| org.apache.catalina.ssi.SSIExternalResolver
All known Subclasses: org.apache.catalina.ssi.SSIServletExternalResolver,
SSIExternalResolver | public interface SSIExternalResolver (Code) | | Interface used by SSIMediator to talk to the 'outside world' ( usually a
servlet )
author: Dan Sandberg version: $Revision: 531303 $, $Date: 2007-04-23 02:24:01 +0200 (lun., 23 avr. 2007) $ |
addVariableNames | public void addVariableNames(Collection variableNames)(Code) | | Adds any external variables to the variableNames collection.
Parameters: variableNames - the collection to add to |
getCurrentDate | public Date getCurrentDate()(Code) | | Returns the current date. This is useful for putting the SSI stuff in a
regression test. Since you can make the current date a constant, it
makes testing easier since the output won't change.
the data |
setVariableValue | public void setVariableValue(String name, String value)(Code) | | Set the named variable to the specified value. If value is null, then
the variable will be removed ( ie. a call to getVariableValue will
return null )
Parameters: name - of the variable Parameters: value - of the variable |