| java.lang.Object com.jidesoft.hints.AbstractIntelliHints com.jidesoft.hints.AbstractListIntelliHints
All known Subclasses: com.jidesoft.hints.FileIntelliHints, com.jidesoft.hints.ListDataIntelliHints,
AbstractListIntelliHints | abstract public class AbstractListIntelliHints extends AbstractIntelliHints (Code) | | AbstractListIntelliHints extends AbstractIntelliHints and further
implement most of the methods in interface
com.jidesoft.hints.IntelliHints . In this class, it assumes the
hints can be represented as a JList, so it used JList in the hints popup.
author: Santhosh Kumar T - santhosh@in.fiorano.com author: JIDE Software, Inc. |
AbstractListIntelliHints | public AbstractListIntelliHints(JTextComponent textComponent)(Code) | | Creates a Completion for JTextComponent
Parameters: textComponent - |
createList | protected JList createList()(Code) | | Creates the list to display the hints. By default, we create a JList using the code below.
return new JList() {
public int getVisibleRowCount() {
int size = getModel().getSize();
return size < super.getVisibleRowCount() ? size : super.getVisibleRowCount();
public Dimension getPreferredScrollableViewportSize() {
if (getModel().getSize() == 0) {
return new Dimension(0, 0);
else {
return super.getPreferredScrollableViewportSize();
the list. |
getDelegateKeyStrokes | public KeyStroke[] getDelegateKeyStrokes()(Code) | | Gets the delegate keystrokes. Since we know the hints popup is a JList, we return eight
keystrokes so that they can be delegate to the JList. Those keystrokes are
the keystokes that will be delegated to the JList when hints popup is visible. |
getList | protected JList getList()(Code) | | Gets the list.
the list. |
setListData | protected void setListData(Object[] objects)(Code) | | Sets the list data.
Parameters: objects - |
setListData | protected void setListData(Vector> objects)(Code) | | Sets the list data.
Parameters: objects - |
Fields inherited from com.jidesoft.hints.AbstractIntelliHints | final public static String CLIENT_PROPERTY_INTELLI_HINTS(Code)(Java Doc)