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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Search Engine » yacy » de.anomic.htmlFilter 
Source Cross Referenced  Class Diagram Java Document (Java Doc) 

001:        //
002:        // ---------------------------
003:        // (C) by Michael Peter Christen;
004:        // first published on
005:        // Frankfurt, Germany, 2004, 2005
006:        //
007:        // $LastChangedDate: 2006-09-15 17:01:25 +0200 (Fr, 15 Sep 2006) $
008:        // $LastChangedRevision: 2598 $
009:        // $LastChangedBy: theli $
010:        //
011:        // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
012:        // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
013:        // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
014:        // (at your option) any later version.
015:        //
016:        // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
017:        // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
019:        // GNU General Public License for more details.
020:        //
021:        // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
022:        // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
023:        // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
024:        //
025:        // Using this software in any meaning (reading, learning, copying, compiling,
026:        // running) means that you agree that the Author(s) is (are) not responsible
027:        // for cost, loss of data or any harm that may be caused directly or indirectly
028:        // by usage of this softare or this documentation. The usage of this software
029:        // is on your own risk. The installation and usage (starting/running) of this
030:        // software may allow other people or application to access your computer and
031:        // any attached devices and is highly dependent on the configuration of the
032:        // software which must be done by the user of the software;the author(s) is
033:        // (are) also not responsible for proper configuration and usage of the
034:        // software, even if provoked by documentation provided together with
035:        // the software.
036:        //
037:        // Any changes to this file according to the GPL as documented in the file
038:        // gpl.txt aside this file in the shipment you received can be done to the
039:        // lines that follows this copyright notice here, but changes must not be
040:        // done inside the copyright notive above. A re-distribution must contain
041:        // the intact and unchanged copyright notice.
042:        // Contributions and changes to the program code must be marked as such.
044:        /*
045:         This class implements an output stream. Any data written to that output
046:         is automatically parsed.
047:         After finishing with writing, the htmlFilter can be read out.
049:         */
051:        package de.anomic.htmlFilter;
053:        import;
054:        import;
055:        import;
056:        import;
057:        import;
058:        import;
059:        import;
060:        import;
061:        import;
062:        import;
063:        import java.util.Enumeration;
064:        import java.util.Properties;
066:        import de.anomic.server.serverCharBuffer;
067:        import de.anomic.yacy.yacyURL;
069:        public final class htmlFilterWriter extends Writer {
071:            public static final char lb = '<';
072:            public static final char rb = '>';
073:            public static final char dash = '-';
074:            public static final char excl = '!';
075:            public static final char singlequote = '\'';
076:            public static final char doublequote = '"';
078:            private OutputStream outStream;
079:            private OutputStreamWriter out;
080:            private serverCharBuffer buffer;
081:            private String filterTag;
082:            private Properties filterOpts;
083:            private serverCharBuffer filterCont;
084:            private htmlFilterScraper scraper;
085:            private htmlFilterTransformer transformer;
086:            private boolean inSingleQuote;
087:            private boolean inDoubleQuote;
088:            private boolean inComment;
089:            private boolean inScript;
090:            private boolean binaryUnsuspect;
091:            private boolean passbyIfBinarySuspect;
093:            public htmlFilterWriter(OutputStream outStream,
094:                    String outputStreamCharset, htmlFilterScraper scraper,
095:                    htmlFilterTransformer transformer,
096:                    boolean passbyIfBinarySuspect)
097:                    throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
098:                this .outStream = outStream;
099:                this .scraper = scraper;
100:                this .transformer = transformer;
101:                this .buffer = new serverCharBuffer(1024);
102:                this .filterTag = null;
103:                this .filterOpts = null;
104:                this .filterCont = null;
105:                this .inSingleQuote = false;
106:                this .inDoubleQuote = false;
107:                this .inComment = false;
108:                this .inScript = false;
109:                this .binaryUnsuspect = true;
110:                this .passbyIfBinarySuspect = passbyIfBinarySuspect;
112:                if (this .outStream != null) {
113:                    this .out = new OutputStreamWriter(this .outStream,
114:                            (outputStreamCharset == null) ? "UTF-8"
115:                                    : outputStreamCharset);
116:                }
117:            }
119:            public static char[] genTag0raw(String tagname, boolean opening,
120:                    char[] tagopts) {
121:                serverCharBuffer bb = new serverCharBuffer(tagname.length()
122:                        + tagopts.length + 3);
123:                bb.append((int) '<');
124:                if (!opening) {
125:                    bb.append((int) '/');
126:                }
127:                bb.append(tagname);
128:                if (tagopts.length > 0) {
129:                    //              if (tagopts[0] == (byte) 32)
130:                    bb.append(tagopts);
131:                    //              else bb.append((byte) 32).append(tagopts);
132:                }
133:                bb.append((int) '>');
134:                return bb.getChars();
135:            }
137:            public static char[] genTag1raw(String tagname, char[] tagopts,
138:                    char[] text) {
139:                serverCharBuffer bb = new serverCharBuffer(2 * tagname.length()
140:                        + tagopts.length + text.length + 5);
141:                bb.append((int) '<').append(tagname);
142:                if (tagopts.length > 0) {
143:                    //              if (tagopts[0] == (byte) 32)
144:                    bb.append(tagopts);
145:                    //              else bb.append((byte) 32).append(tagopts);
146:                }
147:                bb.append((int) '>');
148:                bb.append(text);
149:                bb.append((int) '<').append((int) '/').append(tagname).append(
150:                        (int) '>');
151:                return bb.getChars();
152:            }
154:            public static char[] genTag0(String tagname, Properties tagopts,
155:                    char quotechar) {
156:                char[] tagoptsx = (tagopts.size() == 0) ? null : genOpts(
157:                        tagopts, quotechar);
158:                serverCharBuffer bb = new serverCharBuffer(tagname.length()
159:                        + ((tagoptsx == null) ? 0 : (tagoptsx.length + 1))
160:                        + tagname.length() + 2);
161:                bb.append((int) '<').append(tagname);
162:                if (tagoptsx != null) {
163:                    bb.append(32);
164:                    bb.append(tagoptsx);
165:                }
166:                bb.append((int) '>');
167:                return bb.getChars();
168:            }
170:            public static char[] genTag1(String tagname, Properties tagopts,
171:                    char[] text, char quotechar) {
172:                char[] gt0 = genTag0(tagname, tagopts, quotechar);
173:                serverCharBuffer cb = new serverCharBuffer(gt0, gt0.length
174:                        + text.length + tagname.length() + 3);
175:                cb.append(text).append((int) '<').append((int) '/').append(
176:                        tagname).append((int) '>');
177:                return cb.getChars();
178:            }
180:            // a helper method for pretty-printing of properties for html tags
181:            public static char[] genOpts(Properties prop, char quotechar) {
182:                Enumeration<?> e = prop.propertyNames();
183:                serverCharBuffer bb = new serverCharBuffer(prop.size() * 40);
184:                String key;
185:                while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
186:                    key = (String) e.nextElement();
187:                    bb.append(32).append(key).append((int) '=').append(
188:                            (int) quotechar);
189:                    bb.append(prop.getProperty(key));
190:                    bb.append((int) quotechar);
191:                }
192:                if (bb.length() > 0)
193:                    return bb.getChars(1);
194:                return bb.getChars();
195:            }
197:            private char[] filterTag(String tag, boolean opening,
198:                    char[] content, char quotechar) {
199:                //      System.out.println("FILTER1: filterTag=" + ((filterTag == null) ? "null" : filterTag) + ", tag=" + tag + ", opening=" + ((opening) ? "true" : "false") + ", content=" + new String(content)); // debug
200:                if (filterTag == null) {
201:                    // we are not collection tag text
202:                    if (tag == null) {
203:                        // and this is not a tag opener/closer
204:                        if (scraper != null)
205:                            scraper.scrapeText(content, null);
206:                        if (transformer != null)
207:                            return transformer.transformText(content);
208:                        return content;
209:                    }
211:                    // we have a new tag
212:                    if (opening) {
213:                        if ((scraper != null) && (scraper.isTag0(tag))) {
214:                            // this single tag is collected at once here
215:                            scraper.scrapeTag0(tag, new serverCharBuffer(
216:                                    content).propParser());
217:                        }
218:                        if ((transformer != null) && (transformer.isTag0(tag))) {
219:                            // this single tag is collected at once here
220:                            return transformer.transformTag0(tag,
221:                                    new serverCharBuffer(content).propParser(),
222:                                    quotechar);
223:                        } else if (((scraper != null) && (scraper.isTag1(tag)))
224:                                || ((transformer != null) && (transformer
225:                                        .isTag1(tag)))) {
226:                            // ok, start collecting
227:                            filterTag = tag;
228:                            filterOpts = new serverCharBuffer(content)
229:                                    .propParser();
230:                            filterCont = new serverCharBuffer();
231:                            return new char[0];
232:                        } else {
233:                            // we ignore that thing and return it again
234:                            return genTag0raw(tag, true, content);
235:                        }
236:                    }
238:                    // we ignore that thing and return it again
239:                    return genTag0raw(tag, false, content);
241:                }
243:                // we are collection tag text for the tag 'filterTag'
244:                if (tag == null) {
245:                    // go on collecting content
246:                    if (scraper != null)
247:                        scraper.scrapeText(content, filterTag);
248:                    if (transformer != null) {
249:                        filterCont.append(transformer.transformText(content));
250:                    } else {
251:                        filterCont.append(content);
252:                    }
253:                    return new char[0];
254:                }
256:                // it's a tag! which one?
257:                if ((opening) || (!(tag.equals(filterTag)))) {
258:                    // this tag is not our concern. just add it
259:                    filterCont.append(genTag0raw(tag, opening, content));
260:                    return new char[0];
261:                }
263:                // it's our closing tag! return complete result.
264:                char[] ret;
265:                if (scraper != null)
266:                    scraper.scrapeTag1(filterTag, filterOpts, filterCont
267:                            .getChars());
268:                if (transformer != null) {
269:                    ret = transformer.transformTag1(filterTag, filterOpts,
270:                            filterCont.getChars(), quotechar);
271:                } else {
272:                    ret = genTag1(filterTag, filterOpts, filterCont.getChars(),
273:                            quotechar);
274:                }
275:                filterTag = null;
276:                filterOpts = null;
277:                filterCont = null;
278:                return ret;
279:            }
281:            private char[] filterFinalize(char quotechar) {
282:                if (filterTag == null) {
283:                    return new char[0];
284:                }
286:                // it's our closing tag! return complete result.
287:                char[] ret;
288:                if (scraper != null)
289:                    scraper.scrapeTag1(filterTag, filterOpts, filterCont
290:                            .getChars());
291:                if (transformer != null) {
292:                    ret = transformer.transformTag1(filterTag, filterOpts,
293:                            filterCont.getChars(), quotechar);
294:                } else {
295:                    ret = genTag1(filterTag, filterOpts, filterCont.getChars(),
296:                            quotechar);
297:                }
298:                filterTag = null;
299:                filterOpts = null;
300:                filterCont = null;
301:                return ret;
302:            }
304:            private char[] filterSentence(char[] in, char quotechar) {
305:                if (in.length == 0)
306:                    return in;
307:                //      System.out.println("FILTER0: " + new String(in)); // debug
308:                // scan the string and parse structure
309:                if (in.length > 2 && in[0] == lb) {
311:                    // a tag
312:                    String tag;
313:                    int tagend;
314:                    if (in[1] == '/') {
315:                        // a closing tag
316:                        tagend = tagEnd(in, 2);
317:                        tag = new String(in, 2, tagend - 2);
318:                        char[] text = new char[in.length - tagend - 1];
319:                        System.arraycopy(in, tagend, text, 0, in.length
320:                                - tagend - 1);
321:                        return filterTag(tag, false, text, quotechar);
322:                    }
324:                    // an opening tag
325:                    tagend = tagEnd(in, 1);
326:                    tag = new String(in, 1, tagend - 1);
327:                    char[] text = new char[in.length - tagend - 1];
328:                    System.arraycopy(in, tagend, text, 0, in.length - tagend
329:                            - 1);
330:                    return filterTag(tag, true, text, quotechar);
331:                }
333:                // a text
334:                return filterTag(null, true, in, quotechar);
335:            }
337:            private static int tagEnd(char[] tag, int start) {
338:                char c;
339:                for (int i = start; i < tag.length; i++) {
340:                    c = tag[i];
341:                    if (c != '!' && c != '-' && (c < '0' || c > '9')
342:                            && (c < 'a' || c > 'z') && (c < 'A' || c > 'Z'))
343:                        return i;
344:                }
345:                return tag.length - 1;
346:            }
348:            public void write(int c) throws IOException {
349:                //      System.out.println((char) b);
350:                if ((binaryUnsuspect) && (binaryHint((char) c))) {
351:                    binaryUnsuspect = false;
352:                    if (passbyIfBinarySuspect)
353:                        finalize();
354:                }
356:                if (binaryUnsuspect || !passbyIfBinarySuspect) {
357:                    char[] filtered;
358:                    if (inSingleQuote) {
359:                        buffer.append(c);
360:                        if (c == singlequote)
361:                            inSingleQuote = false;
362:                        // check error cases
363:                        if ((c == rb) && (buffer.charAt(0) == lb)) {
364:                            inSingleQuote = false;
365:                            // the tag ends here. after filtering: pass on
366:                            filtered = filterSentence(buffer.getChars(),
367:                                    singlequote);
368:                            if (out != null) {
369:                                out.write(filtered);
370:                            }
371:                            // buffer = new serverByteBuffer();
372:                            buffer.reset();
373:                        }
374:                    } else if (inDoubleQuote) {
375:                        buffer.append(c);
376:                        if (c == doublequote)
377:                            inDoubleQuote = false;
378:                        // check error cases
379:                        if (c == rb && buffer.charAt(0) == lb) {
380:                            inDoubleQuote = false;
381:                            // the tag ends here. after filtering: pass on
382:                            filtered = filterSentence(buffer.getChars(),
383:                                    doublequote);
384:                            if (out != null)
385:                                out.write(filtered);
386:                            // buffer = new serverByteBuffer();
387:                            buffer.reset();
388:                        }
389:                    } else if (inComment) {
390:                        buffer.append(c);
391:                        if (c == rb && buffer.length() > 6
392:                                && buffer.charAt(buffer.length() - 3) == dash) {
393:                            // comment is at end
394:                            inComment = false;
395:                            if (out != null)
396:                                out.write(buffer.getChars());
397:                            // buffer = new serverByteBuffer();
398:                            buffer.reset();
399:                        }
400:                    } else if (inScript) {
401:                        buffer.append(c);
402:                        int bufferLength = buffer.length();
403:                        if ((c == rb) && (bufferLength > 14)
404:                                && (buffer.charAt(bufferLength - 8) == '/')
405:                                && (buffer.charAt(bufferLength - 7) == 's')
406:                                && (buffer.charAt(bufferLength - 6) == 'c')
407:                                && (buffer.charAt(bufferLength - 5) == 'r')
408:                                && (buffer.charAt(bufferLength - 4) == 'i')
409:                                && (buffer.charAt(bufferLength - 3) == 'p')
410:                                && (buffer.charAt(bufferLength - 2) == 't')) {
411:                            // script is at end
412:                            inScript = false;
413:                            if (out != null)
414:                                out.write(buffer.getChars());
415:                            // buffer = new serverByteBuffer();
416:                            buffer.reset();
417:                        }
418:                    } else {
419:                        if (buffer.length() == 0) {
420:                            if (c == rb) {
421:                                // very strange error case; we just let it pass
422:                                if (out != null)
423:                                    out.write(c);
424:                            } else {
425:                                buffer.append(c);
426:                            }
427:                        } else if (buffer.charAt(0) == lb) {
428:                            if (c == singlequote)
429:                                inSingleQuote = true;
430:                            if (c == doublequote)
431:                                inDoubleQuote = true;
432:                            // fill in tag text
433:                            if ((buffer.length() == 3)
434:                                    && (buffer.charAt(1) == excl)
435:                                    && (buffer.charAt(2) == dash)
436:                                    && (c == dash)) {
437:                                // this is the start of a comment
438:                                inComment = true;
439:                                buffer.append(c);
440:                            } else if ((buffer.length() == 6)
441:                                    && (buffer.charAt(1) == 's')
442:                                    && (buffer.charAt(2) == 'c')
443:                                    && (buffer.charAt(3) == 'r')
444:                                    && (buffer.charAt(4) == 'i')
445:                                    && (buffer.charAt(5) == 'p') && (c == 't')) {
446:                                // this is the start of a comment
447:                                inScript = true;
448:                                buffer.append(c);
449:                            } else if (c == rb) {
450:                                buffer.append(c);
451:                                // the tag ends here. after filtering: pass on
452:                                filtered = filterSentence(buffer.getChars(),
453:                                        doublequote);
454:                                if (out != null)
455:                                    out.write(filtered);
456:                                // buffer = new serverByteBuffer();
457:                                buffer.reset();
458:                            } else if (c == lb) {
459:                                // this is an error case
460:                                // we consider that there is one rb missing
461:                                if (buffer.length() > 0) {
462:                                    filtered = filterSentence(
463:                                            buffer.getChars(), doublequote);
464:                                    if (out != null)
465:                                        out.write(filtered);
466:                                }
467:                                // buffer = new serverByteBuffer();
468:                                buffer.reset();
469:                                buffer.append(c);
470:                            } else {
471:                                buffer.append(c);
472:                            }
473:                        } else {
474:                            // fill in plain text
475:                            if (c == lb) {
476:                                // the text ends here
477:                                if (buffer.length() > 0) {
478:                                    filtered = filterSentence(
479:                                            buffer.getChars(), doublequote);
480:                                    if (out != null)
481:                                        out.write(filtered);
482:                                }
483:                                // buffer = new serverByteBuffer();
484:                                buffer.reset();
485:                                buffer.append(c);
486:                            } else {
487:                                // simply append
488:                                buffer.append(c);
489:                            }
490:                        }
491:                    }
492:                } else {
493:                    out.write(c);
494:                }
495:            }
497:            public void write(char b[]) throws IOException {
498:                write(b, 0, b.length);
499:            }
501:            public void write(char b[], int off, int len) throws IOException {
502:                //      System.out.println(new String(b, off, len));
503:                if ((off | len | (b.length - (len + off)) | (off + len)) < 0)
504:                    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
505:                for (int i = off; i < (len - off); i++)
506:                    this .write(b[i]);
507:            }
509:            public void flush() throws IOException {
510:                // we cannot flush the current string buffer to prevent that
511:                // the filter process is messed up
512:                // instead, we simply flush the underlying output stream
513:                if (out != null)
514:                    out.flush();
515:                // if you want to flush all, call close() at end of writing;
516:            }
518:            public void finalize() throws IOException {
519:                // if we are forced to close, we of course flush the buffer first,
520:                // then close the connection
521:                close();
522:            }
524:            public void close() throws IOException {
525:                char quotechar = (inSingleQuote) ? singlequote : doublequote;
526:                if (buffer != null) {
527:                    if (buffer.length() > 0) {
528:                        char[] filtered = filterSentence(buffer.getChars(),
529:                                quotechar);
530:                        if (out != null)
531:                            out.write(filtered);
532:                    }
533:                    buffer = null;
534:                }
535:                char[] finalized = filterFinalize(quotechar);
536:                if (out != null) {
537:                    if (finalized != null)
538:                        out.write(finalized);
539:                    out.flush();
540:                    out.close();
541:                }
542:                filterTag = null;
543:                filterOpts = null;
544:                filterCont = null;
545:                //      if (scraper != null) {scraper.close(); scraper = null;}
546:                //      if (transformer != null) {transformer.close(); transformer = null;}
547:            }
549:            private static boolean binaryHint(char c) {
550:                //        return Character.isDefined(c);
551:                if (c < 0)
552:                    return false;
553:                if (c > 31)
554:                    return false;
555:                if ((c == 8) || (c == 9) || (c == 10) || (c == 13))
556:                    return false;
557:                //      return false;
558:                //      System.out.println("BINARY HINT: " + (int) b);
559:                return true;
560:            }
562:            public boolean binarySuspect() {
563:                return !binaryUnsuspect;
564:            }
566:            public static void main(String[] args) {
567:                // takes one argument: a file name 
568:                if (args.length != 1)
569:                    return;
570:                char[] buffer = new char[512];
571:                try {
572:                    htmlFilterContentScraper scraper = new htmlFilterContentScraper(
573:                            new yacyURL("http://localhost:8080", null));
574:                    htmlFilterTransformer transformer = new htmlFilterContentTransformer();
575:                    // TODO: this does not work at the moment
576:                    System.exit(0);
577:                    Reader is = new FileReader(args[0]);
578:                    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(
579:                            args[0] + ".out"));
580:                    Writer os = new htmlFilterWriter(fos, "UTF-8", scraper,
581:                            transformer, false);
582:                    int i;
583:                    while ((i = > 0)
584:                        os.write(buffer, 0, i);
585:                    os.close();
586:                    fos.close();
587:                    is.close();
588:                    scraper.print();
589:                } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
590:                    e.printStackTrace();
591:                } catch (IOException e) {
592:                    e.printStackTrace();
593:                }
594:            }
596:        } | Contact Us
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