An implementation of a PropertySheet which shows a table to
edit/view values, a description pane which updates when the
selection changes and buttons to toggle between a flat view and a
by-category view of the properties. A button in the toolbar allows
to sort the properties and categories by name.
Sets the Comparator to be used with categories. Categories are
treated as String-objects.
Parameters: comp - java.util.Comparator used to compare categories
public void setDescriptionVisible(boolean visible)(Code)
Toggles the visibility of the description panel.
Parameters: visible -
public void setToggleStates(Map toggleStates)(Code)
Sets the toggle states for the category views. Note this MUST be
called BEFORE setting any properties.
Parameters: toggleStates - the toggle states as returned by getToggleStates
public void setToolBarVisible(boolean visible)(Code)
Toggles the visibility of the toolbar panel
Parameters: visible -