| A Look and Feel that's based on Metal. It's slimmer and use other colors than the standard Metal Look and Feel.
Under Java 1.5 the currect Metal theme is stored when the InfoNode Look and Feel is applied, and restored when
another Look and Feel is set. Under Java 1.4 or earlier it is not possible to get the current theme and a
DefaultMetalTheme is set instead.
To set the look and feel use:
UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new InfoNodeLookAndFeel());
Or, if you want to use a different theme, use:
InfoNodeLookAndFeelTheme theme = new InfoNodeLookAndFeelTheme(...);
// Modify the theme colors, fonts etc.
UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new InfoNodeLookAndFeel(theme));
Do not modify the theme after it has been used in the look and feel!
author: $Author: jesper $ version: $Revision: 1.22 $ |