| java.lang.Object javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel com.jeta.swingbuilder.gui.undo.FormEditsModel
FormEditsModel | public class FormEditsModel extends AbstractTableModel (Code) | | This class is a table model for the UndoManagerView. It gets the list of
forms from the FormManager and stores them in this model. This is mainly used
to help debugging.
author: Jeff Tassin |
CAN_REDO_COLUMN | final static int CAN_REDO_COLUMN(Code) | | |
CAN_UNDO_COLUMN | final static int CAN_UNDO_COLUMN(Code) | | column definitions
EDIT_NAME_COLUMN | final static int EDIT_NAME_COLUMN(Code) | | |
getColumnClass | public Class getColumnClass(int column)(Code) | | the type of column at a given index |
getColumnCount | public int getColumnCount()(Code) | | the number of columns in this model |
getColumnName | public String getColumnName(int column)(Code) | | the name of a column at a given index |
getRowCount | public int getRowCount()(Code) | | the number of rows objects in this model |
getValueAt | public Object getValueAt(int row, int column)(Code) | | the column value at the given row |
removeAll | public void removeAll()(Code) | | Remove all data items from this model