| javax.swing.JPanel org.openjx.display.JXMessageBox
JXMessageBox | public class JXMessageBox extends JPanel (Code) | | This class displays a simple message dialog to the user regarding anything
the OpenJX application needs to tell them. It is often used for error
author: Jared Spigner |
JXMessageBox | public JXMessageBox(int type, String title, String msg, Component parent)(Code) | | This is the constructor for the JXMessageBox class. It creates a new
instance of JXMessageBox.
Parameters: type - is the type of message to be sent (ERROR_MESSAGE,INFORMATION_MESSAGE,WARNING_MESSAGE,QUESTION_MESSAGE, or PLAIN_MESSAGE). Parameters: title - is the title of the box. Parameters: msg - is the message for the user. Parameters: parent - is the parent component or null if there isn't one. |