Method Summary |
public String | getAuthType() The default behavior of this method is to return getAuthType()
on the wrapped request object. |
public String | getContextPath() The default behavior of this method is to return getContextPath()
on the wrapped request object. |
public Cookie[] | getCookies() The default behavior of this method is to return getCookies()
on the wrapped request object. |
public long | getDateHeader(String name) The default behavior of this method is to return getDateHeader(String name)
on the wrapped request object. |
public String | getHeader(String name) The default behavior of this method is to return getHeader(String name)
on the wrapped request object. |
public Enumeration | getHeaderNames() The default behavior of this method is to return getHeaderNames()
on the wrapped request object. |
public Enumeration | getHeaders(String name) The default behavior of this method is to return getHeaders(String name)
on the wrapped request object. |
public int | getIntHeader(String name) The default behavior of this method is to return getIntHeader(String name)
on the wrapped request object. |
public String | getMethod() The default behavior of this method is to return getMethod()
on the wrapped request object. |
public String | getPathInfo() The default behavior of this method is to return getPathInfo()
on the wrapped request object. |
public String | getPathTranslated() The default behavior of this method is to return getPathTranslated()
on the wrapped request object. |
public String | getQueryString() The default behavior of this method is to return getQueryString()
on the wrapped request object. |
public String | getRemoteUser() The default behavior of this method is to return getRemoteUser()
on the wrapped request object. |
public String | getRequestURI() The default behavior of this method is to return getRequestURI()
on the wrapped request object. |
public StringBuffer | getRequestURL() The default behavior of this method is to return getRequestURL()
on the wrapped request object. |
public String | getRequestedSessionId() The default behavior of this method is to return getRequestedSessionId()
on the wrapped request object. |
public String | getServletPath() The default behavior of this method is to return getServletPath()
on the wrapped request object. |
public HttpSession | getSession(boolean create) The default behavior of this method is to return getSession(boolean create)
on the wrapped request object. |
public HttpSession | getSession() The default behavior of this method is to return getSession()
on the wrapped request object. |
public | getUserPrincipal() The default behavior of this method is to return getUserPrincipal()
on the wrapped request object. |
public boolean | isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie() The default behavior of this method is to return isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie()
on the wrapped request object. |
public boolean | isRequestedSessionIdFromURL() The default behavior of this method is to return isRequestedSessionIdFromURL()
on the wrapped request object. |
public boolean | isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl() The default behavior of this method is to return isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl()
on the wrapped request object. |
public boolean | isRequestedSessionIdValid() The default behavior of this method is to return isRequestedSessionIdValid()
on the wrapped request object. |
public boolean | isUserInRole(String role) The default behavior of this method is to return isUserInRole(String role)
on the wrapped request object. |