An HttpRequest is the Catalina internal facade for an
HttpServletRequest that is to be processed, in order to
produce the corresponding HttpResponse.
author: Craig R. McClanahan version: $Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 2004/02/27 14:58:38 $
Method Summary
public void
addCookie(Cookie cookie) Add a Cookie to the set of Cookies associated with this Request.
public void
addHeader(String name, String value) Add a Header to the set of Headers associated with this Request.
public void
addLocale(Locale locale) Add a Locale to the set of preferred Locales for this Request.
public void
addParameter(String name, String values) Add a parameter name and corresponding set of values to this Request.
public void
clearCookies() Clear the collection of Cookies associated with this Request.
public void
clearHeaders() Clear the collection of Headers associated with this Request.
public void
clearLocales() Clear the collection of Locales associated with this Request.
public void
clearParameters() Clear the collection of parameters associated with this Request.
Add a Locale to the set of preferred Locales for this Request. The
first added Locale will be the first one returned by getLocales().
Parameters: locale - The new preferred Locale
Add a parameter name and corresponding set of values to this Request.
(This is used when restoring the original request on a form based
Parameters: name - Name of this request parameter Parameters: values - Corresponding values for this request parameter
Set the authentication type used for this request, if any; otherwise
set the type to null. Typical values are "BASIC",
"DIGEST", or "SSL".
Parameters: type - The authentication type used
Set the context path for this Request. This will normally be called
when the associated Context is mapping the Request to a particular
Parameters: path - The context path
public void setDecodedRequestURI(String uri)(Code)
Set the decoded request URI.
Parameters: uri - The decoded request URI
Set the path information for this Request. This will normally be called
when the associated Context is mapping the Request to a particular
Parameters: path - The path information
Set the query string for this Request. This will normally be called
by the HTTP Connector, when it parses the request headers.
Parameters: query - The query string
Set the unparsed request URI for this Request. This will normally be
called by the HTTP Connector, when it parses the request headers.
Parameters: uri - The request URI
public void setRequestedSessionCookie(boolean flag)(Code)
Set a flag indicating whether or not the requested session ID for this
request came in through a cookie. This is normally called by the
HTTP Connector, when it parses the request headers.
Parameters: flag - The new flag
public void setRequestedSessionId(String id)(Code)
Set the requested session ID for this request. This is normally called
by the HTTP Connector, when it parses the request headers.
Parameters: id - The new session id
public void setRequestedSessionURL(boolean flag)(Code)
Set a flag indicating whether or not the requested session ID for this
request came in through a URL. This is normally called by the
HTTP Connector, when it parses the request headers.
Parameters: flag - The new flag
Set the servlet path for this Request. This will normally be called
when the associated Context is mapping the Request to a particular
Parameters: path - The servlet path
Set the Principal who has been authenticated for this Request. This
value is also used to calculate the value to be returned by the
getRemoteUser() method.
Parameters: principal - The user Principal