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| com.jeta.open.gui.framework.JETAPanel com.jeta.swingbuilder.gui.project.ProjectSettingsView
ProjectSettingsView | public class ProjectSettingsView extends JETAPanel (Code) | | Displays the view for editing the current project settings
author: Jeff Tassin |
ProjectSettingsView | public ProjectSettingsView()(Code) | | ctor
addBeanPath | public void addBeanPath(File file, int mode)(Code) | | Adds a user to the list model
deleteSelectedBean | public void deleteSelectedBean()(Code) | | Deletes the bean from the view/model
deleteSelectedPath | public void deleteSelectedPath()(Code) | | Deletes the selected path from the view
deleteSelectedUrl | public void deleteSelectedUrl()(Code) | | Deletes the selected URL from the view/model
getBeanLoader | BeanLoader getBeanLoader()(Code) | | the bean loader which is responsible for creating beans using thegiven classpaths |
getModel | public ProjectModel getModel()(Code) | | a project model defined by the information in this view. |
getPaths | public Collection getPaths()(Code) | | a collection of source paths (String objects) in this view |
getProjectRootDir | public File getProjectRootDir()(Code) | | |