| java.lang.Object org.acegisecurity.adapters.jetty.JettyAcegiUserRealm
JettyAcegiUserRealm | final public class JettyAcegiUserRealm implements UserRealm(Code) | | Adapter to enable Jetty to authenticate via the Acegi Security System for Spring. Returns a
JettyAcegiUserToken to Jetty's authentication system, which is subsequently available via
HttpServletRequest.getUserPrincipal() .
author: Ben Alex version: $Id: JettyAcegiUserRealm.java 1496 2006-05-23 13:38:33Z benalex $ |
JettyAcegiUserRealm | public JettyAcegiUserRealm(String realm, String providerKey, String appContextLocation)(Code) | | Construct a SpringUserRealm .
Parameters: realm - the name of the authentication realm (within Jetty) Parameters: providerKey - a password to sign all authentication objects Parameters: appContextLocation - the classpath location of the bean context XMLfile throws: IllegalArgumentException - DOCUMENT ME! |
JettyAcegiUserRealm | protected JettyAcegiUserRealm()(Code) | | |
authenticate | public UserPrincipal authenticate(String username, Object password, HttpRequest httpRequest)(Code) | | |
disassociate | public void disassociate(UserPrincipal userPrincipal)(Code) | | |
getName | public String getName()(Code) | | Accesses the realm name.
the name of the realm as defined when SpringUserRealm was created |
logout | public void logout(UserPrincipal arg0)(Code) | | |
popRole | public UserPrincipal popRole(UserPrincipal userPrincipal)(Code) | | |
pushRole | public UserPrincipal pushRole(UserPrincipal userPrincipal, String role)(Code) | | |