| java.lang.Object org.netbeans.editor.ext.java.JCTokenProcessor
JCTokenProcessor | class JCTokenProcessor implements TokenProcessor(Code) | | Token processor that parses the text and produces jc expressions.
author: Miloslav Metelka version: 1.00 |
JCTokenProcessor | JCTokenProcessor()(Code) | | |
eot | public int eot(int offset)(Code) | | |
getLastValidTokenID | final TokenID getLastValidTokenID()(Code) | | Get the last token that was processed that wasn't either Syntax.EOT or
getLastValidTokenText | final String getLastValidTokenText()(Code) | | |
getStack | final List getStack()(Code) | | Get the expression stack from the bottom to top
isStopped | final boolean isStopped()(Code) | | Was the scanning stopped by request by the token processor
nextBuffer | public void nextBuffer(char[] buffer, int offset, int len, int startPos, int preScan, boolean lastBuffer)(Code) | | |