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Interface used to define a service for locating child components within a
container that have a given name. Specialized implementations of this
interface are responsible for managing the parent container assocation.
author: Jeff Tassin
unregisterComponent(Component c) Tells the implementation that any cached components should be flushed and
reloaded because the parent container might have changed.
Recursively searches all Components owned by this container. If the
Component has a name, we store it in the m_components hash table
Parameters: container - the container to search
public void enableComponent(String commandId, boolean bEnable)(Code)
Enables/Disables the menu/toolbar button associated with the commandid
Parameters: commandId - the id of the command whose button to enable/disable Parameters: bEnable - true/false to enable/disable
Recursively searches an associated parent container for all components
that are named. An empty collection is returned if no names components
a collection of all named Component objects.
Recursively searches an associated parent container for all components
with the given name. An empty collection is returned if no components are
found with the given name.
Tells the implementation that any cached components should be flushed and
reloaded because the parent container might have changed.
public void setVisible(String commandId, boolean bVisible)(Code)
Shows/Hides the menu/toolbar button associated with the commandid
Parameters: commandId - the id of the command whose button to enable/disable Parameters: bVisible - show/hide the component/disable