| javax.swing.JFrame com.jeta.swingbuilder.gui.main.MainFrame
ID_FRAME_BOUNDS | final public static String ID_FRAME_BOUNDS(Code) | | |
MainFrame | public MainFrame()(Code) | | ctor
actionPerformed | public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)(Code) | | Called when the button bar is updated
addForm | public void addForm(FormEditor editor)(Code) | | Adds the given form to the tab window
enableComponent | public void enableComponent(String commandId, boolean bEnable)(Code) | | Enables/Disables the menu/toolbar button associated with the commandid
Parameters: commandId - the id of the command whose button to enable/disable Parameters: bEnable - true/false to enable/disable |
formNameChanged | void formNameChanged(FormComponent fc)(Code) | | Called when the form component's path has changed. We update the tab
label in this case.
getButtonBar | public TSButtonBar getButtonBar()(Code) | | the buttonbar that contains the property pane, FormSpec views,and CellConstaint view |
getComponentByName | public Component getComponentByName(String compName)(Code) | | JETAContainer implementation
the component that is NOT a JMenuItem that has the given name |
getComponentsByName | public Collection getComponentsByName(String compName)(Code) | | JETAContainer implementation
all components in this frame with the given name. |
getCurrentControlsView | Component getCurrentControlsView()(Code) | | the current view in the button bar |
getCurrentEditor | public FormEditor getCurrentEditor()(Code) | | the editor that is currently active in the frame. Null isreturned if no editors are opened. |
getDocker | FrameDocker getDocker()(Code) | | Returns the object responsible for handling dock behavior for the
properties window
getEditor | public FormEditor getEditor(FormComponent form)(Code) | | the editor whose main form is the given form. If the given formis not opened in its own editor, null is returned. |
getEditors | public Collection getEditors()(Code) | | a collection of currently opened FormEditors |
getUIDirector | public UIDirector getUIDirector()(Code) | | JETAContainer implementation
isSelectionTool | public boolean isSelectionTool()(Code) | | ComponentSource imlementation
reloadComponentsToolbar | public void reloadComponentsToolbar()(Code) | | Reloads the components toolbar because it may have changed
removeForm | public void removeForm(String formId)(Code) | | Removes the given form from the tabbed pane.
setFocusSelected | public void setFocusSelected(boolean focus_sel)(Code) | | true if the focus manager is currently active |
setSelectionTool | public void setSelectionTool()(Code) | | Sets the active component factory to the selection tool
showForm | public void showForm(FormComponent fc)(Code) | | Selects the form in the frame. If the form is not currently in the tab
window, a new tab is added.
shutDown | void shutDown()(Code) | | Shuts down this frame. Saves the frame state to the object store and
Closes all open windows.
unitTest | void unitTest()(Code) | | Runs unit test routines on this Frame.
updateModifiedStatus | public void updateModifiedStatus()(Code) | | EditorManager implementation. Called when a form or forms have changed.
This tells the EditorManager to update any modified indicators on the GUI
if a form is modified/unmodified.
updateUI | public void updateUI()(Code) | | Updates all child components when the look and feel has changed