testSingleListDataListener() Checks and verifies that the SelectionInList registers
its ListDataListener with the underlying ListModel once only.
public void
testSingleListDataListenerNoOldList() Checks and verifies that the SelectionInList registers
its ListDataListener with the underlying ListModel once only.
public void testIgnoreContentsChangedOnMinusOne()(Code)
public void testIgnoreContentsChangedOnMinusOneEmptySelection()(Code)
public void testIndexChangeFiresChangesWithNonNullOldValue()(Code)
public void testInsertAfterSelectionKeepsSelectionIndex()(Code)
public void testInsertBeforeSelectionIncreasesSelectionIndex()(Code)
public void testInsertBeforeSelectionKeepsSelection()(Code)
public void testKeepsSelectionOnListChange()(Code)
Changes the listHolder's (list) value and checks how
the SelectionInList keeps or resets the selection.
The listHolder is a ValueHolder that
reports an old and a new value.
public void testKeepsSelectionOnListChangeNoOldList()(Code)
Changes the listHolder's (list) value and checks how
the SelectionInList keeps or resets the selection.
The listHolder is a ForgetfulValueHolder that
uses null as old value when reporting value changes.
public void testKeepsTableSelectionOnListChange()(Code)
Changes the listHolder's (list) value and checks how
the SelectionInList keeps or resets the selection.
The listHolder is a ValueHolder that
reports an old and a new value.
public void testKeepsTableSelectionOnListChangeNoOldList()(Code)
Changes the listHolder's (list) value and checks how
the SelectionInList keeps or resets the selection.
The listHolder is a ForgetfulValueHolder that
uses null as old value when reporting value changes.
Checks and verifies that the SelectionInList registers
its ListDataListener with the underlying ListModel once only.
In other words: the SelectionInList doesn't register
its ListDataListener multiple times.
Uses a list holder that checks the identity and
reports an old and new value.
public void testSingleListDataListenerNoOldList()(Code)
Checks and verifies that the SelectionInList registers
its ListDataListener with the underlying ListModel once only.
In other words: the SelectionInList doesn't register
its ListDataListener multiple times.
Uses a list holder uses null as old value when reporting value changes.