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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Source Control » tmatesoft SVN » org.tigris.subversion.javahl.tests 
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001:        package org.tigris.subversion.javahl.tests;
003:        /**
004:         * @copyright
005:         * ====================================================================
006:         * Copyright (c) 2003-2004 CollabNet.  All rights reserved.
007:         *
008:         * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
009:         * you should have received as part of this distribution.  The terms
010:         * are also available at
011:         * If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
012:         * newer version instead, at your option.
013:         *
014:         * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
015:         * individuals.  For exact contribution history, see the revision
016:         * history and logs, available at
017:         * ====================================================================
018:         * @endcopyright
019:         */
021:        import org.tigris.subversion.javahl.Status;
022:        import org.tigris.subversion.javahl.NodeKind;
023:        import org.tigris.subversion.javahl.DirEntry;
025:        import*;
026:        import java.util.HashMap;
027:        import java.util.Iterator;
028:        import java.util.Map;
030:        import junit.framework.Assert;
032:        /**
033:         * This class describe the expected state of the working copy
034:         */
035:        public class WC {
036:            /**
037:             * the map of the items of the working copy. The relative path is the key
038:             * for the map
039:             */
040:            Map items = new HashMap();
042:            /**
043:             * Generate from the expected state of the working copy a new working copy
044:             * @param root      the working copy directory
045:             * @throws IOException
046:             */
047:            public void materialize(File root) throws IOException {
048:                // generate all directories first
049:                Iterator it = items.values().iterator();
050:                while (it.hasNext()) {
051:                    Item item = (Item);
052:                    if (item.myContent == null) // is a directory
053:                    {
054:                        File dir = new File(root, item.myPath);
055:                        if (!dir.exists())
056:                            dir.mkdirs();
057:                    }
058:                }
059:                // generate all files with the content in the second run
060:                it = items.values().iterator();
061:                while (it.hasNext()) {
062:                    Item item = (Item);
063:                    if (item.myContent != null) // is a file
064:                    {
065:                        File file = new File(root, item.myPath);
066:                        PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(
067:                                file));
068:                        pw.print(item.myContent);
069:                        pw.close();
070:                    }
071:                }
072:            }
074:            /**
075:             * Add a new item to the working copy
076:             * @param path      the path of the item
077:             * @param content   the content of the item. A null content signifies a
078:             *                  directory
079:             * @return          the new Item object
080:             */
081:            public Item addItem(String path, String content) {
082:                return new Item(path, content);
083:            }
085:            /**
086:             * Returns the item at a path
087:             * @param path  the path, where the item is searched
088:             * @return  the found item
089:             */
090:            public Item getItem(String path) {
091:                return (Item) items.get(path);
092:            }
094:            /**
095:             * Remove the item at a path
096:             * @param path  the path, where the item is removed
097:             */
098:            public void removeItem(String path) {
099:                items.remove(path);
100:            }
102:            /**
103:             * Set text (content) status of the item at a path
104:             * @param path      the path, where the status is set
105:             * @param status    the new text status
106:             */
107:            public void setItemTextStatus(String path, int status) {
108:                ((Item) items.get(path)).textStatus = status;
109:            }
111:            /**
112:             * Set property status of the item at a path
113:             * @param path      the path, where the status is set
114:             * @param status    the new property status
115:             */
116:            public void setItemPropStatus(String path, int status) {
117:                ((Item) items.get(path)).propStatus = status;
118:            }
120:            /**
121:             * Set the revision number of the item at a path
122:             * @param path      the path, where the revision number is set
123:             * @param revision  the new revision number
124:             */
125:            public void setItemWorkingCopyRevision(String path, long revision) {
126:                ((Item) items.get(path)).workingCopyRev = revision;
127:            }
129:            /**
130:             * Returns the file content of the item at a path
131:             * @param path  the path, where the content is retrieved
132:             * @return  the content of the file
133:             */
134:            public String getItemContent(String path) {
135:                return ((Item) items.get(path)).myContent;
136:            }
138:            /**
139:             * Set the file content of the item at a path
140:             * @param path      the path, where the content is set
141:             * @param content   the new content
142:             */
143:            public void setItemContent(String path, String content) {
144:                // since having no content signals a directory, changes of removing the
145:                // content or setting a former not set content is not allowed. That
146:                // would change the type of the item.
147:                Assert.assertNotNull("cannot unset content", content);
148:                Item i = (Item) items.get(path);
149:                Assert.assertNotNull("cannot set content on directory",
150:                        i.myContent);
151:                i.myContent = content;
152:            }
154:            /**
155:             * set the flag to check the content of item at a path during next check.
156:             * @param path      the path, where the flag is set
157:             * @param check     the flag
158:             */
159:            public void setItemCheckContent(String path, boolean check) {
160:                Item i = (Item) items.get(path);
161:                i.checkContent = check;
162:            }
164:            /**
165:             * Set the expected node kind at a path
166:             * @param path      the path, where the node kind is set
167:             * @param nodeKind  the expected node kind
168:             */
169:            public void setItemNodeKind(String path, int nodeKind) {
170:                Item i = (Item) items.get(path);
171:                i.nodeKind = nodeKind;
172:            }
174:            /**
175:             * Set the expected lock state at a path
176:             * @param path      the path, where the lock state is set
177:             * @param isLocked  the flag
178:             */
179:            public void setItemIsLocked(String path, boolean isLocked) {
180:                Item i = (Item) items.get(path);
181:                i.isLocked = isLocked;
182:            }
184:            /**
185:             * Set the expected switched flag at a path
186:             * @param path          the path, where the switch flag is set
187:             * @param isSwitched    the flag
188:             */
189:            public void setItemIsSwitched(String path, boolean isSwitched) {
190:                Item i = (Item) items.get(path);
191:                i.isSwitched = isSwitched;
192:            }
194:            /**
195:             * Copy an expected working copy state
196:             * @return the copy of the exiting object
197:             */
198:            public WC copy() {
199:                WC c = new WC();
200:                Iterator it = items.values().iterator();
201:                while (it.hasNext()) {
202:                    ((Item);
203:                }
204:                return c;
205:            }
207:            /**
208:             * Check the result of a single file SVNClient.list call
209:             * @param tested            the result array
210:             * @param singleFilePath    the path to be checked
211:             * @throws Exception
212:             */
213:            void check(DirEntry[] tested, String singleFilePath)
214:                    throws Exception {
215:                Assert.assertEquals("not a single dir entry", 1, tested.length);
216:                Item item = (Item) items.get(singleFilePath);
217:                Assert.assertNotNull("not found in working copy", item);
218:                Assert.assertNotNull("not a file", item.myContent);
219:                Assert.assertEquals("state says file, working copy not",
220:                        tested[0].getNodeKind(),
221:                        item.nodeKind == -1 ? NodeKind.file : item.nodeKind);
222:            }
224:            /**
225:             * Check the result of a directory SVNClient.list call
226:             * @param tested        the result array
227:             * @param basePath      the path of the directory
228:             * @param recursive     the recursive flag of the call
229:             * @throws Exception
230:             */
231:            void check(DirEntry[] tested, String basePath, boolean recursive)
232:                    throws Exception {
233:                // clear the touched flag of all items
234:                Iterator it = items.values().iterator();
235:                while (it.hasNext()) {
236:                    Item item = (Item);
237:                    item.touched = false;
238:                }
240:                // normalize directory path
241:                if (basePath != null && basePath.length() > 0) {
242:                    basePath = basePath + "/";
243:                } else {
244:                    basePath = "";
245:                }
246:                // check all returned DirEntry's
247:                for (int i = 0; i < tested.length; i++) {
248:                    String name = basePath + tested[i].getPath();
249:                    Item item = (Item) items.get(name);
250:                    Assert.assertNotNull("not found in working copy", item);
251:                    if (item.myContent != null) {
252:                        Assert.assertEquals(
253:                                "state says file, working copy not", tested[i]
254:                                        .getNodeKind(),
255:                                item.nodeKind == -1 ? NodeKind.file
256:                                        : item.nodeKind);
257:                    } else {
258:                        Assert.assertEquals("state says dir, working copy not",
259:                                tested[i].getNodeKind(),
260:                                item.nodeKind == -1 ? NodeKind.dir
261:                                        : item.nodeKind);
262:                    }
263:                    item.touched = true;
264:                }
266:                // all items should have been in items, should had their touched flag
267:                // set
268:                it = items.values().iterator();
269:                while (it.hasNext()) {
270:                    Item item = (Item);
271:                    if (!item.touched) {
272:                        if (item.myPath.startsWith(basePath)
273:                                && !item.myPath.equals(basePath)) {
274:                            Assert.assertFalse("not found in dir entries",
275:                                    recursive);
276:                            boolean found = false;
277:                            for (int i = 0; i < tested.length; i++) {
278:                                if (tested[i].getNodeKind() == NodeKind.dir) {
279:                                    if (item.myPath.startsWith(basePath
280:                                            + tested[i].getPath())) {
281:                                        found = true;
282:                                        break;
283:                                    }
284:                                }
285:                            }
286:                            Assert
287:                                    .assertTrue("not found in dir entries",
288:                                            found);
289:                        }
290:                    }
291:                }
292:            }
294:            /**
295:             * Check the result of a SVNClient.status versus the expected state
296:             * @param tested            the result to be tested
297:             * @param workingCopyPath   the path of the working copy
298:             * @throws Exception
299:             */
300:            void check(Status[] tested, String workingCopyPath)
301:                    throws Exception {
302:                // clear the touched flag of all items
303:                Iterator it = items.values().iterator();
304:                while (it.hasNext()) {
305:                    Item item = (Item);
306:                    item.touched = false;
307:                }
309:                String normalizeWCPath = workingCopyPath.replace(
310:                        File.separatorChar, '/');
312:                // check all result Staus object
313:                for (int i = 0; i < tested.length; i++) {
314:                    String path = tested[i].getPath();
315:                    Assert.assertTrue(
316:                            "status path starts not with working copy path",
317:                            path.startsWith(normalizeWCPath));
319:                    // we calculate the relative path to the working copy root
320:                    if (path.length() > workingCopyPath.length() + 1) {
321:                        Assert.assertEquals("missing '/' in status path", path
322:                                .charAt(workingCopyPath.length()), '/');
323:                        path = path.substring(workingCopyPath.length() + 1);
324:                    } else
325:                        // this is the working copy root itself
326:                        path = "";
328:                    Item item = (Item) items.get(path);
329:                    Assert.assertNotNull("status not found in working copy",
330:                            item);
331:                    Assert.assertEquals("wrong text status in working copy",
332:                            item.textStatus, tested[i].getTextStatus());
333:                    if (item.workingCopyRev != -1)
334:                        Assert.assertEquals(
335:                                "wrong revision number in working copy",
336:                                item.workingCopyRev, tested[i]
337:                                        .getRevisionNumber());
338:                    Assert.assertEquals("lock status wrong", item.isLocked,
339:                            tested[i].isLocked());
340:                    Assert.assertEquals("switch status wrong", item.isSwitched,
341:                            tested[i].isSwitched());
342:                    Assert.assertEquals("wrong prop status in working copy",
343:                            item.propStatus, tested[i].getPropStatus());
344:                    if (item.myContent != null) {
345:                        Assert.assertEquals(
346:                                "state says file, working copy not", tested[i]
347:                                        .getNodeKind(),
348:                                item.nodeKind == -1 ? NodeKind.file
349:                                        : item.nodeKind);
350:                        if (tested[i].getTextStatus() == Status.Kind.normal
351:                                || item.checkContent) {
352:                            File input = new File(workingCopyPath, item.myPath);
353:                            Reader rd = new InputStreamReader(
354:                                    new FileInputStream(input));
355:                            StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
356:                            int ch;
357:                            while ((ch = != -1) {
358:                                buffer.append((char) ch);
359:                            }
360:                            rd.close();
361:                            Assert.assertEquals("content mismatch", buffer
362:                                    .toString(), item.myContent);
363:                        }
364:                    } else {
365:                        Assert.assertEquals("state says dir, working copy not",
366:                                tested[i].getNodeKind(),
367:                                item.nodeKind == -1 ? NodeKind.dir
368:                                        : item.nodeKind);
369:                    }
370:                    item.touched = true;
371:                }
373:                // all items which have the touched flag not set, are missing in the
374:                // result array
375:                it = items.values().iterator();
376:                while (it.hasNext()) {
377:                    Item item = (Item);
378:                    Assert.assertTrue(
379:                            "item in working copy not found in status",
380:                            item.touched);
381:                }
382:            }
384:            /**
385:             * internal class to discribe a single working copy item
386:             */
387:            public class Item {
388:                /**
389:                 * the content of a file. A directory has a null content
390:                 */
391:                String myContent;
392:                /**
393:                 * the relative path of the item
394:                 */
395:                String myPath;
396:                /**
397:                 * the text (content) status of the item
398:                 */
399:                int textStatus = Status.Kind.normal;
400:                /**
401:                 * the property status of the item.
402:                 */
403:                int propStatus = Status.Kind.none;
404:                /**
405:                 * the expected revision number. -1 means do not check.
406:                 */
407:                long workingCopyRev = -1;
408:                /**
409:                 * flag if item has been touched. To detect missing items.
410:                 */
411:                boolean touched;
412:                /**
413:                 * flag if the content will be checked
414:                 */
415:                boolean checkContent;
416:                /**
417:                 * expected node kind. -1 means do not check.
418:                 */
419:                int nodeKind = -1;
420:                /**
421:                 * expected locked status
422:                 */
423:                boolean isLocked;
424:                /**
425:                 * expected switched status
426:                 */
427:                boolean isSwitched;
429:                /**
430:                 * create a new item
431:                 * @param path      the path of the item.
432:                 * @param content   the content of the item. A null signals a directory.
433:                 */
434:                private Item(String path, String content) {
435:                    myPath = path;
436:                    myContent = content;
437:                    items.put(path, this );
438:                }
440:                /**
441:                 * copy constructor
442:                 * @param source    the copy source.
443:                 * @param owner     the WC of the copy
444:                 */
445:                private Item(Item source, WC owner) {
446:                    myPath = source.myPath;
447:                    myContent = source.myContent;
448:                    textStatus = source.textStatus;
449:                    propStatus = source.propStatus;
450:                    owner.items.put(myPath, this );
451:                }
453:                /**
454:                 * copy this item
455:                 * @param owner the new WC
456:                 * @return  the copied item
457:                 */
458:                private Item copy(WC owner) {
459:                    return new Item(this, owner);
460:                }
461:            }
462:        } | Contact Us
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