| java.lang.Object org.apache.catalina.cluster.mcast.McastServiceImpl
McastServiceImpl | public class McastServiceImpl (Code) | | |
Inner Class :public class ReceiverThread extends Thread | |
Inner Class :public class SenderThread extends Thread | |
doRun | protected boolean doRun(Code) | | Internal flag used for the listen thread that listens to the multicasting socket.
mcastSoTimeout | protected int mcastSoTimeout(Code) | | |
mcastTTL | protected int mcastTTL(Code) | | |
member | protected McastMember member(Code) | | The local member that we intend to broad cast over and over again
membership | protected McastMembership membership(Code) | | The membership, used so that we calculate memberships when they arrive or don't arrive
port | protected int port(Code) | | The multicast port
receivePacket | protected DatagramPacket receivePacket(Code) | | Reuse the receivePacket, no need to create a new one everytime
receiver | protected ReceiverThread receiver(Code) | | Thread to listen for pings
sendFrequency | protected long sendFrequency(Code) | | How often to we send out a broadcast saying we are alive, must be smaller than timeToExpiration
sendPacket | protected DatagramPacket sendPacket(Code) | | Reuse the sendPacket, no need to create a new one everytime
sender | protected SenderThread sender(Code) | | Thread to send pings
serviceStartTime | protected long serviceStartTime(Code) | | When was the service started
timeToExpiration | protected long timeToExpiration(Code) | | The time it takes for a member to expire.
McastServiceImpl | public McastServiceImpl(McastMember member, long sendFrequency, long expireTime, int port, InetAddress bind, InetAddress mcastAddress, int ttl, int soTimeout, MembershipListener service) throws IOException(Code) | | Create a new mcast service impl
Parameters: member - - the local member Parameters: sendFrequency - - the time (ms) in between pings sent out Parameters: expireTime - - the time (ms) for a member to expire Parameters: port - - the mcast port Parameters: bind - - the bind address (not sure this is used yet) Parameters: mcastAddress - - the mcast address Parameters: service - - the callback service throws: IOException - |
getServiceStartTime | public long getServiceStartTime()(Code) | | |
start | public synchronized void start(int level) throws IOException(Code) | | Start the service
Parameters: level - 1 starts the receiver, level 2 starts the sender throws: IOException - if the service fails to start throws: IllegalStateException - if the service is already started |
stop | public synchronized void stop() throws IOException(Code) | | Stops the service
throws: IOException - if the service fails to disconnect from the sockets |