001: /*
002: * Sun Public License Notice
003: *
004: * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
005: * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
006: * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
007: * http://www.sun.com/
008: *
009: * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
010: * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2000 Sun
011: * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
012: */
014: package org.netbeans.editor;
016: import java.awt.Rectangle;
017: import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
018: import java.text.MessageFormat;
019: import java.util.HashMap;
020: import java.util.Map;
022: import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
023: import javax.swing.text.Caret;
024: import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
026: /**
027: * Find management
028: *
029: * @author Miloslav Metelka
030: * @version 1.00
031: */
033: public class FindSupport {
035: private static final String FOUND_LOCALE = "find-found"; // NOI18N
036: private static final String NOT_FOUND_LOCALE = "find-not-found"; // NOI18N
037: private static final String WRAP_START_LOCALE = "find-wrap-start"; // NOI18N
038: private static final String WRAP_END_LOCALE = "find-wrap-end"; // NOI18N
039: private static final String ITEMS_REPLACED_LOCALE = "find-items-replaced"; // NOI18N
041: /** Shared instance of FindSupport class */
042: static FindSupport findSupport;
044: /** Find properties */
045: private Map findProps;
047: /** Support for firing change events */
048: WeakPropertyChangeSupport changeSupport = new WeakPropertyChangeSupport();
050: /**
051: * Current finder creator. It can be changed by setFinderCreator.
052: */
053: FinderCreator finderCreator;
055: /**
056: * Were the find properties already initialized from settings?
057: */
058: private boolean findPropsInited;
060: private FindSupport() {
061: // prevent instance creation
062: }
064: /** Get shared instance of find support */
065: public static FindSupport getFindSupport() {
066: if (findSupport == null) {
067: findSupport = new FindSupport();
068: }
069: return findSupport;
070: }
072: /** Get current finder creator */
073: public FinderCreator getFinderCreator() {
074: if (finderCreator == null) {
075: finderCreator = new DefaultFinderCreator();
076: }
077: return finderCreator;
078: }
080: /** Set customized finder creator */
081: public void setFinderCreator(FinderCreator finderCreator) {
082: this .finderCreator = finderCreator;
083: firePropertyChange(null, null, null);
084: }
086: public Map getDefaultFindProperties() {
087: HashMap props = new HashMap();
088: Class kitClass = BaseKit.class;
089: props.put(SettingsNames.FIND_WHAT, Settings.getValue(kitClass,
090: SettingsNames.FIND_WHAT));
091: props.put(SettingsNames.FIND_REPLACE_WITH, Settings.getValue(
092: kitClass, SettingsNames.FIND_REPLACE_WITH));
093: props.put(SettingsNames.FIND_HIGHLIGHT_SEARCH,
094: Settings.getValue(kitClass,
095: SettingsNames.FIND_HIGHLIGHT_SEARCH));
096: props.put(SettingsNames.FIND_INC_SEARCH, Settings.getValue(
097: kitClass, SettingsNames.FIND_INC_SEARCH));
098: props
099: .put(SettingsNames.FIND_BACKWARD_SEARCH, Settings
100: .getValue(kitClass,
101: SettingsNames.FIND_BACKWARD_SEARCH));
102: props.put(SettingsNames.FIND_WRAP_SEARCH, Settings.getValue(
103: kitClass, SettingsNames.FIND_WRAP_SEARCH));
104: props.put(SettingsNames.FIND_MATCH_CASE, Settings.getValue(
105: kitClass, SettingsNames.FIND_MATCH_CASE));
106: props.put(SettingsNames.FIND_WHOLE_WORDS, Settings.getValue(
107: kitClass, SettingsNames.FIND_WHOLE_WORDS));
108: props.put(SettingsNames.FIND_REG_EXP, Settings.getValue(
109: kitClass, SettingsNames.FIND_REG_EXP));
110: props.put(SettingsNames.FIND_HISTORY, Settings.getValue(
111: kitClass, SettingsNames.FIND_HISTORY));
113: return props;
114: }
116: public Map getFindProperties() {
117: if (findProps == null) {
118: findProps = getDefaultFindProperties();
119: }
120: return findProps;
121: }
123: /** Get find property with specified name */
124: public Object getFindProperty(String name) {
125: return getFindProperties().get(name);
126: }
128: private Map getValidFindProperties(Map props) {
129: return (props != null) ? props : getFindProperties();
130: }
132: /** Get finder depending on find properties */
133: public FinderFactory.StringFinder getStringFinder(BaseDocument doc,
134: Map props) {
135: FinderFactory.StringFinder stringFinder = (FinderFactory.StringFinder) doc
136: .getProperty(BaseDocument.STRING_FINDER_PROP);
138: if (stringFinder == null) {
139: stringFinder = getFinderCreator().createFinder(doc,
140: getValidFindProperties(props));
141: doc.putProperty(BaseDocument.STRING_FINDER_PROP,
142: stringFinder);
143: }
145: return stringFinder;
146: }
148: /** Get opposite direction finder depending on find properties */
149: public FinderFactory.StringFinder getStringBwdFinder(
150: BaseDocument doc, Map props) {
151: FinderFactory.StringFinder stringBwdFinder = (FinderFactory.StringFinder) doc
152: .getProperty(BaseDocument.STRING_BWD_FINDER_PROP);
154: if (stringBwdFinder == null) {
155: stringBwdFinder = getFinderCreator().createBwdFinder(doc,
156: getValidFindProperties(props));
157: doc.putProperty(BaseDocument.STRING_BWD_FINDER_PROP,
158: stringBwdFinder);
159: }
161: return stringBwdFinder;
162: }
164: /** Get position pairs finder depending on find properties */
165: public FinderFactory.BlocksFinder getBlocksFinder(BaseDocument doc,
166: Map props) {
167: FinderFactory.BlocksFinder blocksFinder = (FinderFactory.BlocksFinder) doc
168: .getProperty(BaseDocument.BLOCKS_FINDER_PROP);
170: if (blocksFinder == null) {
171: blocksFinder = getFinderCreator().createBlocksFinder(doc,
172: getValidFindProperties(props));
173: }
174: return blocksFinder;
175: }
177: int[] getBlocks(int[] blocks, BaseDocument doc, int startPos,
178: int endPos) throws BadLocationException {
179: FinderFactory.BlocksFinder ppf = getBlocksFinder(doc, null);
180: if (ppf == null) { // not yet assigned
181: return blocks;
182: }
183: synchronized (ppf) {
184: ppf.setBlocks(blocks);
185: doc.find(ppf, startPos, endPos);
186: return ppf.getBlocks();
187: }
188: }
190: /**
191: * Get find property without performing initialization of find properties.
192: * This is useful for example for base document when it wants to query
193: * whether it should do highlight search.
194: */
195: Object getPropertyNoInit(String name) {
196: if (findProps == null) {
197: return null;
198: } else {
199: return getFindProperty(name);
200: }
201: }
203: /**
204: * Set find property with specified name and fire change.
205: */
206: public void putFindProperty(String name, Object newValue) {
207: Object oldValue = getFindProperty(name);
208: if ((oldValue == null && newValue == null)
209: || (oldValue != null && oldValue.equals(newValue))) {
210: return;
211: }
212: if (newValue != null) {
213: getFindProperties().put(name, newValue);
214: } else {
215: getFindProperties().remove(name);
216: }
217: firePropertyChange(name, oldValue, newValue);
218: }
220: /**
221: * Add/replace properties from some other map to current find properties. If
222: * the added properties are different than the original ones, the property
223: * change is fired.
224: */
225: public void putFindProperties(Map propsToAdd) {
226: if (!getFindProperties().equals(propsToAdd)) {
227: getFindProperties().putAll(propsToAdd);
228: firePropertyChange(null, null, null);
229: }
230: }
232: public boolean incSearch(Map props) {
233: props = getValidFindProperties(props);
234: Boolean b = (Boolean) props.get(SettingsNames.FIND_INC_SEARCH);
235: if (b != null && b.booleanValue()) { // inc search enabled
236: JTextComponent c = Utilities.getLastActiveComponent();
237: if (c != null) {
238: Caret caret = c.getCaret();
239: BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument) c.getDocument();
240: int dot = caret.getDot();
241: Finder finder = getFinderCreator().createFinder(doc,
242: props);
243: int pos;
244: try {
245: b = (Boolean) props
246: .get(SettingsNames.FIND_BACKWARD_SEARCH);
247: boolean back = (b != null && b.booleanValue());
248: if (back) {
249: pos = doc.find(finder, dot, 0); // !!! handle wrap
250: // search
251: } else {
252: pos = doc.find(finder, dot, -1); // !!! handle wrap
253: // search
254: }
255: } catch (BadLocationException e) {
256: if (Boolean.getBoolean("netbeans.debug.exceptions")) { // NOI18N
257: e.printStackTrace();
258: }
259: return false;
260: }
262: // possibly create incSearch layer
263: BaseTextUI ui = (BaseTextUI) c.getUI();
264: EditorUI editorUI = ui.getEditorUI();
265: DrawLayerFactory.IncSearchLayer incLayer = (DrawLayerFactory.IncSearchLayer) editorUI
266: .findLayer(DrawLayerFactory.INC_SEARCH_LAYER_NAME);
267: if (incLayer == null) {
268: incLayer = new DrawLayerFactory.IncSearchLayer();
269: if (!editorUI
270: .addLayer(
271: incLayer,
273: return false; // couldn't add layer
274: }
275: } else {
276: if (incLayer.isEnabled()) {
277: incLayer.setEnabled(false);
278: try {
279: editorUI
280: .repaintOffset(incLayer.getOffset());
281: } catch (BadLocationException e) {
282: if (Boolean
283: .getBoolean("netbeans.debug.exceptions")) { // NOI18N
284: e.printStackTrace();
285: }
286: }
287: }
288: }
290: if (pos >= 0) {
291: String s = (String) props
292: .get(SettingsNames.FIND_WHAT);
293: int len = (s != null) ? s.length() : 0;
294: if (len > 0) {
295: incLayer.setEnabled(true);
296: incLayer.setArea(pos, len);
297: try {
298: Rectangle r0 = (Rectangle) ui.modelToView(
299: c, pos, null);
300: Rectangle r = (Rectangle) ui.modelToView(c,
301: pos + len, null);
302: r.add(r0);
303: editorUI.repaintOffset(pos);
304: editorUI.scrollRectToVisible(r,
306: } catch (BadLocationException e) {
307: if (Boolean
308: .getBoolean("netbeans.debug.exceptions")) { // NOI18N
309: e.printStackTrace();
310: return false;
311: }
312: }
313: return true;
314: }
315: } else { // string not found
316: // !!! ((BaseCaret)c.getCaret()).dispatchUpdate();
317: }
318: }
319: } else { // inc search not enabled
320: incSearchReset();
321: }
322: return false;
323: }
325: public void incSearchReset() {
326: JTextComponent c = Utilities.getLastActiveComponent();
327: EditorUI editorUI = ((BaseTextUI) c.getUI()).getEditorUI();
328: DrawLayerFactory.IncSearchLayer incLayer = (DrawLayerFactory.IncSearchLayer) editorUI
329: .findLayer(DrawLayerFactory.INC_SEARCH_LAYER_NAME);
330: if (incLayer != null) {
331: if (incLayer.isEnabled()) {
332: incLayer.setEnabled(false);
333: try {
334: editorUI.repaintOffset(incLayer.getOffset());
335: } catch (BadLocationException e) {
336: if (Boolean.getBoolean("netbeans.debug.exceptions")) { // NOI18N
337: e.printStackTrace();
338: }
339: }
340: }
341: }
342: }
344: private boolean isBackSearch(Map props, boolean oppositeDir) {
345: Boolean b = (Boolean) props
346: .get(SettingsNames.FIND_BACKWARD_SEARCH);
347: boolean back = (b != null && b.booleanValue());
348: if (oppositeDir) {
349: back = !back;
350: }
351: return back;
352: }
354: /**
355: * Find the text from the caret position.
356: *
357: * @param props
358: * search properties
359: * @param oppositeDir
360: * whether search in opposite direction
361: */
362: public boolean find(Map props, boolean oppositeDir) {
363: incSearchReset();
364: props = getValidFindProperties(props);
365: boolean back = isBackSearch(props, oppositeDir);
366: JTextComponent c = Utilities.getLastActiveComponent();
367: Object findWhat = props.get(SettingsNames.FIND_WHAT);
368: if (findWhat == null) { // nothing to search for
369: return true;
370: }
372: String exp = "'" + findWhat + "' "; // NOI18N
373: if (c != null) {
374: Utilities.clearStatusText(c);
375: Caret caret = c.getCaret();
376: int dotPos = caret.getDot();
377: try {
378: int[] blk = findInBlock(c, dotPos, 0, -1, props,
379: oppositeDir);
380: if (blk != null) {
381: if (caret instanceof BaseCaret) { // support extended
382: // scroll mode
383: BaseCaret bCaret = (BaseCaret) caret;
384: if (back) { // back direction
385: bCaret.setDot(blk[1], bCaret,
386: EditorUI.SCROLL_FIND);
387: bCaret.moveDot(blk[0], bCaret,
388: EditorUI.SCROLL_FIND);
390: } else { // forward direction
391: bCaret.setDot(blk[0], bCaret,
392: EditorUI.SCROLL_FIND);
393: bCaret.moveDot(blk[1], bCaret,
394: EditorUI.SCROLL_FIND);
395: }
397: } else { // regular caret
398: if (back) {
399: caret.setDot(blk[1]);
400: caret.moveDot(blk[0]);
401: } else { // forward direction
402: caret.setDot(blk[0]);
403: caret.moveDot(blk[1]);
404: }
405: }
407: JumpList.checkAddEntry();
408: String msg = exp
409: + LocaleSupport.getString(FOUND_LOCALE)
410: + ' '
411: + Utilities.debugPosition((BaseDocument) c
412: .getDocument(), blk[0]);
413: if (blk[2] == 1) { // wrap was done
414: msg += "; "; // NOI18N
415: msg += back ? LocaleSupport
416: .getString(WRAP_END_LOCALE)
417: : LocaleSupport
418: .getString(WRAP_START_LOCALE);
420: Utilities.setStatusBoldText(c, msg);
421: } else {
422: Utilities.setStatusText(c, msg);
423: }
424: return true;
425: } else { // not found
426: Utilities
427: .setStatusBoldText(
428: c,
429: exp
430: + LocaleSupport
431: .getString(NOT_FOUND_LOCALE));
432: // issue 14189 - selection was not removed
433: c.getCaret().setDot(c.getCaret().getDot());
434: }
435: } catch (BadLocationException e) {
436: if (Boolean.getBoolean("netbeans.debug.exceptions")) { // NOI18N
437: e.printStackTrace();
438: }
439: }
440: }
441: return false;
442: }
444: /**
445: * Find the searched expression
446: *
447: * @param startPos
448: * position from which to search. It must be inside the block.
449: * @param blockStartPos
450: * starting position of the block. It must be valid position
451: * greater or equal than zero. It must be lower than or equal to
452: * blockEndPos (except blockEndPos=-1).
453: * @param blockEndPos
454: * ending position of the block. It can be -1 for the end of
455: * document. It must be greater or equal than blockStartPos
456: * (except blockEndPos=-1).
457: * @param props
458: * search properties
459: * @param oppositeDir
460: * whether search in opposite direction
461: * @param displayWrap
462: * whether display messages about the wrapping
463: * @return either null when nothing was found or integer array with three
464: * members ret[0] - starting position of the found string ret[1] -
465: * ending position of the found string ret[2] - 1 or 0 when wrap was
466: * or wasn't performed in order to find the string
467: */
468: public int[] findInBlock(JTextComponent c, int startPos,
469: int blockStartPos, int blockEndPos, Map props,
470: boolean oppositeDir) throws BadLocationException {
471: if (c != null) {
472: props = getValidFindProperties(props);
473: BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument) c.getDocument();
474: FinderFactory.StringFinder sf = oppositeDir ? getStringBwdFinder(
475: doc, props)
476: : getStringFinder(doc, props);
477: int pos = -1;
478: boolean wrapDone = false;
480: boolean back = isBackSearch(props, oppositeDir);
481: Boolean b = (Boolean) props
482: .get(SettingsNames.FIND_WRAP_SEARCH);
483: boolean wrap = (b != null && b.booleanValue());
484: int docLen = doc.getLength();
485: if (blockEndPos == -1) {
486: blockEndPos = docLen;
487: }
489: while (true) {
490: pos = doc.find(sf, startPos, back ? blockStartPos
491: : blockEndPos);
492: if (pos != -1) {
493: break;
494: }
496: if (wrap) {
497: if (back) {
498: blockStartPos = startPos;
499: startPos = blockEndPos;
500: } else {
501: blockEndPos = startPos;
502: startPos = blockStartPos;
503: }
504: wrapDone = true;
505: wrap = false; // only one loop
506: } else { // no wrap set
507: break;
508: }
510: }
512: if (pos != -1) {
513: int[] ret = new int[3];
514: ret[0] = pos;
515: ret[1] = pos + sf.getFoundLength();
516: ret[2] = wrapDone ? 1 : 0;
517: return ret;
518: }
519: }
520: return null;
521: }
523: public boolean replace(Map props, boolean oppositeDir)
524: throws BadLocationException {
525: incSearchReset();
526: props = getValidFindProperties(props);
527: Boolean b = (Boolean) props
528: .get(SettingsNames.FIND_BACKWARD_SEARCH);
529: boolean back = (b != null && b.booleanValue());
530: if (oppositeDir) {
531: back = !back;
532: }
534: JTextComponent c = Utilities.getLastActiveComponent();
535: if (c != null) {
536: Caret caret = c.getCaret();
537: if (!caret.isSelectionVisible()) {
538: if (!find(props, oppositeDir)) { // nothing found
539: return false;
540: }
541: }
542: // now there's selected text to be replaced
543: BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument) c.getDocument();
544: int startPos = c.getSelectionStart();
545: int len = c.getSelectionEnd() - startPos;
546: doc.atomicLock();
547: try {
548: if (len > 0) {
549: doc.remove(startPos, len);
550: }
551: String s = (String) props
552: .get(SettingsNames.FIND_REPLACE_WITH);
553: if (s != null && s.length() > 0) {
554: doc.insertString(startPos, s, null);
555: }
556: } finally {
557: doc.atomicUnlock();
558: }
559: if (back) {
560: // Handle repetitive search ('a' replaced by 'aa') by moving the
561: // caret
562: if (caret instanceof BaseCaret) {
563: ((BaseCaret) caret).setDot(startPos,
564: (BaseCaret) caret, EditorUI.SCROLL_FIND);
566: } else { // regular caret
567: caret.setDot(startPos);
568: }
569: }
570: }
571: return true;
572: }
574: public void replaceAll(Map props) {
575: incSearchReset();
576: JTextComponent c = Utilities.getLastActiveComponent();
577: BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument) c.getDocument();
578: int maxCnt = doc.getLength();
579: int replacedCnt = 0;
580: int totalCnt = 0;
582: props = getValidFindProperties(props);
583: props = new HashMap(props);
584: props.put(SettingsNames.FIND_WRAP_SEARCH, Boolean.FALSE);
586: String replaceWith = (String) props
587: .get(SettingsNames.FIND_REPLACE_WITH);
589: if (c != null) {
590: doc.atomicLock();
591: try {
592: int pos = 0; // actual position
593: while (true) {
594: int[] blk = findInBlock(c, pos, 0, -1, props, false);
595: if (blk == null) {
596: break;
597: }
598: totalCnt++;
599: int len = blk[1] - blk[0];
600: boolean skip = false; // cannot remove (because of guarded
601: // block)?
602: try {
603: doc.remove(blk[0], len);
604: } catch (GuardedException e) {
605: // replace in guarded block
606: skip = true;
607: }
608: if (skip) {
609: pos = blk[0] + len;
611: } else { // can and will insert the new string
612: if (replaceWith != null
613: && replaceWith.length() > 0) {
614: doc.insertString(blk[0], replaceWith, null);
615: }
616: pos = blk[0]
617: + ((replaceWith != null) ? replaceWith
618: .length() : 0);
619: replacedCnt++;
620: }
621: }
622: } catch (BadLocationException e) {
623: e.printStackTrace();
624: } finally {
625: doc.atomicUnlock();
626: }
628: MessageFormat fmt = new MessageFormat(LocaleSupport
629: .getString(ITEMS_REPLACED_LOCALE));
630: String msg = fmt.format(new Object[] {
631: new Integer(replacedCnt), new Integer(totalCnt) });
632: Utilities.setStatusText(c, msg);
633: }
634: }
636: /** Get position of wrap mark for some document */
637: public int getWrapSearchMarkPos(BaseDocument doc) {
638: Mark mark = (Mark) doc
639: .getProperty(BaseDocument.WRAP_SEARCH_MARK_PROP);
640: try {
641: return (mark != null) ? mark.getOffset() : doc.getLength();
642: } catch (InvalidMarkException e) {
643: throw new RuntimeException(); // shouldn't happen
644: }
645: }
647: /** Set new position of wrap mark for some document */
648: public void setWrapSearchMarkPos(BaseDocument doc, int pos) {
649: // !!!
650: }
652: /**
653: * Add weak listener to listen to change of any property. The caller must
654: * hold the listener object in some instance variable to prevent it from
655: * being garbage collected.
656: */
657: public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l) {
658: changeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(l);
659: }
661: public synchronized void addPropertyChangeListener(
662: String findPropertyName, PropertyChangeListener l) {
663: changeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(findPropertyName, l);
664: }
666: /** Remove listener for changes in properties */
667: public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l) {
668: changeSupport.removePropertyChangeListener(l);
669: }
671: void firePropertyChange(String settingName, Object oldValue,
672: Object newValue) {
673: changeSupport.firePropertyChange(this , settingName, oldValue,
674: newValue);
675: }
677: public interface FinderCreator {
679: /** Create finder for regular finding */
680: public FinderFactory.StringFinder createFinder(
681: BaseDocument doc, Map searchProps);
683: /** Create finder for finding in opposite direction than regular finder */
684: public FinderFactory.StringFinder createBwdFinder(
685: BaseDocument doc, Map searchProps);
687: /** Create finder that returns position pairs useful for highlight search */
688: public FinderFactory.BlocksFinder createBlocksFinder(
689: BaseDocument doc, Map searchProps);
691: }
693: public static class DefaultFinderCreator implements FinderCreator {
695: protected Finder createFinder(BaseDocument doc,
696: Map searchProps, boolean oppositeDir,
697: boolean blocksFinder) {
699: String text = (String) searchProps
700: .get(SettingsNames.FIND_WHAT);
701: if (text == null || text.length() == 0) {
702: if (blocksFinder) {
703: return new FinderFactory.FalseBlocksFinder();
704: } else {
705: return new FinderFactory.FalseFinder();
706: }
707: }
709: Boolean b = (Boolean) searchProps
710: .get(SettingsNames.FIND_BACKWARD_SEARCH);
711: boolean bwdSearch = (b != null && b.booleanValue());
712: if (oppositeDir) { // negate for opposite direction search
713: bwdSearch = !bwdSearch;
714: }
716: b = (Boolean) searchProps
717: .get(SettingsNames.FIND_MATCH_CASE);
718: boolean matchCase = (b != null && b.booleanValue());
719: b = (Boolean) searchProps
720: .get(SettingsNames.FIND_SMART_CASE);
721: boolean smartCase = (b != null && b.booleanValue());
722: b = (Boolean) searchProps
723: .get(SettingsNames.FIND_WHOLE_WORDS);
724: boolean wholeWords = (b != null && b.booleanValue());
726: if (smartCase && !matchCase) {
727: int cnt = text.length();
728: for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
729: if (Character.isUpperCase(text.charAt(i))) {
730: matchCase = true;
731: }
732: }
733: }
735: // searchProps.get(SettingsNames.FIND_REG_EXP);
736: if (blocksFinder) {
737: if (wholeWords) {
738: return new FinderFactory.WholeWordsBlocksFinder(
739: doc, text, matchCase);
740: } else {
741: return new FinderFactory.StringBlocksFinder(text,
742: matchCase);
743: }
744: } else {
745: if (wholeWords) {
746: if (bwdSearch) {
747: return new FinderFactory.WholeWordsBwdFinder(
748: doc, text, matchCase);
749: } else {
750: return new FinderFactory.WholeWordsFwdFinder(
751: doc, text, matchCase);
752: }
753: } else {
754: if (bwdSearch) {
755: return new FinderFactory.StringBwdFinder(text,
756: matchCase);
757: } else {
758: return new FinderFactory.StringFwdFinder(text,
759: matchCase);
760: }
761: }
762: }
763: }
765: public FinderFactory.StringFinder createFinder(
766: BaseDocument doc, Map searchProps) {
767: return (FinderFactory.StringFinder) createFinder(doc,
768: searchProps, false, false);
769: }
771: public FinderFactory.StringFinder createBwdFinder(
772: BaseDocument doc, Map searchProps) {
773: return (FinderFactory.StringFinder) createFinder(doc,
774: searchProps, true, false);
775: }
777: /**
778: * Creates finder that makes position pairs of begining and end of the
779: * matched word.
780: */
781: public FinderFactory.BlocksFinder createBlocksFinder(
782: BaseDocument doc, Map searchProps) {
783: return (FinderFactory.BlocksFinder) createFinder(doc,
784: searchProps, false, true);
785: }
787: }
789: }