com.jgoodies.forms.tutorial.building |
Java Source File Name | Type | Comment | | Class | Demonstrates how to build button bars using a ButtonBarBuilder. | | Class | Demonstrates how to build button bars with a fixed button order
or with a button order that honors the platform's style. | | Class | Demonstrates how to build button stacks using the ButtonStackBuilder. | | Class | Demonstrates how to build panels that honor or ignore the current
component orientation: left-to-right vs. | | Class | Uses the FormLayout and the DefaultFormBuilder . | | Class | Compares approaches how to append a custom area at the end of
a panel built with the DefaultFormBuilder:
- using two custom rows to align the leading label,
- using a single custom row with label on top,
- using a separator.
These differ in the position of the leading 'Feedback" label,
and in turn in the alignment of font baselines between label
and the text area. | | Class | Shows three approaches how to add custom rows to a form that is built
using a DefaultFormBuilder.
- single custom row,
- standard + custom row,
- multiple standard rows.
These differ in the position of the 'Comment' label, the alignment
of font baselines and the height of the custom row. | | Class | Combines the FormLayout with the PanelBuilder. | | Class | Demonstrates how to find bugs in the layout using
FormDebugPanel and the
FormDebugUtils .
The example also demonstrates efficient panel building with
the DefaultFormBuilder. | | Class | Demonstrates how to efficiently build a panel with a leading
indent column using the DefaultFormBuilder.
The default FocusTraversalPolicy will lead to a poor focus traversal,
where non-editable fields are included in the focus cycle. | | Class | Demonstrates a typical use of the FormLayout.
Columns and rows are specified before the panel is filled with
components, and the panel is filled with a PanelBuilder.
Unlike the PlainExample, this implementation can delegate
the component creation for text labels and titled separators
to the builder.
This panel building style is recommended for panels with
a medium number of rows and components. | | Class | Demonstrates a pure use of the FormLayout.
Columns and rows are specified before the panel is filled with
components. | | Class | Demonstrates the FormLayout with a PanelBuilder. |