01: package org.acegisecurity;
03: import junit.framework.Test;
04: import junit.framework.TestCase;
05: import junit.framework.TestSuite;
07: /**
08: * Unit test for simple App.
09: */
10: public class AppTest extends TestCase {
11: /**
12: * Create the test case
13: *
14: * @param testName name of the test case
15: */
16: public AppTest(String testName) {
17: super (testName);
18: }
20: /**
21: * @return the suite of tests being tested
22: */
23: public static Test suite() {
24: return new TestSuite(AppTest.class);
25: }
27: /**
28: * Rigourous Test :-)
29: */
30: public void testApp() {
31: assertTrue(true);
32: }
33: }