| Represents an Info.plist Service specifying a service provided by the application.
Port Name - The name of the port the application monitors for incoming service requests.
Message - The name of the instance method to invoke for the service.
In Objective-C, the instance method must be of the form messageName:userData:error:.
In Java, the instance method must be of the form messageName(NSPasteBoard,String).
Menu Item - The text to add to the Services menu. The value must be unique.
You can use a slash character "/" to specify a submenu. For example, Mail/Send
would appear in the Services Menu as a menu named Mail with an item named Send.
Send Types - A list of the data type names that can be read by the service.
The NSPasteboard class description lists several common data types.
Return Types - A list of the data type names that can be returned by the service.
The NSPasteboard class description lists several common data types.
You must specify either Return Types, Send Types or both.
You must specify either Send Types, Return Types or both.
Key Equivalent - This attribute is optional. The keyboard equivalent used to invoke
the service menu command. The value has to be a single character. Users invoke this
keyboard equivalent by pressing the Command and Shift key modifiers along with the character.
User Data - This attribute is optional. The value is free choosable and is passed
to the method as second parameter.
Timeout - This attribute is optional. It indicates the number of milliseconds
Services should wait for a response from the application providing
a service when a respond is required.