Method Summary |
public void | addCookie(Cookie cookie) Add a Cookie to the set of Cookies associated with this Request. |
public void | addHeader(String name, String value) Add a Header to the set of Headers associated with this Request. |
public void | addLocale(Locale locale) Add a Locale to the set of preferred Locales for this Request. |
public void | addParameter(String name, String values) Add a parameter name and corresponding set of values to this Request. |
public void | clearCookies() Clear the collection of Cookies associated with this Request. |
public void | clearEncoders() Clear cached encoders (to save memory for Comet requests). |
public void | clearHeaders() Clear the collection of Headers associated with this Request. |
public void | clearLocales() Clear the collection of Locales associated with this Request. |
public void | clearParameters() Clear the collection of parameters associated with this Request. |
protected void | configureSessionCookie(Cookie cookie) Configures the given JSESSIONID cookie. |
public ServletInputStream | createInputStream() Create and return a ServletInputStream to read the content
associated with this Request. |
protected Session | doGetSession(boolean create) |
public void | finishRequest() Perform whatever actions are required to flush and close the input
stream or reader, in a single operation. |
public Object | getAttribute(String name) Return the specified request attribute if it exists; otherwise, return
null . |
public Enumeration | getAttributeNames() Return the names of all request attributes for this Request, or an
empty Enumeration if there are none. |
public String | getAuthType() Return the authentication type used for this Request. |
public boolean | getAvailable() Return true if bytes are available. |
public String | getCharacterEncoding() Return the character encoding for this Request. |
public Connector | getConnector() Return the Connector through which this Request was received. |
public int | getContentLength() Return the content length for this Request. |
public String | getContentType() Return the content type for this Request. |
public Context | getContext() Return the Context within which this Request is being processed. |
public String | getContextPath() Return the portion of the request URI used to select the Context
of the Request. |
public MessageBytes | getContextPathMB() Get the context path. |
public Cookie[] | getCookies() Return the set of Cookies received with this Request. |
public org.apache.coyote.Request | getCoyoteRequest() Get the Coyote request. |
public long | getDateHeader(String name) Return the value of the specified date header, if any; otherwise
return -1. |
public String | getDecodedRequestURI() Get the decoded request URI. |
public MessageBytes | getDecodedRequestURIMB() Get the decoded request URI. |
public CometEventImpl | getEvent() Get the event associated with the request. |
public FilterChain | getFilterChain() Get filter chain associated with the request. |
public String | getHeader(String name) |
public Enumeration | getHeaderNames() Return the names of all headers received with this request. |
public Enumeration | getHeaders(String name) Return all of the values of the specified header, if any; otherwise,
return an empty enumeration. |
public Host | getHost() Return the Host within which this Request is being processed. |
public String | getInfo() Return descriptive information about this Request implementation and
the corresponding version number, in the format
<description>/<version> . |
public ServletInputStream | getInputStream() Return the servlet input stream for this Request. |
public int | getIntHeader(String name) Return the value of the specified header as an integer, or -1 if there
is no such header for this request. |
public String | getLocalAddr() Returns the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the interface on
which the request was received. |
public String | getLocalName() Returns the host name of the Internet Protocol (IP) interface on
which the request was received. |
public int | getLocalPort() Returns the Internet Protocol (IP) port number of the interface
on which the request was received. |
public Locale | getLocale() Return the preferred Locale that the client will accept content in,
based on the value for the first Accept-Language header
that was encountered. |
public Enumeration | getLocales() Return the set of preferred Locales that the client will accept
content in, based on the values for any Accept-Language
headers that were encountered. |
public MappingData | getMappingData() Return mapping data. |
public String | getMethod() Return the HTTP request method used in this Request. |
public Object | getNote(String name) Return the object bound with the specified name to the internal notes
for this request, or null if no such binding exists. |
public Iterator | getNoteNames() Return an Iterator containing the String names of all notes bindings
that exist for this request. |
public String | getParameter(String name) Return the value of the specified request parameter, if any; otherwise,
return null . |
public Map | getParameterMap() Returns a Map of the parameters of this request. |
public Enumeration | getParameterNames() Return the names of all defined request parameters for this request. |
public String[] | getParameterValues(String name) Return the defined values for the specified request parameter, if any;
otherwise, return null . |
public String | getPathInfo() Return the path information associated with this Request. |
public MessageBytes | getPathInfoMB() Get the path info. |
public String | getPathTranslated() Return the extra path information for this request, translated
to a real path. |
public Principal | getPrincipal() Return the principal that has been authenticated for this Request. |
public String | getProtocol() Return the protocol and version used to make this Request. |
public String | getQueryString() Return the query string associated with this request. |
public BufferedReader | getReader() Read the Reader wrapping the input stream for this Request. |
public String | getRealPath(String path) Return the real path of the specified virtual path. |
public String | getRemoteAddr() Return the remote IP address making this Request. |
public String | getRemoteHost() Return the remote host name making this Request. |
public int | getRemotePort() Returns the Internet Protocol (IP) source port of the client
or last proxy that sent the request. |
public String | getRemoteUser() Return the name of the remote user that has been authenticated
for this Request. |
public HttpServletRequest | getRequest() Return the ServletRequest for which this object
is the facade. |
public RequestDispatcher | getRequestDispatcher(String path) Return a RequestDispatcher that wraps the resource at the specified
path, which may be interpreted as relative to the current request path. |
public MessageBytes | getRequestPathMB() Get the request path. |
public String | getRequestURI() Return the request URI for this request. |
public StringBuffer | getRequestURL() Reconstructs the URL the client used to make the request. |
public String | getRequestedSessionId() Return the session identifier included in this request, if any. |
public org.apache.catalina.connector.Response | getResponse() Return the Response with which this Request is associated. |
public String | getScheme() Return the scheme used to make this Request. |
public String | getServerName() Return the server name responding to this Request. |
public int | getServerPort() Return the server port responding to this Request. |
public String | getServletPath() Return the portion of the request URI used to select the servlet
that will process this request. |
public MessageBytes | getServletPathMB() Get the servlet path. |
public HttpSession | getSession() Return the session associated with this Request, creating one
if necessary. |
public HttpSession | getSession(boolean create) Return the session associated with this Request, creating one
if necessary and requested. |
public Session | getSessionInternal() Return the session associated with this Request, creating one
if necessary. |
public Session | getSessionInternal(boolean create) Return the session associated with this Request, creating one
if necessary and requested. |
public InputStream | getStream() Return the input stream associated with this Request. |
protected B2CConverter | getURIConverter() Return the URI converter. |
public Principal | getUserPrincipal() Return the principal that has been authenticated for this Request. |
public Wrapper | getWrapper() Return the Wrapper within which this Request is being processed. |
final protected static boolean | isAlpha(String value) |
public boolean | isComet() Return true if the current request is handling Comet traffic. |
public boolean | isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie() Return true if the session identifier included in this
request came from a cookie. |
public boolean | isRequestedSessionIdFromURL() Return true if the session identifier included in this
request came from the request URI. |
public boolean | isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl() Return true if the session identifier included in this
request came from the request URI. |
public boolean | isRequestedSessionIdValid() Return true if the session identifier included in this
request identifies a valid session. |
static boolean | isSSLAttribute(String name) Test if a given name is one of the special Servlet-spec SSL attributes. |
public boolean | isSecure() |
public boolean | isUserInRole(String role) Return true if the authenticated user principal
possesses the specified role name. |
protected void | parseCookies() Parse cookies. |
protected void | parseLocales() Parse request locales. |
protected void | parseLocalesHeader(String value) Parse accept-language header value. |
protected void | parseParameters() Parse request parameters. |
public boolean | read() Clear cached encoders (to save memory for Comet requests). |
protected int | readPostBody(byte body, int len) Read post body in an array. |
public void | recycle() Release all object references, and initialize instance variables, in
preparation for reuse of this object. |
public void | removeAttribute(String name) Remove the specified request attribute if it exists. |
public void | removeNote(String name) Remove any object bound to the specified name in the internal notes
for this request. |
public void | setAttribute(String name, Object value) Set the specified request attribute to the specified value. |
public void | setAuthType(String type) Set the authentication type used for this request, if any; otherwise
set the type to null . |
public void | setCharacterEncoding(String enc) Overrides the name of the character encoding used in the body of
this request. |
public void | setComet(boolean comet) Set comet state. |
public void | setConnector(Connector connector) Set the Connector through which this Request was received. |
public void | setContentLength(int length) Set the content length associated with this Request. |
public void | setContentType(String type) Set the content type (and optionally the character encoding)
associated with this Request. |
public void | setContext(Context context) Set the Context within which this Request is being processed. |
public void | setContextPath(String path) Set the context path for this Request. |
public void | setCookies(Cookie[] cookies) Set the set of cookies recieved with this Request. |
public void | setCoyoteRequest(org.apache.coyote.Request coyoteRequest) Set the Coyote request. |
public void | setDecodedRequestURI(String uri) Set the decoded request URI. |
public void | setFilterChain(FilterChain filterChain) Set filter chain associated with the request. |
public void | setHost(Host host) Set the Host within which this Request is being processed. |
public void | setMethod(String method) Set the HTTP request method used for this Request. |
public void | setNote(String name, Object value) Bind an object to a specified name in the internal notes associated
with this request, replacing any existing binding for this name. |
public void | setPathInfo(String path) Set the path information for this Request. |
public void | setProtocol(String protocol) Set the protocol name and version associated with this Request. |
public void | setQueryString(String query) Set the query string for this Request. |
public void | setRemoteAddr(String remoteAddr) Set the IP address of the remote client associated with this Request. |
public void | setRemoteHost(String remoteHost) Set the fully qualified name of the remote client associated with this
Request. |
public void | setRequestURI(String uri) Set the unparsed request URI for this Request. |
public void | setRequestedSessionCookie(boolean flag) Set a flag indicating whether or not the requested session ID for this
request came in through a cookie. |
public void | setRequestedSessionId(String id) Set the requested session ID for this request. |
public void | setRequestedSessionURL(boolean flag) Set a flag indicating whether or not the requested session ID for this
request came in through a URL. |
public void | setResponse(org.apache.catalina.connector.Response response) Set the Response with which this Request is associated. |
public void | setScheme(String scheme) Set the name of the scheme associated with this request. |
public void | setSecure(boolean secure) Set the value to be returned by isSecure()
for this Request. |
public void | setServerName(String name) Set the name of the server (virtual host) to process this request. |
public void | setServerPort(int port) Set the port number of the server to process this request. |
public void | setServletPath(String path) Set the servlet path for this Request. |
public void | setStream(InputStream stream) Set the input stream associated with this Request. |
protected void | setURIConverter(B2CConverter URIConverter) Set the URI converter. |
public void | setUserPrincipal(Principal principal) Set the Principal who has been authenticated for this Request. |
public void | setWrapper(Wrapper wrapper) Set the Wrapper within which this Request is being processed. |