| java.lang.Object org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.Anchor org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.FirstLine
FirstLine | class FirstLine extends Anchor (Code) | | This Anchor is the first visible line of the textarea.
author: Slava Pestov version: $Id: FirstLine.java 10451 2007-09-02 14:42:52Z kpouer $ |
Field Summary | |
int | skew The skew is the scroll count from the beginning of the line. |
skew | int skew(Code) | | The skew is the scroll count from the beginning of the line. Used with soft wrap.
changed | public void changed()(Code) | | |
ensurePhysicalLineIsVisible | void ensurePhysicalLineIsVisible()(Code) | | |
physDown | void physDown(int amount, int screenAmount)(Code) | | |
physUp | void physUp(int amount, int screenAmount)(Code) | | |
reset | public void reset()(Code) | | |
scrollDown | void scrollDown(int amount)(Code) | | |
scrollUp | void scrollUp(int amount)(Code) | | |