| java.lang.Object org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNInfo
SVNInfo | public class SVNInfo (Code) | | The SVNInfo class is a wrapper for versioned item's (located either
in a Working Copy or a repository) information details. When running an
info operation invoking a doInfo() method of the SVNWCClient class
all collected item information data is packed inside an SVNInfo object
and depending on the exact doInfo() method being in use is either dispatched to
an implementation of ISVNInfoHandler or just returned by the method (per
single item info operation).
There are two approaches how to process SVNInfo objects:
1. Implementing an ISVNInfoHandler:
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.ISVNInfoHandler;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNInfo;
public class MyCustomInfoHandler implements ISVNInfoHandler {
public void handleInfo(SVNInfo info) {
...and providing an info handler implementation to an SVNWCClient's
doInfo() method:
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNWCClient;
SVNWCClient wcClient;
wcClient.doInfo(...., new MyCustomInfoHandler());
2. Or process an SVNInfo like this:
SVNInfo info = wcClient.doInfo(new File(myPath), SVNRevision.WORKING);
version: 1.1.1 author: TMate Software Ltd. See Also: ISVNInfoHandler See Also: SVNWCClient See Also: Examples |
Constructor Summary | |
protected | SVNInfo(File file, SVNURL url, SVNURL rootURL, long revision, SVNNodeKind kind, String uuid, long committedRevision, String committedDate, String author, String schedule, SVNURL copyFromURL, long copyFromRevision, String textTime, String propTime, String checksum, String conflictOld, String conflictNew, String conflictWorking, String propRejectFile, SVNLock lock) | protected | SVNInfo(String path, SVNURL url, SVNRevision revision, SVNNodeKind kind, String uuid, SVNURL reposRootURL, long comittedRevision, Date date, String author, SVNLock lock) |
SVNInfo | protected SVNInfo(File file, SVNURL url, SVNURL rootURL, long revision, SVNNodeKind kind, String uuid, long committedRevision, String committedDate, String author, String schedule, SVNURL copyFromURL, long copyFromRevision, String textTime, String propTime, String checksum, String conflictOld, String conflictNew, String conflictWorking, String propRejectFile, SVNLock lock)(Code) | | |
getConflictNewFile | public File getConflictNewFile()(Code) | | Gets the temporary file that contains all latest changes from the
repository which led to a conflict with local changes. This file is
at the HEAD revision.
Taken from the item's
org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNProperty.CONFLICT_NEW property.
an autogenerated temporary file just as it is in the latest revision in the repository |
getConflictOldFile | public File getConflictOldFile()(Code) | | Gets the temporary BASE revision file of that working file that is
currently in conflict with changes received from the repository. This
file does not contain the latest user's modifications, only 'pristine'
Taken from the item's
org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNProperty.CONFLICT_OLD property.
an autogenerated temporary file just as the conflicting file wasbefore any modifications to it |
getConflictWrkFile | public File getConflictWrkFile()(Code) | | Gets the temporary '.mine' file with all current local changes to the
original file. That is if the file item is in conflict with changes that
came during an update this temporary file is created to get the snapshot
of the user's file with only the user's local modifications and nothing
Taken from the item's
org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNProperty.CONFLICT_WRK property.
an autogenerated temporary file with only the user's modifications |
getFile | public File getFile()(Code) | | Gets the item's local path. Applicable for local info operation
invocations, however if an info operation is invoked for remote
items, use
SVNInfo.getPath() instead.
the item's local path |
getKind | public SVNNodeKind getKind()(Code) | | Gets the item's node kind. Used to find out whether the item is
a file, directory, etc.
the item's node kind |
getLock | public SVNLock getLock()(Code) | | Gets the file item's lock. Used to get lock information - lock
token, comment, etc.
the file item's lock. |
getPath | public String getPath()(Code) | | Gets the item's path (relative to the repository root). Applicable for
remote info operation invocations, however if an info operation is
invoked for Working Copy items, use
SVNInfo.getFile() instead.
the item's path in the repository |
getPropConflictFile | public File getPropConflictFile()(Code) | | Gets the '.prej' file containing details on properties conflicts.
If the item's properties are in conflict with those that came
during an update this file will contain a conflict description.
This is the value of the item's
org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNProperty.PROP_REJECT_FILE property.
the properties conflicts file |
getRepositoryRootURL | public SVNURL getRepositoryRootURL()(Code) | | Gets the repository root url (where the repository itself
is installed). Applicable only for remote info operation invocations
(for items in a repository).
the repository's root URL |
getRevision | public SVNRevision getRevision()(Code) | | Gets the item's revision.
the item's revision |
getSchedule | public String getSchedule()(Code) | | Gets the item's schedule status. Schedule status is inapplicable
when running a remote info operation (for items in a repository).
If it's a local info operation and the return value is
null then it corresponds to the
SVN's 'normal' schedule status.
the item's schedule status |
getURL | public SVNURL getURL()(Code) | | Gets the item's URL - its repository location.
the item's URL |
isRemote | public boolean isRemote()(Code) | | Finds out whether the item for which this SVNInfo is generated
is local (located in a user's Working Copy) or remote (located in a
repository). It depends on the type of an info operation to perform -
that is on an
SVNWCClient 's doInfo() method to use. Also
applicability of some methods of the SVNInfo class depends
on the item's location that can be determined calling this method.
true if the item is locatedin a repository, otherwise falseand the item is in a Working Copy |