Handle incoming TCP connections.
This class implement a simple server model: one listener thread accepts on a socket and
creates a new worker thread for each incoming connection.
More advanced Endpoints will reuse the threads, use queues, etc.
author: James Duncan Davidson author: Jason Hunter author: James Todd author: Costin Manolache author: Gal Shachor author: Yoav Shapira author: Remy Maucherat
Inner Class :public interface Handler
Inner Class :protected class Acceptor implements Runnable
Inner Class :protected class SocketProcessor implements Runnable
Inner Class :protected class Worker implements Runnable
The default is true - the created threads will be
in daemon mode. If set to false, the control thread
will not be daemon - and will keep the process alive.
Create (or allocate) and return an available processor for use in
processing a specific HTTP request, if possible. If the maximum
allowed processors have already been created and are in use, return
null instead.