| javax.swing.JLabel com.jeta.swingbuilder.gui.components.SortedColumnHeaderRenderer
SortedColumnHeaderRenderer | class SortedColumnHeaderRenderer extends JLabel implements TableCellRenderer(Code) | | The main purpose of this class is to display an icon in the header cell that
shows how the column is currently sorted. There can be one of three modes for
this: ASCENDING - show up arrow DESCENDING - show down arrow NONE - no image
author: Jeff Tassin |
SortedColumnHeaderRenderer | public SortedColumnHeaderRenderer()(Code) | | |
getSortMode | public SortMode getSortMode()(Code) | | Gets the sort mode for this renderer. Each column has a separate
renderer. When the user sorts a given column, we put an icon in the
header that shows whether the column is ascending, descending, or natural
mode the sort mode to set. We get the sort mode from the SortModeclass: ASCENDING, DESCENDING, or NONE |
getTableCellRendererComponent | public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column)(Code) | | TableCellRenderer implementation
setSortMode | public void setSortMode(SortMode mode)(Code) | | Sets the sort mode for this renderer. Each column has a separate
renderer. When the user sorts a given column, we put an icon in the
header that shows whether the column is ascending, descending, or natural
Parameters: mode - the sort mode to set. We get the sort mode from the SortModeclass: ASCENDING, DESCENDING, or NONE |