWS, value) |
hasSiocNumviews | public boolean hasSiocNumviews()(Code) | | true if the model contains a statement (this, NUMVIEWS, *) |
hasSiocSpace | public boolean hasSiocSpace(Space value)(Code) | | Parameters: value - true if the model contains a statement (this, SPACE, value) |
hasSiocSpace | public boolean hasSiocSpace()(Code) | | true if the model contains a statement (this, SPACE, *) |
hasSiocSubject | public boolean hasSiocSubject(Thing value)(Code) | | Parameters: value - true if the model contains a statement (this, SUBJECT, value) |
hasSiocSubject | public boolean hasSiocSubject()(Code) | | true if the model contains a statement (this, SUBJECT, *) |
hasSiocTopic | public boolean hasSiocTopic(Thing value)(Code) | | Parameters: value - true if the model contains a statement (this, TOPIC, value) |
hasSiocTopic | public boolean hasSiocTopic()(Code) | | true if the model contains a statement (this, TOPIC, *) |
removeSiocFeed | public void removeSiocFeed(Thing value)(Code) | | removes a value
Parameters: value - the value to be removedSchema Comment: A feed (e.g., RSS, Atom, etc.) pertaining to this resource (e.g., for a Forum, Site, User, etc.). |
removeSiocId | public void removeSiocId(java.lang.String value)(Code) | | removes a value
Parameters: value - the value to be removedSchema Comment: An identifier of a SIOC concept instance. For example, a user ID. Must be unique for instances of each type of SIOC concept within the same site. |
removeSiocLink | public void removeSiocLink(Thing value)(Code) | | removes a value
Parameters: value - the value to be removedSchema Comment: A URI of a document which contains this SIOC object. |
removeSiocLinksto | public void removeSiocLinksto(Thing value)(Code) | | removes a value
Parameters: value - the value to be removedSchema Comment: Links extracted from hyperlinks within a SIOC concept, e.g., Post or Site. |
removeSiocName | public void removeSiocName(java.lang.String value)(Code) | | removes a value
Parameters: value - the value to be removedSchema Comment: The name of a SIOC instance, e.g. a username for a User, group name for a Usergroup, etc. |
removeSiocNumviews | public void removeSiocNumviews(java.lang.Integer value)(Code) | | removes a value
Parameters: value - the value to be removedSchema Comment: The number of times this Item, Thread, User profile, etc. has been viewed. |
removeSiocSpace | public void removeSiocSpace(Space value)(Code) | | removes a value
Parameters: value - the value to be removedSchema Comment: A data Space which this resource is a part of. |
removeSiocSubject | public void removeSiocSubject(Thing value)(Code) | | removes a value
Parameters: value - the value to be removed |
removeSiocTopic | public void removeSiocTopic(Thing value)(Code) | | removes a value
Parameters: value - the value to be removedSchema Comment: A topic of interest, linking to the appropriate URI, e.g., in the Open Directory Project or of a SKOS category. |
setSiocFeed | public void setSiocFeed(Thing value)(Code) | | removes all values and sets this one
Parameters: value - the value to be setSchema Comment: A feed (e.g., RSS, Atom, etc.) pertaining to this resource (e.g., for a Forum, Site, User, etc.). |
setSiocId | public void setSiocId(java.lang.String value)(Code) | | removes all values and sets this one
Parameters: value - the value to be setSchema Comment: An identifier of a SIOC concept instance. For example, a user ID. Must be unique for instances of each type of SIOC concept within the same site. |
setSiocLink | public void setSiocLink(Thing value)(Code) | | removes all values and sets this one
Parameters: value - the value to be setSchema Comment: A URI of a document which contains this SIOC object. |
setSiocLinksto | public void setSiocLinksto(Thing value)(Code) | | removes all values and sets this one
Parameters: value - the value to be setSchema Comment: Links extracted from hyperlinks within a SIOC concept, e.g., Post or Site. |
setSiocName | public void setSiocName(java.lang.String value)(Code) | | removes all values and sets this one
Parameters: value - the value to be setSchema Comment: The name of a SIOC instance, e.g. a username for a User, group name for a Usergroup, etc. |
setSiocNumviews | public void setSiocNumviews(java.lang.Integer value)(Code) | | removes all values and sets this one
Parameters: value - the value to be setSchema Comment: The number of times this Item, Thread, User profile, etc. has been viewed. |
setSiocSpace | public void setSiocSpace(Space value)(Code) | | removes all values and sets this one
Parameters: value - the value to be setSchema Comment: A data Space which this resource is a part of. |
setSiocSubject | public void setSiocSubject(Thing value)(Code) | | removes all values and sets this one
Parameters: value - the value to be set |
setSiocTopic | public void setSiocTopic(Thing value)(Code) | | removes all values and sets this one
Parameters: value - the value to be setSchema Comment: A topic of interest, linking to the appropriate URI, e.g., in the Open Directory Project or of a SKOS category. |