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All known Subclasses:   com.jeta.swingbuilder.gui.components.TSErrorDialog2,
public class JETADialog extends JDialog (Code)
This is a base class for all dialogs in the system. It provides a skeleton dialog box with a cancel and ok button. Callers can add their own containers to this dialog's content panel. This class also supports validators for the dialog. This allows the dialog to validate the input and if validation fails, maintain the dialog on the screen. See .
   Jeff Tassin

Inner Class :static class CommandListener implements ActionListener
Inner Class :static class ValidatorRule

Field Summary
final public static  StringID_BUTTON_PANEL
     The name of the button panel.
final public static  StringID_CANCEL
final public static  StringID_OK
     The names of the ok and cancel buttons.

Constructor Summary
public  JETADialog(Dialog owner, boolean bModal)
public  JETADialog(Frame owner, boolean bModal)

Method Summary
protected  void_initialize()
public  booleanactionPerformed(String commandId, ActionEvent evt)
     Forwarded from the view when an action occurs.
public  voidaddController(JETAController controller)
     Adds a controller to the list of controllers that can handle events for this dialog.
public  voidaddDialogListener(JETADialogListener listener)
public  voidaddValidator(JETARule validator)
     This adds a rule that will be used to validate the user input for this dialog.
public  voidaddValidator(Object parameter, JETARule validator)
     This adds a rule that will be used to validate the user input for this dialog.
public  voidcmdCancel()
public  voidcmdOk()
public  voiddispose()
public  JPanelgetButtonPanel()
public  JButtongetCloseButton()
public  JETAControllergetController()
public  ContainergetDialogContentPanel()
     the content container for this dialog.
public  JButtongetHelpButton()
public  JButtongetOkButton()
public  DimensiongetPreferredSize()
     Returns the preferred size for this dialog.
protected  DimensiongetPreferredSize(Dimension contentDims)
     Returns the preferred size for this dialog.
public  ComponentgetPrimaryPanel()
     the one and only panel for this dialog.
public  booleanisOk()
public  voidremoveAllControllers()
public  voidsetButtonPanelVisible(boolean bvis)
     Shows/Hides the button panel on this dialog.
public  voidsetCancelEnabled(boolean bCancel)
public  voidsetCloseText(String txt)
public  voidsetController(JETAController controller)
public  voidsetFont(Font f)
public  voidsetInitialFocusComponent(JComponent comp)
     Sets the component in this frame that will have initial focus.
protected  voidsetOk(boolean bok)
public  voidsetOkText(String txt)
public  voidsetPrimaryPanel(JComponent primaryPanel)
public  voidsetTitle(String title)
public  voidshowCenter()
public  voidshowOkButton(boolean bvis)
public  voidupdateComponents(java.util.EventObject evt)
     Updates the components in the dialog based on the model state.
protected  booleanvalidateListeners()
     Iterates through the list of listeners and allows them to process the inputs.
protected  booleanvalidateValidators()
     Iterates through the list of controller validators and allows them to validate the input for this dialog.

Field Detail
final public static String ID_BUTTON_PANEL(Code)
The name of the button panel.

final public static String ID_CANCEL(Code)

final public static String ID_OK(Code)
The names of the ok and cancel buttons.

Constructor Detail
public JETADialog(Dialog owner, boolean bModal)(Code)

public JETADialog(Frame owner, boolean bModal)(Code)

Method Detail
protected void _initialize()(Code)
Initializes the components on this dialog

public boolean actionPerformed(String commandId, ActionEvent evt)(Code)
Forwarded from the view when an action occurs.
  commandId - the name of the action associated with the event
  evt - the action event true if the controller handled the action

public void addController(JETAController controller)(Code)
Adds a controller to the list of controllers that can handle events for this dialog. When an menu or toolbar event occurs, the event is routed to each controller added to this frame. Once a controller is found that handles the event, the event routing is considered complete and no other controllers are evaluated.
  controller - the controller to add

public void addDialogListener(JETADialogListener listener)(Code)
Adds a listener to the list of listeners for this dialog

public void addValidator(JETARule validator)(Code)
This adds a rule that will be used to validate the user input for this dialog. The validate method is called on each of these rules when the user hits the ok button. If any rule fails validation, an error message appears and the dialog will not close.

public void addValidator(Object parameter, JETARule validator)(Code)
This adds a rule that will be used to validate the user input for this dialog. The validate method is called on each of these validators when the user hits the ok button. If any rule fails validation, an error message appears and the dialog will not close.
  parameter - a parameter to pass to the validator. If this object is anObject[] type, then it is passed directly to the validator.
  validator - the rule to add to this dialog.

public void cmdCancel()(Code)
Closes the dialog

public void cmdOk()(Code)
Close the dialog and set the ok flag

public void dispose()(Code)
Dispose the dialog

public JPanel getButtonPanel()(Code)
the panel at the bottom of this dialog that contains the ok andcancel buttons

public JButton getCloseButton()(Code)
the close button for this dialog

public JETAController getController()(Code)
the controller for this dialog

public Container getDialogContentPanel()(Code)
the content container for this dialog. Callers add their controlsto this container.

public JButton getHelpButton()(Code)
the Help button for this dialog Normally, this button is notvisible.

public JButton getOkButton()(Code)
the Ok button for this dialog

public Dimension getPreferredSize()(Code)
Returns the preferred size for this dialog. This includes the title bar height, border height,width, and ok/cancel button heights. This dialog also gets the preferred size of the content panel, so you need to correctly set the preferred size in any content panel you set for this dialog. the preferred size for this dialog so that the caller can sizethe window properly

protected Dimension getPreferredSize(Dimension contentDims)(Code)
Returns the preferred size for this dialog. The size is calculated assuming the that dimensions of the main content panel are passed in by the caller. The content panel dimensions are added to the title bar height, border height,width, and ok/cancel button heights. the preferred size for this dialog so that the caller can sizethe window properly

public Component getPrimaryPanel()(Code)
the one and only panel for this dialog. The panel must have beenset previously by calling setPrimaryPanel.

public boolean isOk()(Code)
true if the user clicked the Ok button to close the dialog.

public void removeAllControllers()(Code)
Removes all registered controllers added to this dialog

public void setButtonPanelVisible(boolean bvis)(Code)
Shows/Hides the button panel on this dialog.

public void setCancelEnabled(boolean bCancel)(Code)
Enables/Disables the cancel command

public void setCloseText(String txt)(Code)
Sets the text for the close button

public void setController(JETAController controller)(Code)
Sets the controller that will handle events for this dialog

public void setFont(Font f)(Code)
Sets the font for the ok and close buttons on this dialog
  f - the new font to set

public void setInitialFocusComponent(JComponent comp)(Code)
Sets the component in this frame that will have initial focus.
  comp - the component that gets initial focus when dialog is displayed

protected void setOk(boolean bok)(Code)
Sets the Ok flag

public void setOkText(String txt)(Code)
Sets the text for the ok button

public void setPrimaryPanel(JComponent primaryPanel)(Code)
Sets the one and only panel for this dialog

public void setTitle(String title)(Code)
Sets the title to the frame

public void showCenter()(Code)
Shows the dialog in the center of the screen

public void showOkButton(boolean bvis)(Code)
Shows/hides the ok button

public void updateComponents(java.util.EventObject evt)(Code)
Updates the components in the dialog based on the model state.

protected boolean validateListeners()(Code)
Iterates through the list of listeners and allows them to process the inputs. For example, the user may be inputing parameters for a databse. We would like to perform the database operation. If the operation fails, we would like the dialog to remain on the screen so the user can make any appropriate adjustments to the dialog data. This is the purpose of the JETADialogListeners.

protected boolean validateValidators()(Code)
Iterates through the list of controller validators and allows them to validate the input for this dialog. If any controller fails validation, then we show an error message and return false.

Fields inherited from javax.swing.JDialog
protected AccessibleContext accessibleContext(Code)(Java Doc)
protected JRootPane rootPane(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean rootPaneCheckingEnabled(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from javax.swing.JDialog
protected void addImpl(Component comp, Object constraints, int index)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected JRootPane createRootPane()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void dialogInit()(Code)(Java Doc)
public AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Container getContentPane()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getDefaultCloseOperation()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Component getGlassPane()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Graphics getGraphics()(Code)(Java Doc)
public JMenuBar getJMenuBar()(Code)(Java Doc)
public JLayeredPane getLayeredPane()(Code)(Java Doc)
public JRootPane getRootPane()(Code)(Java Doc)
public TransferHandler getTransferHandler()(Code)(Java Doc)
public static boolean isDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean isRootPaneCheckingEnabled()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected String paramString()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void processWindowEvent(WindowEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void remove(Component comp)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void repaint(long time, int x, int y, int width, int height)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setContentPane(Container contentPane)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setDefaultCloseOperation(int operation)(Code)(Java Doc)
public static void setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(boolean defaultLookAndFeelDecorated)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setGlassPane(Component glassPane)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setJMenuBar(JMenuBar menu)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setLayeredPane(JLayeredPane layeredPane)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setLayout(LayoutManager manager)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void setRootPane(JRootPane root)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void setRootPaneCheckingEnabled(boolean enabled)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setTransferHandler(TransferHandler newHandler)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void update(Graphics g)(Code)(Java Doc)

Fields inherited from java.awt.Dialog
final public static ModalityType DEFAULT_MODALITY_TYPE(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from java.awt.Dialog
public void addNotify()(Code)(Java Doc)
public AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext()(Code)(Java Doc)
public ModalityType getModalityType()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getTitle()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void hide()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isModal()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isResizable()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isUndecorated()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected String paramString()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setModal(boolean modal)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setModalityType(ModalityType type)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setResizable(boolean resizable)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setTitle(String title)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setUndecorated(boolean undecorated)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setVisible(boolean b)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void show()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void toBack()(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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