Method Summary |
public void | accept(HunkVisitor visitor) |
public String | convert() Returns a string representation of the current hunk
with normal format . |
public String | convert_ED() Returns a string representation of the current hunk
with ED_script format . |
public String | convert_RCS() Returns a string representation of the current hunk
with RCS_script format . |
public String | getOldContents() Returns string to delete. |
public int | highLine(int filenum) Returns the number of high line of file passed in argument . |
public int | lowLine(int filenum) Returns the number of low line of file passed in argument . |
public int | numLines(int filenum) Returns the number of lines consedered in this hunk and which
came from file passed in argument . |
public String | relNum(int filenum, int linenum) Returns a string representing the line in file and position
passed in argument. |