| javax.swing.JPanel allensoft.diff.DiffViewer
DiffViewer | public class DiffViewer extends JPanel (Code) | | Views differences side by side in a JSplitPane.
getDisplayFont | public Font getDisplayFont()(Code) | | Gets the font used to display the differences.
getStyle | public TextStyle getStyle(DiffType type)(Code) | | Gets the style used to display differences of the supplied type.
getTabSize | public int getTabSize()(Code) | | Gets the tab size.
setAvailableActions | public void setAvailableActions()(Code) | | |
setDisplayFont | public void setDisplayFont(Font font)(Code) | | Sets the font used to display the differences.
setDividerLocation | public void setDividerLocation(double proportionalLocation)(Code) | | DOCUMENT ME!
Parameters: proportionalLocation - DOCUMENT ME! |
setScrollPosition | void setScrollPosition(int lineNo)(Code) | | |
setStyle | public void setStyle(DiffType type, TextStyle style)(Code) | | Sets the style used to display differences for the supplied type.
setTabSize | public void setTabSize(int nTabSize)(Code) | | Sets the tab size.