| java.lang.Object com.nwalsh.saxon.Verbatim
Verbatim | public class Verbatim (Code) | | Saxon extensions supporting DocBook verbatim environments
$Id: Verbatim.java,v 1.1 2007-05-18 15:03:13 sinisa Exp $
Copyright (C) 2000 Norman Walsh.
This class provides a
implementation of two features that would be impractical to
implement directly in XSLT: line numbering and callouts.
Line Numbering
The numberLines method takes a result tree
fragment (assumed to contain the contents of a formatted verbatim
element in DocBook: programlisting, screen, address, literallayout,
or synopsis) and returns a result tree fragment decorated with
line numbers.
The insertCallouts method takes an
areaspec and a result tree fragment
(assumed to contain the contents of a formatted verbatim
element in DocBook: programlisting, screen, address, literallayout,
or synopsis) and returns a result tree fragment decorated with
Change Log:
- 1.0
Initial release.
author: Norman Walsh author: ndw@nwalsh.com version: $Id: Verbatim.java,v 1.1 2007-05-18 15:03:13 sinisa Exp $ |
Method Summary | |
protected static String | getVariable(Context context, String varName) Find the string value of a stylesheet variable or parameter
Returns the string value of varName in the current
context . | public static NodeSetValue | insertCallouts(Context context, NodeList areaspecNodeList, NodeSetValue rtf_ns) Insert text callouts into a verbatim environment.
This method examines the areaset and area elements
in the supplied areaspec and decorates the supplied
result tree fragment with appropriate callout markers.
If a label attribute is supplied on an area,
its content will be used for the label, otherwise the callout
number will be used, surrounded by parenthesis. | public static NodeSetValue | numberLines(Context context, NodeSetValue rtf_ns) Number lines in a verbatim environment
The extension function expects the following variables to be
available in the calling context: $linenumbering.everyNth,
$linenumbering.width, $linenumbering.separator, and
This method adds line numbers to a result tree fragment. |
Verbatim | public Verbatim()(Code) | | Constructor for Verbatim
All of the methods are static, so the constructor does nothing.
getVariable | protected static String getVariable(Context context, String varName)(Code) | | Find the string value of a stylesheet variable or parameter
Returns the string value of varName in the current
context . Returns the empty string if the variable is
not defined.
Parameters: context - The current stylesheet context Parameters: varName - The name of the variable (without the dollar sign) The string value of the variable |
insertCallouts | public static NodeSetValue insertCallouts(Context context, NodeList areaspecNodeList, NodeSetValue rtf_ns)(Code) | | Insert text callouts into a verbatim environment.
This method examines the areaset and area elements
in the supplied areaspec and decorates the supplied
result tree fragment with appropriate callout markers.
If a label attribute is supplied on an area,
its content will be used for the label, otherwise the callout
number will be used, surrounded by parenthesis. Callout numbers may
also be represented as graphics. Callouts are
numbered in document order. All of the areas in an
areaset get the same number.
Only the linecolumn and linerange units are
supported. If no unit is specifed, linecolumn is assumed.
If only a line is specified, the callout decoration appears in
the defaultColumn. Lines will be padded with blanks to reach the
necessary column, but callouts that are located beyond the last
line of the verbatim environment will be ignored.
Callouts are inserted before the character at the line/column
where they are to occur.
If graphical callouts are used, and the callout number is less
than or equal to the $callout.graphics.number.limit, the following image
will be generated for HTML:
<img src="$callout.graphics.path/999$callout.graphics.ext"
If the $stylesheet.result.type is 'fo', the following image will
be generated:
<fo:external-graphic src="$callout.graphics.path/999$callout.graphics.ext"/>
If the callout number exceeds $callout.graphics.number.limit,
the callout will be the callout number surrounded by
Parameters: context - The stylesheet context. Parameters: areaspecNodeSet - The source node set that contains the areaspec. Parameters: rtf - The result tree fragment of the verbatim environment. The modified result tree fragment. |
numberLines | public static NodeSetValue numberLines(Context context, NodeSetValue rtf_ns)(Code) | | Number lines in a verbatim environment
The extension function expects the following variables to be
available in the calling context: $linenumbering.everyNth,
$linenumbering.width, $linenumbering.separator, and
This method adds line numbers to a result tree fragment. Each
newline that occurs in a text node is assumed to start a new line.
The first line is always numbered, every subsequent 'everyNth' line
is numbered (so if everyNth=5, lines 1, 5, 10, 15, etc. will be
numbered. If there are fewer than everyNth lines in the environment,
every line is numbered.
Every line number will be right justified in a string 'width'
characters long. If the line number of the last line in the
environment is too long to fit in the specified width, the width
is automatically increased to the smallest value that can hold the
number of the last line. (In other words, if you specify the value 2
and attempt to enumerate the lines of an environment that is 100 lines
long, the value 3 will automatically be used for every line in the
The 'separator' string is inserted between the line
number and the original program listing. Lines that aren't numbered
are preceded by a 'width' blank string and the separator.
If inline markup extends across line breaks, markup changes are
required. All the open elements are closed before the line break and
"reopened" afterwards. The reopened elements will have the same
attributes as the originals, except that 'name' and 'id' attributes
are not duplicated if the stylesheet.result.type is "html" and
'id' attributes will not be duplicated if the result type is "fo".
Parameters: rtf - The result tree fragment of the verbatim environment. The modified result tree fragment. |