Startup event listener for a Context that configures the properties
of that Context, and the associated defined servlets.
author: Craig R. McClanahan author: Jean-Francois Arcand version: $Revision: 556489 $ $Date: 2007-07-16 04:01:01 +0200 (lun., 16 juil. 2007) $
Inner Class :protected class ContextErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler
createWebXmlDigester(boolean namespaceAware, boolean validation) Create (if necessary) and return a Digester configured to process the
web application deployment descriptor (web.xml).
protected void
defaultWebConfig() Process the default configuration file, if it exists.
protected synchronized void
destroy() Process a "destroy" event for this Context.
The set of Authenticators that we know how to configure. The key is
the name of the implemented authentication method, and the value is
the fully qualified Java class name of the corresponding Valve.
Validate the usage of security role names in the web application
deployment descriptor. If any problems are found, issue warning
messages (for backwards compatibility) and add the missing roles.
(To make these problems fatal instead, simply set the ok
instance variable to false as well).