| java.lang.Object org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper
JspServletWrapper | public class JspServletWrapper (Code) | | The JSP engine (a.k.a Jasper).
The servlet container is responsible for providing a
URLClassLoader for the web application context Jasper
is being used in. Jasper will try get the Tomcat
ServletContext attribute for its ServletContext class
loader, if that fails, it uses the parent class loader.
In either case, it must be a URLClassLoader.
author: Anil K. Vijendran author: Harish Prabandham author: Remy Maucherat author: Kin-man Chung author: Glenn Nielsen |
decTripCount | public int decTripCount()(Code) | | |
destroy | public void destroy()(Code) | | |
getDependants | public java.util.List getDependants()(Code) | | Get a list of files that the current page has source dependency on.
incTripCount | public int incTripCount()(Code) | | |
isTagFile | public boolean isTagFile()(Code) | | |
loadTagFilePrototype | public Class loadTagFilePrototype() throws JasperException(Code) | | Compile and load a prototype for the Tag file. This is needed
when compiling tag files with circular dependencies. A prototpe
(skeleton) with no dependencies on other other tag files is
generated and compiled.
setCompilationException | public void setCompilationException(JasperException je)(Code) | | Sets the compilation exception for this JspServletWrapper.
Parameters: je - The compilation exception |
setReload | public void setReload(boolean reload)(Code) | | |
setServletClassLastModifiedTime | public void setServletClassLastModifiedTime(long lastModified)(Code) | | Sets the last-modified time of the servlet class file associated with
this JspServletWrapper.
Parameters: lastModified - Last-modified time of servlet class |