| java.lang.Object com.jeta.forms.gui.focus.FormFocusManager
FormFocusManager | public class FormFocusManager (Code) | | This class is responsible for handling the focus policy for a form. This
class is currently not being used since focus is not supported in the
author: Jeff Tassin |
buildDefaultFocusPolicy | public static LinkedHashSet buildDefaultFocusPolicy(FormComponent fc)(Code) | | Builds a list of components (Component) for a form that are ordered in
the default focus order.
buildFocusKeys | public void buildFocusKeys(HashSet currentFocusSet, HashMap focus_key_map, FormComponent form, CompositeFocusKey compositeKey)(Code) | | Builds the set of FocusKey objects for all focusable components on the
form. A FocusKey allows us to store a reference to a focusable component
and later find that component when a form has been de-serialized. We
don't use the component name to reference the component because we don't
want to keep track of when the user changes the name.
buildStoredFocusList | ArrayList buildStoredFocusList(FormComponent form)(Code) | | Builds an list of components that are ordered in the focus order
previously set by a user for a given form. The form may have changed
(components might have been deleted or moved), so we need to delete those
components from the focus order that don't match the current state of the
contains | public boolean contains(Component comp)(Code) | | true if the current focus list contains the given component |
getComponent | public Component getComponent(int index)(Code) | | the component at the index in the current focus list |
getComponentCount | public int getComponentCount()(Code) | | the number of components in the focus list |
getFocusPolicyMemento | public FocusPolicyMemento getFocusPolicyMemento()(Code) | | the focus policy memento that represents the current focusordering for this manager |